#PATheory2021@Global_Academic "global public administration" - instead, how about how can PA less "American", and less European? It is almost annoyingly American.
I am so thrilled and honored to be joined by some of the smartest brains in public administration theory. <3
#PATheory2021 I (@raulpacheco) argue that global public administration necessarily requires a dialogue across our cognate disciplines (public policy, political science, etc.)
#PATheory2021 Margaret Stout dropping truth bombs: "we should be approaching our writing with humility and openess and aim to be presenting globally relevant ideas of public administration"
#PATheory2021@rightbedone indicates the importance of weaving ideas with humility and curiosity and how the idea of going to Mexico City is to open new spaces for collaboration and conversation.
So grateful to Dr. @StaciwithaZ Staci Zavattaro for organizing this roundtable on global public administration and for her extraordinarily fantastic moderation.
Esta colaboración tri-institucional, tri-partita fue GENIAL.
El diseño del seminario doctoral incluyó:
- Herramientas teóricas y metodológicas para hacer análisis histórico (con especial énfasis en ciencia política, política pública y administración pública)
- Herramientas prácticas para hacer análisis histórico espacial (H-GIS).
- Estrategias prácticas para escribir propuestas de proyectos de investigación para financiamiento externo.
El éxito de un seminario doctoral radica en el compromiso no solamente de quien enseña el curso con nosotros, sino también de quienes lo toman, participan en él, etc.
I’m working through some ideas on planning and project management for academics.
As someone who suffered through chronic pain, chronic fatigue, psoriasis-eczema-dermatitis, I have become keenly aware of 3 things that we believe are in infinite supply: energy, time and health.
I’ve said a lot of “yes” to things that I believe I will be healthy for, I will have the time and energy to do them.
Well, guess what? When I travel, I get super tired now. I’ve had to travel three times over the past 3 weeks. The result: I’m exhausted and behind on everything
I said “NO” to bidding on a project where I’m basically the most qualified scholar to do the project.
I said “NO” to teaching a class I’ve perfected over the years, one where I already have the slides and reading packet prepared.
My query on causality and explanations has several strands to it.
1) if “explaining” means “making things clearer”, not all explanations are causal (others can be interpretive or definitional)
2) If “explaining” means “giving reasons for X to happen”, we are naturally making
... a causal argument.
“What explains the origins of conflict?” is a question that has causal language. However, conflict can be caused by multiple, concomitant factors. What explains that some factors are more relevant in certain cases and others are not could be causal or not
3) There are explanations that describe, interpret, define or qualify phenomena. These aren’t necessarily causal.
What I want to make clear, though, is that yes, I like causal explanations but I think “explaining something” is definitely MUCH broad-ranging than just causation.
I have a confession to make: I, the King of Early Morning Writing and Master of “Reading is Writing”, have not been able to wake up early to write this week. I’ve also been feeling guilty about reading and NOT writing (or grading, in my case). I confess this to say, I’m human too
This is normal for me. I travelled twice this week to Mexico City, and given that I had not travelled for 15 months, I was (am) out of practice. I have decided to practice with myself what I practice with my colleagues and my students: be empathetic and compassionate.
So yes, this morning I'm going to read, annotate, and take some time to write (despite the fact that I'm basically about 3 hours late on my daily morning writing, I start at 4:30am). I'm definitely going to catch up on grading and other work, but FIRST SOME TIME FOR MYSELF.
Una de las áreas en las que el Laboratorio de Métodos #LabdeM (que coordina @salazar_elena, y al que estoy afiliado yo) está poniendo muchísimo énfasis es en la formación de cuadros , en la provisión de herramientas metodológicas, y en discusiones profundas sobre los métodos.
El semestre Otoño 2020 impartí en el CIDE un seminario doctoral sobre Métodos Comparados. En ese seminario tuve que combinar tanto Diseño de Investigación como Métodos Cualitativos y Métodos Comparados (la verdad, el curso me quedó increíble).
Algo que me parece importante resaltar es que el diseño de investigación con perspectiva comparada requiere de una visión muy específica.
Qué obtienen ustedes de comparar casos en lugar de estudiar solamente uno? Cuál es el aprendizaje? Qué es lo que están tratando de explicar?
El tipo de trabajo comparativo que yo hago trata de explicar la variación entre diseños y respuestas de política pública. Pero hay una gran diversidad de diseños de investigación comparativos que podemos utilizar. Por ejemplo
Qué explica que una ciudad implemente una política?