#tbt This is the graduating class of 1915, chemistry division, Tohoku Imperial University. There, at the end of the 2nd row, is the first woman to achieve a bachelor of science in Japan. Her name was 黒田チカ, Chika Kuroda (1884-1968) & she was the daughter of a samurai...1/5
...Kuroda was an organic chemist & studied natural pigments. As an undergraduate, she studied a purple one, Lithospermum erythrorhizon. When she presented her work on it to the Chemical Society of Japan, she was the first woman to ever do that, too ...2/5 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chika_Kur…
..Kuroda studied at Oxford Uni 1921-23, & later joined the RIKEN in Japan, where she determined the molecular structure of shikonin, that purple pigment & then of carthamin. It gives safflower its color: she earned her doctorate with that in 1929..3/5 riken.jp/en/about/histo…
...She studied several other pigments & was awarded the Majima Prize in 1936 by the Chemical Society of Japan. Here she is in 1948. Soon after, she began studying onion skin, extracting crystals that were used to create an antihypertensive drug...4/5
A government report on Covid vaccination is out from Uruguay gub.uy/ministerio-sal… HT @sgdambrauskas
First, some perspective on the wave Uruguay is struggling with: here's a chart Our World in Data, per million population...1/n
...45.8% of the population had at least one dose of Covid vax as of May 25, mostly Sinovac's CoronaVac & some BNT-Pfizer; 28% of the population has had 2 doses. (The population of Uruguay is about 3.5million)...2/n
...People vaxed with BNT-Pfizer seem to be older, higher risk. Efficacy data are raw, not taking differences into account:
- CoronaVac: 57% against confirmed Covid-19, 95% against needing intensive care
- BNT-Pfizer: 75% against confirmed Covid-19, 99% against intensive care..3/n
WIV04 = Wuhan: efficacy 14 days+ after dose 2, 72.8% (58-82)
HB02 = Beijing: 78.1% (65-86)
Control group was vax adjuvant ...1/n
...Wuhan vax 12,743; Beijing 12,726; control 12,737. Just under 16% were women, <2% were aged 60 & over
Primary efficacy outcome (in tweet 1) was symptomatic Covid-19: 26 in Wuhan group, 21 in Beijing, 95 in control.
Severe Covid-19: 0 in vaxed groups, 2 in control group ...2/n
...The trial protocol and statistical analysis plan are included as supplements
Protocol: cdn.jamanetwork.com/ama/content_pu…
SAP: https://t.co/O67m8Nf7Tn
Public Health England estimate of vax effectiveness against B.1.617.2 variant: they're not reporting vaxes separately yet. Combined data: 1 dose doesn't reach minimum effectiveness level; 2 doses it's reduced, but still high...1/2 HT @statsepi@kallmemegassets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/upl…
...They have moderate degree of certainty in conclusion from data on 1 dose, low for 2-dose. Based on the neutralization activity they see in lab tests, "expected to remain effective against severe disease". They don't say when data will be released. 2/2 assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/upl…
...PS: From Public Health England preprint on vax effectiveness against B.1.617.2 variant of concern, includes data on "UK" & the new variant. Based on results of 12,675: 11,621 with B.1.1.7 & 1,054 had B.1.617.2...3/n khub.net/documents/1359… HT @dylanhmorris
...Symptomatic Covid-19 for primary endpoint (from 7 days after 2nd dose in people with no previous infection): target number for final analysis was 100.
From 14,039 people:
- 10 cases in vax vs 96 placebo;
- 0 severe illness in vax vs 5 in placebo;
- 0 deaths
...The people in the trial were:
- 48% female
- 94.5% White
- 2.9% Asian
- 0.4% Black or African American
- 45% had a co-morbidity
Preprint of results for Sinovac CoronaVac phase 1/2 trial in 3-17 year-olds: 72 in phase 1, 480 in phase 2. They tested half & full doses, & immune responses were higher than they are in adults, with a very low rate of adverse reactions ...1/n papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cf…
...Firstly, it's clear why they have gone on to do another large study in under-18s (clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04…). The children were all Han ethnicity & they want to test in other parts of the country to get more diversity...2/n
...Although their results suggest for very small children, half-dose might have been enough, it didn't seem to reduce adverse reactions. That's presumably why the next trial is only full dose...3/4
Preliminary results of CombiVacS, the Spanish phase 2 trial of BNT-Pfizer vax at least 8 weeks after AZ announced: major boost in neutralizing antibodies - more than in other studies of 2 doses of AZ - without a higher rate of adverse reactions ...1/n english.elpais.com/society/2021-0…
They're reporting immediately after Data Monitoring Board so people can get their 2nd shots ASAP - control group will now be getting a BNT-Pfizer shot...2/n
... 441 people under the age of 60 got a shot of BNT-Pfizer vaccine; the control group of 232 people had no intervention (no vax or placebo). They reported neutralizing antibodies 14 days after the shot, adverse reactions in 1st 7 days. T-cell data not yet reported ...3/n