- Toxic: somethings that is extremely harsh or harmful.
- Toxic Relationship: a relationship where the parties don't support each other.
- Be peaceful with yourself, peace loving and peace seeking with other people.
- Be at peace with who you are even when some are not. Being at peace with yourself makes you peaceful with others.
- There are some warning signs to look out for in relationships.
Genesis 37:18-20 (Story of Joseph and his brothers)
1Samuel 26:21-25(Story of David and King Saul)
Any form of conspiracy in relationship destroys the relationship.
- A small thing can trigger insecurity in a relationship. 1Samuel 18:9
- No matter the blessings enjoyed in a relationship, once it becomes toxic, there's nothing one can do about it. 1Samuel 17:25; 2Samuel 2:8-2Samuel 3:28
- Toxic relationship can cause a man of war to be killed in time of peace.
- When relationship becomes toxic, collateral damage is much.
Daniel 6:2-4
What makes relationships to be toxic 1. Insecurity 2. Satiable desire for power and control 3. Envy
- Sometimes, people get uncomfortable with your dreams.
How to Suspect a toxic relationship. 1. More than too much emotional demand. 2. Being held accountable for their mistake. 3. Querying your freedom of association.
4. No matter your sacrifice and input to such relationship, there can't be satisfaction. 5. Slander is a common tool used. Romans 3:8; 2Samuel 16:2-19:30 6. They make others to spy on you and they can even back stab you.
- When they can't stop your success, they mock it. Nehemiah 4:3
How to handle unfriendly friends. 1. Let God Himself handle them. 1Samuel 24:12-18 2. Break free from it 3. Love, do not hate. 4. Let the Spirit of God lead you to take the appropriate action.
- Foundation is a part of the building that is not seen
- What helps us to stand firm after giving our life to Christ is the kind of foundation we have
- As a child of God. it is essential to have solid foundation.
Things to help our foundation. 2. Rightfully Planted. Psalm 92:13-14
- Your location (in the body of believers) affects your spiritual growth. Hebrews 10:25; Matthew 13:19-23
- Location matters in being rightfully planted. Ephesians 2:19-22
- Your location will determine your association, impact and influence you'll receive. 1Timothy 1:3-4; Titus 1:5; Acts 17:10 (NLT)
Ask: means saying something to o gain an answer or get information.
Who should we ask?
- Ask our Father in heaven. John 16:16-27
1. Ask for Salvation. 2. Ask for the Holy Spirit. 3. Ask for wisdom. 4. Ask for empowerment. 5. Ask for understanding (deep insight) 6. Ask for communion; the fellowship of His presence. 7. Ask for protection.
How do we ask? 1. Ask by Faith. James 1:6; Hebrews 11:6 2. Ask consistently. Matthew 7:7 (NLT) 3. Ask in unity or agreement. Matthew 18:19 4. Ask in humility. Matthew 6:5-8