gonna make a thread about something that may seem profoundly strange and potentially kind of deranged by outsiders who dont get it but i think thats kind of why we're all here, before i head into work today (good morning)
so my wife is pregnant, and has gotten into this interesting world online. its somewhat difficult to describe. to be honest, if you imagine the general masculine sphere here, but its feminine, and instead of weird diets and weightlifting its giving birth, thats what its like.
thats a solid parallel because it has all the same features of getting "redpilled" about certain topics and "the truth" about XYZ and it has to do with the natural nature of the gender but its all centered around pregnancy and being a woman instead of being a man, basically.
its pretty cool. i always wondered what a totally female version of the space would look like and thats it, for sure. mussolini (weird parallel) or a philosopher ghostwriting for him said "war is to man as childbirth is to woman", something about that really articulates the vibe.
theres also a whole subculture of women who, it seems like, give birth, have some deeper aspect of their femaleness activated, and then become doulas. thats a woman who helps with the whole pregnancy and birthing process but isnt a doctor. i didnt know any of this so, just saying
anyway, on to the actual point, a part of this realm is homebirth stuff, where women give birth at home, naturally, and a lot of it centers around it being pain free and a normal thing instead of this crazy medicalized thing where everyone is screaming like you see on television.
and a subsection of that is people taking videos of this process. so, naturally, i watched a bunch of these videos with her. to be totally frank with the guys here, it was probably some of the most aggressively brain rewiring stuff (in a good way) i have ever seen in my life.
it was just totally mind blowing. you see these women, and they just, have a baby. they just reach down, and take this baby out of them, like its the most natural normal thing in the world. i guess that sounds like something that should be obvious, but seeing it was insane.
now, onto the actual point. i watched a lot of these videos. i did not consciously make this association, and did not ask to have my brain aggressively impeded upon by modernity, so, im going to a wholesome place with this but, im gonna be kind of overly real here for the guys.
so im watching these videos, on my phone, and the videos are shot really amateurly, its kind of dark sometimes, and youre seeing these naked bodies, right, on your phone, in an oddly shot video, and my brain is like, ive seen something like this before, what have i seen like this
its pretty obvious, unfortunately. the format and certain surface level aspects of the content are obviously similar to internet pornography (sorry. stick with me here). so my brain is making this link. naked female bodies, phone video, the link is made subconsciously. [...]
i can literally feel my brain getting rewired, because making this link between two things that are so diametrically opposed in every other way, its like, the gap between them is this unfathomable distance, yet, the surface level link is there. i can feel my brain getting rewired
its difficult to describe how wholesome the videos are. for example, in one, theres a woman, and behind her is this little girl, obviously its her daughter, and the woman gives birth, and the little girl is like "oh my god, wow", shes the first person to ever see or hold the kid
and shes like, "oh my god is it a boy or a girl, its a girl, i have a baby sister" and shes crying, and everyone is crying, its hands down the most wholesome stuff ive ever seen in my life with literally no competition whatsoever. thats it, thats the peak of pure wholesomeness.
so i had this really frankly insane time watching this stuff, because i really in the strangest way felt like it healed my brain from years of watching internet porn, directly. i didnt watch an "insane" amount of porn by general social standards (which are bad) [...]
and i havent watched it since i got married. i probably watched the normal to maybe a higher than normal amount when i was younger. havent thought about it in a while. but it was like, watching these videos dug up and displaced and purified all of that stuff in my brain, in a way
i was like, totally shellshocked, thinking, "wow, ive watched all this sex stuff, and seen so much video of women's bodies in a certain context, but this is like... a huge aspect of what women's bodies are for... that ive literally never seen. what."
so, its kind of difficult to describe, i dont really have a particular point, but it was one of the most surreal things i have ever experienced because like i said the surface level markers were so similar. naked bodies. the way its shot. even watching it on my phone, in bed.
but what i was actually seeing could not have been more different. the spectrum doesn't go any further than that. and this mash up of that unfathomable level of similar but different did something to my brain. i feel like watching that stuff healed my brain from watching porn.
this was an intuitive realization. my wife showed me those videos, we watched like 10 of them and i was just laying there not saying anything and i just, said that, because thats what was happening. i dont fully understand it, it actually did something permanent to my brain.
thats basically it. like i said i dont really get it yet, i have some thoughts about it, about the images + how they connect with larger ideas + concepts but, i just thought i would mention it because it was really one of the most unexpectedly odd things that ever happened to me.
(related slightly in theme, some people have probably seen this already, but if ur interested heres a comic i made about sex and porn:)
ok. ur making tea in bags? no. using those strainer balls? no. listen. the tea leaves cant expand in there. no sensory experience. stop. ur getting a big ceramic tea pot. u put the leaves right in there. u can see them. notice them change. u hear them. its gonna change ur life.
im not kidding
ur gonna be standing in your kitchen. its 5:30 am. its dark. youre going to open up a little tin and drop 12 small leafy spheres into the teapot. they will make a soft clinking sound. when u pour the water in, the scent of jasmine will envelop u. u will see, that this is correct.
one of my favorite word maneuvers that people are programmed to deploy is this one: saying something should or shouldnt happen (whether u agree or not) is an opinion. obviously thats what it is. but people use this flip of asserting that something is not what it is, strategically
i think this is an intuitive response coupled with mimicking what they see other people doing. it serves a perfect function so, in a sense its like an evolutionary behavior that is advantageous and thus is spontaneously adopted, presumably often without realizing it.
it allows the person to stay put in terms of ideology or conversation while clearly contradicting themselves. if you notice it people use it all the time. i suppose the other obvious example would be free speech, “this isnt free speech, its XYZ”. strategic semantic faux ontology.
your brain isnt actually the “seat” of your consciousness / spirit. its your heart. what u think of ur brain doing, ur heart does. breaking news from basically every religion ever for thousands and thousands of years
not getting the same rush by playing devils advocate for philosophical and theological issues. need a new hit. asking the 16 year old female cashier how she really uh, knows my change is 26 cents. come on. whats the basis for you knowing that. just tell me. u can keep the quarter
whose authority allows you to ban me from kroger. whats the chain of command. do you guys have a canonized set of documents detailing who has this authority and on what basis. can i look through it and ask you about it. are there kroger ecumenical councils. ill never come back.
when kroger was established was there a founding charter or was it more like a revelation. is it a monarchy. when u say the manager has the authority to refuse service for any reason are you appealing to an oral tradition. just let me find one conflict in the documents. i need it