#SeditionHunters have caught another #SeditionVIP in his lies! A big one - AZ State Rep. Mark Finchem claimed he was only “300 to 500 yards away from the Capitol. I was never really there.” Oh yes he was! Let’s review. (See thrd, h/t @cMominator for find & @MThymol for video) 1/
First, why is Finchem a big one? Here’s Ali Alexander on Jan 10: “Arizona started with one man -- State Rep. Mark Finchem… now we’re dealing with 40 or 50 [state reps]....I’m very optimistic that Stop the Steal has already taken over Arizona” (Posted by Church Militant.) 2/
On Jan. 2, Finchem tweeted his DC plans: “I will be in Washington DC on January 6 to #StopTheSteal and fight for President @ realDonaldTrump”.... “This is one of the most important days our republic has ever seen. We need all hands on deck.” 3/ azmirror.com/2021/02/10/the…
On Jan 6 Finchem was in the VIP section of the morning rally at the Ellipse, then rushed by golf cart to the Capitol, where he was due to speak, texting en route with fellow #SeditionVIPs Ali Alexander and Michael Coudrey (btw Ali funded his hotel). 4/ phoenixnewtimes.com/news/arizona-r…
Finchem is first seen on the Capitol E. Plaza at 2:13, walking south. What is chilling about 2:13? It’s the exact time when the Capitol is first breached, and when Ali Alexander sent a Tweet: “First official day of the rebellion.” 5/
Ali tweeted 2:13, then went up the Capitol steps with Alex Jones. Ca. 2:21 PM (L) Finchem posted a photo of the mob on the steps with Jones speaking. “What happens when the People feel they have been ignored, and Congress refuses to acknowledge rampant fraud. #stopthesteal,” 6/
At 2:25, at exactly the time when the East Main Doors are first breached, Finchem is seen backtracking N up the Plaza. Coincidence? Maybe - he could be fleeing the several vans full of DC police who arrived just beforehand. Either way, bad timing for an innocent tourist. 7/
Updates #IamMarkFinchem sponsored the ongoing AZ ‘fraudit’. He is running for Sec. of State to oversee AZ elections. He has refused to comply with a public records request.
#SeditionHunters - some bombshell #SeditionVIP's today, & not just politicians. Here is TN preacher #IamPastorGregLocke, VIP speaker on 1/5, insurrectionist on 1/6. Some pre 1/6 quotes: covid is a "fake pandemic", "God almighty is about to dethrone Nancy Pelosi" 1/
Pastor Greg seems to approve of the Capitol attack; he preached violence this Memorial Day weekend: "When they impede on our 1st Amendment Right, we'll meet 'em at the door with our 2nd Amendment Right!" "We're going to fight back - this is our 1776!" 2/
#IamPastorGregLocke's sermons seem awfully political for a church that claims Section 501(c)(3) tax exemption: "We're not going to fall to this Joe Biden".. "I have a president, his name is Donald J Trump!" Might be time to read up on IRS guidelines... 3/ irs.gov/newsroom/chari…
#SeditionHunters have wondered for months how the unruly crowd on Jan. 6 could produce synchronized action. Let’s ask an expert: Lt Col. Doug Mastriano (ret.), who taught Strategy at the U.S. Army War College & writes about “hybrid warfare” (link). 1/ fpri.org/article/2016/0…
Mastriano: Russia might use “not .. uniformed separatists.. but largely people in civilian attire, bemoaning fictional abuse... Hiding behind the veil of ambiguity, the unrest would appear local... If NATO [then] dithers”, Russian forces could move in “without firing a shot” 2/
Mastriano has gotten a lot of press recently for being an elected state rep. at the insurrection. But there are lots of those on Jan 6! So far AZ, GA, MO, PA, TX, WV... What sets him apart is this background. Here are some things that might scare you. 3/
#SeditionHunters - the Capitol attack has bursts of organized action, & then times when the plan goes wrong. Watch this synchronized reel of its first 23 minutes. In just 6 astonishing minutes, racing invaders take the Lower W. Plaza and Media Tower 1/
The rush up the Penn. Walkway began at 12:53. Ten minutes later the Proud Boys are confidently strolling the front lines (note #Rufio), tho some Capitol Police in riot gear have arrived 2/
At 1:05 PM, the Joint Session to certify the electoral votes begins. At just that moment, a man on the tower begins reading a prepared speech justifying insurrection. You can read the full transcript by @LayanDoesDance here: 3/ docs.google.com/document/d/1tM…
#Scallops may be Jack Wade Whitton, arrested in Georgia yesterday. Still no individual charging documents but Whitton has been added to the indictment including #Caveman (Peter Stager), #OrangeNTeal (Jeffrey Sabol), and #Slickback (Clayton Mullins). justice.gov/usao-dc/case-m…
#SeditionHunters - more arrests: now #WindowWatcher is finally picked up! Long known as Qanon fanatic Yvonne St. Cyr from Idaho. Thanks to @hockeynut0118 for flagging the arrest. More info to follow. 1/
St. Cyr (#WindowWatcher) was ID'd immediately by #SeditionHunters as she left her FB posts up: "Patriots are in our house!". Like many she mixes conspiracy theories on election / Qanon / covid; arrested in Boise in Dec. for disrupting a Health Board mtg.
She is buddy-buddy with a lot of major organizers. See great image from @zlueth1 below showing that she is one of the first to the tunnel, right on the heels of leader #GreenNewsboy 3/
#SeditionHunters & journalists - interesting to find a truck with a giant III% decal & government plates parked in front of the Capitol on 1/6 in an area reserved for Congressmen, other senior folks. Whose truck is this? Pls retweet. #Sedition3P
adding an image to thread from @UrFaveFltAttndt of III%er truck still parked at Capitol after curfew 2/
And the answer is ... Rep. Mary Miller, Illinois. Sworn in Jan 3, 2021. On Jan 5 widely condemned for saying "Hitler was right on one thing.." Jan 6 parks her truck at the Capitol.