“I don’t divide the world into the weak and the strong, the successes and the failures...I divide the world into the learners and the non learners.” ~ Benjamin Barber
As Army leaders, we are charged with subordinate development. Of all the challenges to this outcome, maybe the most significant is the idea that some Soldiers are incapable of being developed.
Maybe this idea is propagated because the Army has bars, flags, and separations, that some Soldiers are inherently unreachable. It is an easy pitfall to go from administering fair correction or punishment to believing that said Soldier will always deserve it.
But as leaders, our subordinates failures are our failures. (not that you can force them to learn) No, we must use influence in providing them purpose and motivation so that direction is headed and missions are accomplished.
Dr. Dweck makes the case for two mindsets: fixed and growth.
A fixed mindset is one that views a persons qualities as unchangeable, set in stone.
A growth mindset is one that see those qualities as able to be developed through ones efforts, and the coaching and mentoring of others.
“Character, heart, the mind of a champion...it’s what comes from the growth mindset with its focus on self-development, self-motivation, and responsibility.”
“Did I win? Did I loose? Those are the wrong questions. The correct question is: Did I make my best effort?” If so, “You may be out scores but you will never loose.” ~ Coach J. Wooden
Dr. Dweck lays out a thorough case for the importance of developing a growth mindset in ones-self and in others. She uses vignettes of both mindsets which I found helpful to identify patters of both in myself.
All Soldiers have a responsibility to develop themselves and others. Yes, some may choose not too, but leaders must never loose the belief that everyone CAN learn, improve, and succeed.
This is highlighted I. ADP 6-22 Ch 6 Develops bit.ly/3fHRvX5
I really enjoyed reading ‘Mindset.’ It is one of those books which I immediately found opportunities to use in my everyday both at work and at home, for myself and with others.
I had mixed thoughts on this one. I found the overall message on point, even when disagreeing on some observations. Overall, an engaging anthology on leadership.
I anticipated reading 'Leaders Eat Last' during this challenge. I enjoyed Sinek's TED talk and his book 'Start with Why' (September's book) was one of the first LPD books I picked up. ted.com/speakers/simon…
"...exceptional organizations all have cultures in which leaders provide cover from above and the people on the ground look out for each other." p9
In 1921, the armed forces would not be integrated for another 27 years. WAAC would not be actualized for 21, and American Women’s right to vote was recognized less that a year prior.
‘John Brown: A Biography of American abolitionist’ by W.E.B. Du Bois. A fascinating telling of the antebellum abolitionist whose belief -"Slavery is wrong"- thrust him and into a personal war to uproot an institution older than the nation he loved.
Du Bois, the author, and civil rights activist was born in 1868 and was raised during the postbellum period where he advocated vehemently against lynching, segregation, and discrimination.
1909, the year he first published his biography of John Brown was the NAACP was founded in NY in response to continued violence against Black Americans. bit.ly/2T8rloV
We are charged to care for our Soldiers. To do this we must know our them. My first questions to any Soldier is where are you from, why are you here, what is your story?
Never degrade a Soldier for who they are. Respect is foundational to the #ArmyEthic. Will you have disagreements? They are inevitable, but honesty without tact is cruel and callous. #DoBetter
History is often viewed as a series of conquests and successes resulting in a modern humans sitting at the paramount of civilization. Petroski turns this on it's head through an analysis of design and engineering failures that stimulated invention and innovation.
“Successful tests are unremarkable... Failures are remarkable. The failures always teach us more than the successes about the design of things.”
“Seeing men as the default human is fundamental to the structure of human society.”
‘What? No. Really?’ The first line, and already my bias was showing. A common occurrence through the meticulously presented data of how at every turn, half the world’s population is let down.
It is no wonder that “Women will buy books by and about men, but men won’t buy books by and about women (or at least not many.)” I noted that my reading list just form this year is skewed to male authors. (3 to 12)