Great research into the ethical and safety standards of the company whose product has just been given emergency authorisation to be used on 12-15 yr olds.
This is on the basis of the testing of only around 2,000 children.
Let’s measure that against the risk of Covid to them:
In two respiratory virus seasons (considering that March-May 2020 can be treated as one) only 40 children have died in England within 28 days of a positive PCR test showing they have been infected with SARS-CoV-2, out of a population of around 11 million.
Only 8 of them did not have pre-existing conditions serious enough to be stated on their death certificates. This does not establish that the virus caused their deaths.
For comparison, around 1,000 1-20 year olds die every year.
That figure could justifiably be halved, when using other annual comparators, as it effectively accounts for two years. But let’s leave it as it is.
That amounts to a risk of death ‘with’ Covid for a child of around 1/250,000; or of under 1/1 million if they have no serious pre-existing conditions.
As I say, one might justifiably halve that given this is two seasons’ deaths: 1/500,000 or under 1/2 million per year.
Yes, not all of children will have been infected and this isn’t the risk *if* infected, but the risk of death from an infection cannot be measured by assuming all will be infected with it, when they won’t be.
In comparison, the risk of death for any child in any given year is around 1/10,000.
Yet we are expected to be satisfied by research that studied only 2,000 children?!?
Even if we assume that 10 times the number of children who died with SARS-CoV-2 suffer serious complications (likely a huge overestimate) that is a 1/25,000 chance - ie 2.5 times less likely than their risk of death (not serious complications) from *any* cause in *any* year.
To be satisfied that the risk of this medication outweighed the risk of Covid, then, you would need to study at least a million children. Probably far more. And such a test would be deeply unethical as well as unmanageable, as it would be akin to authorisation in itself.
And that doesn’t take account of the unknowns - most particularly, the long-term effects which cannot be known for years, by definition.
So the *only* ethical course is not to permit any children to take this medical treatment.
Even if there was any logical case for arguing that it might ‘protect others’ (there isn’t, see thread below) it is utterly unethical to allow *any* treatment for children unless it is in their best interests.
The logic of vaccination ‘for the sake of others’ fails on the logic of those propounding it.
These vaccines are only tested for their ability to reduce serious symptoms.
If transmission is possible by those who are pre- or a-symptomatic, vaccination will make no difference.
If that form of transmission is incredibly rare if it happens at all, the logic of lockdowns, masks and vaccination ‘to protect others’ falls away as transmission of the virus will be avoided by sick people avoiding close contact with others.
850 deaths out of 27,000 a day in India. And the pressure is for India to impose measures that will divert its limited resources from the expenditure on healthcare and sanitation that will actually preserve life, while depressing its economy and so starving its poor.
While western countries undertake a grotesque distortion of humanitarian aid and help not India’s minimal healthcare for diseases from which vast numbers of Indians actually die but on tests that won’t begin to help them with a disease from which they largely will not.
Not to mention pressing for social distancing measures that can never work in a country as poor and overcrowded as India, save to push millions below the breadline.
And, unlike in the west, that does actually mean starvation.
The gigantic march through the whole of central London yesterday took in
Hyde Park Corner, Marble Arch, Ox St, Holborn, City,down to Embankment, Parliament Sq & back to HPk. Still ppl in Ox St when it finished. Nine miles of people. Many hundreds of thousands.
It must have been over 500,000. That makes it the biggest since the Iraq War march 18 years ago; bigger than the Brexit demonstrations and the Countryside Alliance marches.
And yet all but ignored by the media save one police charge in Hyde Park once it had mainly ended.
Here is a time lapse video. While Adam later revised his estimate downwards, a critic in reply suggested it was ‘only’ 600,000-700,000. That seems right given the length of the march.
Some extracts from the Weimar judgment on masks, asymptomatic transmission and PCR testing (link below).
On the absence of evidence that mask mandates make any material difference to transmission...