👉PM Modi says oxygen supply has gone up and attempts are being made to ramp up Oxygen Production
👉QUESTION- Why wasn't cool off period between November & January to ramp up oxygen supply? Why hasn't it been done already?
👉PM Modi says Big Covid hospitals are being made in response to 2nd wave?
👉QUESTION- Why is it being done as a reactive measure? Covid began peaking in February. Data was clear that India was staring at a wave. Why were warning signs ignored?
👉PM Modi says credit for India's fight against Covid in this wave GOES TO CITIZENS.
👉QUESTION- Whom should citizens blame for the failure? State after state is crumbling. It's not a one state story. When there's Pan-India failure, whom does the buck stop with?
👉PM says people must follow covid appropriate behaviour. Only then we can avoid a LOCKDOWN
👉QUESTION- Agreed. But, would you agree you failed to lead by example? Should you also not have got Kumbh canceled? Should you not have pulled up your Assam minister who said dump masks?
Finally, thank you Prime Minister for keeping your address short & for not giving citizens a task.
Coz we already got one. Finding a bed, an oxygen cylinder, a ventilator, drugs, plasma & ambulances. & then writing RIP.
While our vaccines are injected in the arms of foreigners.
All questions up on my IG.
In a good democracy, a journalist should not have had to imagine a PM's press conference amidst a crisis. It would have happened by now. Specially, when citizens are ANGRY. Coz journalists are the voice of citizens.
But will share this night's experience in a proper report. Life-threatening chinks in the system of pvt hospitals & those belonging to delhi & central government.
People need to know why staying home is important. Coz ground 0 is hell !
These are on #GodiMedia. Take pledge that you'll call each Godi worker a murderer. Those who are still with Godi are compromising on ethics to get privileges.
👉TOOLKIT admin wrote names of JOURNALISTS. To tag, attack & for info
👉Makes them all liable for CRIMINAL stuff this group does? NO. But most of these 'Journalists' applied a different rule to target those named in Greta's tweet as info source
'Your dog tommy, our dog dog?'
👉Not shocking to see MOST of the names in this #TOOLKIT BUT why were names like @ravishndtv written?