👉PM Modi says no stone left unturned to bring medical Oxygen
👉QUESTION- Prime Minister, why did you not plan in advance? Also, as someone who reported from ground, I can confirm efforts mentioned by you had no impact on the ground
Imagining it was a press conference.
👉PM Modi says imagine what would have happened if we didn't have made in India vaccines?
👉QUESTION- Pro-people nations did bulk orders in advance of multiple vaccines. Why your government didn't do it? You knew our population size
Imagining it was a press conference.
👉PM Modi repeatedly says India made 2 vaccines in record time
👉QUESTION- It's good that our scientists managed to make covaxin. But how exactly is Covishield an Indian vaccine?
Imagining it was a press conference
👉PM Modi says those spreading vaccine hesitancy playing with lives of people
👉QUESTION- Agreed, Prime Minister. Top anti-vaxxer is businessman Ramdev. Your Health Minister was seen promoting his products. Why haven't you acted against them?
I surveyed 29 crematoriums & burial grounds over the last 3 days. I'm going to put the real number out. It is shocking. Intent is not to scare anyone. But India deserves to know this. 11 pm.
👉4th SOS call in 24 hrs from Delhi's Gangaram hospital
👉Alarms ringing in Ventilators & Bipap machines
👉Hospital says 100+ lives at risk
👉500 cubic meters of oxygen left which will last for 45 minutes to an hour
👉Hopsital forced to put patients on Manual ventilation
How are we accepting this so normally? Each day, each hour, each night. Just 1 more day of loose lockdown left in Delhi. Shudder to think about the next 2 weeks. Body, soul & mind of our critical human resources completely exhausted.
👉PM Modi says oxygen supply has gone up and attempts are being made to ramp up Oxygen Production
👉QUESTION- Why wasn't cool off period between November & January to ramp up oxygen supply? Why hasn't it been done already?
👉PM Modi says Big Covid hospitals are being made in response to 2nd wave?
👉QUESTION- Why is it being done as a reactive measure? Covid began peaking in February. Data was clear that India was staring at a wave. Why were warning signs ignored?
👉PM Modi says credit for India's fight against Covid in this wave GOES TO CITIZENS.
👉QUESTION- Whom should citizens blame for the failure? State after state is crumbling. It's not a one state story. When there's Pan-India failure, whom does the buck stop with?
But will share this night's experience in a proper report. Life-threatening chinks in the system of pvt hospitals & those belonging to delhi & central government.
People need to know why staying home is important. Coz ground 0 is hell !