@FURLENCO Hye folsk; this is regarding account FUR6076064905. My bro works for a hospitality venture which got impacted due to covid lockdown. and not able to clear dues on time <1/n>
He is paying his dues on time so far and expected to get you more business once lockdown is removed. But it seems your team is harashing him past past 15 days with 2-3 different callsa from different number. <2/n>
as a outsider I'm observing this abuse from a while desided have a mature/adult conversation as call are coming even on sunday. When I was trying to understand the sitution your team guy called me idiot . he called me from 8095876903 <3/n>
sorry not me my bro. I am little surpised by uncouth behaviour of staff and now expect a written explaination from ferlenco. Since call not coming via ivrs I' asume no process to record conversation of your staff , practise which will hurt your reputation <4/n>
Kindly helpe me understand your stand on
a) hours of business conduct: Why your staff calling on sunday?
b) What's your policy od collecting unpaid dues?
c) How above policy adjusted to support/help customers impacted by covid lockdown.
d) Unprofessional staff <5/n>
Please note that no payment will be made unless we get written response to my queries. <6/n>