Covering up the Big Lie with half truths of our own (“most secure election ever”) was a losing strategy all along. Anyone who studies the issue for a few hours will see that we didn’t get the reforms we needed to call the election truly secure. 1/…
Tolerating the lies from Jim Comey, the chairman of EAC, & the head of the DHS (who falsely claimed that vote tallies are safe from remote hacking bc voting machines supposedly don’t connect to the internet) was also a huge mistake. 2/
The further we stray from the truth ourselves, the more people will suspect US of being liars too. 3/
To be sure, the presidential race was scrutinized far more than other races. But that does NOT make this a secure election overall. It does not account for the internet connectivity that too many people have lied about. 4/
I get we’re in a tough spot. But we are now dooming any hope of election security by pretending our system is already secure. The more we pretend, the deeper the hole we dig for ourselves. 5/
And no one will know that the GOP is itself responsible for these security holes bc we decided to spin half truths and rainbows rather than tell the truth about how Republicans blocked meaningful election-security reform. 6/…
I wrote an election-security book and even had a publisher. They just told me today that they can’t get it out until after the midterms, which is too late. So I pulled out of the arrangement. It was going to be a graphic novel. This is why I said I had tears in my eyes. 1/
I’m crushed. Maybe I’ll self publish. Maybe I won’t bother. I’ve had it. The art would have been amazing. 😢2/
The image in post 1 is from the book that now may never be. 3/
Election-security goals in a nutshell. By @jennycohn1 I would add to this list that we need a law compelling the FBI and DHS to disclose election-system breaches (including where breaches occurred, type of systems, vendors, etc) to the public w/in 10 days unless... 1/
.... they persuade a court that such disclosure would impede an ongoing investigation & obtain a protective order on this basis. Any such protective order would have to be renewed every 3 months or it would automatically expire, requiring disclosure. 2/ #ElectionTransparency
Electoral opacity is a recipe for both election fraud AND false claims that election fraud has occurred. Darkness breeds suspicion and conspiratorial thinking. Duh. 3/
Dear Democratic and Republican voters: Let’s all call our elected representatives in the House & Senate to request that they pass a law requiring #RobustManualAudits conducted in public (or public #HandCounting) for all federal races starting 2022. TY. #ElectionTransparency 1/
Congress has power over federal elections. 2/
One thing we CAN agree upon is that we (Democrats and Republicans) don’t trust each other and should not have to at the ballot box. #ElectionTransparency 3/
.@SenateDems & @HouseDemocrats should also try a separate standalone bill that bans paperless (unauditable) voting machines and that gives all in person voters the option to mark their ballots by hand with a pen (rather than a touchscreen). #HandMarkedPaperBallots
I also strongly advise that @SenateDems & @HouseDemocrats try a standalone bill that bans internet connectivity to voting machines. Seriously. Some Rs may agree. If the GOP shoots such a bill down, their own voters may turn on them. Assuming Democrats message the bill clearly.
Um, Mike Pence has called you one of his heroes. Because of Trump’s words and actions, an angry MAGA mob breached the Capitol and hunted down Pence, chanting “Hang Mike Pence, hang Mike Pence!” How can u defend him?! 1/
2/ “Trump did more than just invite supporters to a rally. He also repeatedly shared a slickly produced video,” which declared “‘We know that our rights don’t come from the government, but from God..And we will fight to the death to protect those rights.’”…
Without accountability and major election-transparency reform, here’s what we should prepare for in 2022:
A. Rs win control of House & Senate, & Ds concede democracy w/o verifying that Rs didn’t cheat
B. Ds keep House &/or Senate, but Rs violently overthrow the US government.
I don’t like or generally “do” predictions. Notice I said we should “prepare for this,” not that it is certain. But we are in deep, deep trouble. The GOP has been overtaken by domestic terrorists & neither our laws nor the Democratic leadership seems able to protect us.