As if Oya and Shango had a black American baby - delivered on a stormy Saturday -- at Harlem hospital.
Imagine being born on the day, the day Hannibal defeats the Roman Empire.
Standing there effortlessly dismantling the claims of The Monster. As if the ancestors were talking to him...
Weaponized by momma Africa 🌍 with the right tools, used at the right time -- delivered with force.
— James Baldwin vs. William F. Buckley
-- The Entire Debate --
"What we are not facing is the result of what we've done. What one begs the American people to do, for all our fates, is simply to accept our history."
— James Baldwin, in debate with William F. Buckley" @Cambridge_Uni, 1965
Dismantling Colorblind Racism
“You want me to make an act of faith, risking myself, my wife, my woman, my sister, my children on some idealism which you assure me exists in America, which I have never seen.”
"I Am Not Your Negro"
: " 1948 I left this country for one reason only" ... The years I lived in Paris did one thing for me: they released me from that particular social terror, which was not the paranoia of my own mind, but a real social danger visible the face of every cop, every boss, everybody. ... "
“… If I'm not a nigger and you invented him -- you, the white people, invented him -- then you've got to find out why. And the future of the country depends on that, whether or not it's able to ask that question."
— James Baldwin
“But if I walk into your nightmare, and react to what you see, I become what you say I am.
And then you’ve won, or in any case I’ve lost.”
"I know what the world has done to my brother and how narrowly he has survived it. And I know, which is much worse, and this is the crime of which I accuse my country and my countrymen, and for which neither I nor time nor history will EVER forgive them,
... that they have destroyed and are destroying hundreds of thousands of lives and do not know it and do not want to know it.
"Errol returned to South Africa with a half-share in a Zambian emerald mine, which would help to fund his family's lavish lifestyle of yachts, skiing holidays, and expensive computers."
@CultExpert This relationship between former cult members and the Evangelicals who deprogram them + their ties to the Republican party is a fascinating recurring theme.
@CultExpert When one considers these conservative "purity test" it all make more sense. The pledging of loyalty to a set of bizarre, evolving, principles. And, if you don't adhere to them; well, you're thrown out of the group — you’re just a RINO.
The Black Conservative: A black conservative journalist responds to David Horowitz's article, "Ten Reasons Why #Reparations for #Slavery is a Bad Idea and Racist Too".
"Why y'all Blacks complaining 'bout slavery, now? The cotton has been picked and sold, we got iPhones now, and economies running on full speed; y'all should've asked for reparations - during slavey -- or at least during Jim Crow?"
A Black Libertarian view on reparations for centuries of slavery -- free labor
The Case Against Reparations
"America owes black people more than it has given—but reparations aren’t the answer."
“If race disappears as a category of official division, as it has in most of the world, this will facilitate the emergence of a plural racial order where the groups exist in practice but are not official recognized - and anyone ....
... and anyone trying to address racial division is likely to be chided for racializing the population.”
— Professor Eduardo Bonilla-Silva, Racism without Racists: #ColorBlindRacism
The ironic and inevitable consequence: Racial and Ethnic Violence. Those dissimilar identities that predate Nationalism will not bend a knee. They will refuse to be nationalized, de-negrofied, Putinized.
"Communism, socialism and Marxism are all ALIEN ideologies and can NEVER be defended by African tradition."
-- George Ayittey, Ghanaian economist
The Trotskys aggressively courted African leaders and stole resources to force and encourage their non- African, European, worldview on Africa — Marxism.