Ok everyone gather around because it's story time with LeftwardSwing & I've got a good personal story for you involving Dem insiders, pedophilia, child porn, & Twitter!
Sounds dramatic, eh? Well it is. And much of it happened on this very website.
You ready? Let's go!
I've always wanted to write about this but didn't know how to address it. Years later, today, I said "F it!" & am just going to do it. Do diving in...
When I first joined Twitter I ran around in Dem party supporter circles. There weren't many fellow leftists on here then..
This was back when Dem supporters like Bernie. They cheered him on & everything. The year was 2013. There had been a split on Twitter between Dem party supporters & it was a BIG deal. There was a full on Twitter war between the 2 factions. It got bad. It got nasty. It got dirty.
These 2 factions tweeted under different hashtags; #UniteBlue & #ConnectTheLeft.
I ran around in UniteBlue circles who very much seemed to be the bigger of the 2 factions. There were a few head honchos running this operation which later became a literal organization.
One day the damn broke & all hell broke loose in the UniteBlue movement when it was posted on Twitter by both ConnectTheLeft & conservatives that one of big dogs had a very big & bad history. Like God awful past.
His name was Bill Talley. And he was very well known on Twitter with a gigantic following. Think of very high profile centrist accounts on Twitter today & you get the idea. He was a big Liberal leader on Twitter.
The guy was doxxed constantly.
And in that doxxing it came to light that Bill was awaiting trial for child pornography charges. Nobody knew anything about this & many brushed it off as some grift. And then it got really bad.
See UniteBlue was going for true legit status reaching out far beyond Twitter. They were becoming a sort of Liberal version of DSA if you will with regards to DSA's organizing & openly endorsing & backing candidates. They were gearing up to be a powerhouse.
And Bill wasn't just a member & supporter of UniteBlue but a member of it's advisory board too & who was awaiting sentencing on child pornography & drug charges. Nobody knew anything about this & Bill kept it a secret until it came out.
The details though were truly horrific as you can see in the screenshot below.
This pretty much put an end to UniteBlue being a powerhouse & people started leaving & distancing themselves as much as possible. UniteBlue began it's decent into the abyss of nothingness.
These days you might still see a #uniteblue hashtag here on Twitter but I'd imagine most people tweeting with that hashtag are new & have no idea the history surrounding it. I mean who wants to tweet a hashtag directly associated with a convicted pedophile?
I went digging & found Bill's alt account is still alive on Twitter though his main account is banned, likely from mass reporting in the 1000s. He hasn't tweeted since 2015. I wonder where he is these days? Probably serving his sentence in prison is my guess.
It's 2020. Racism is alive & well. Want a great example of it?👇
Why are there STILL in this day & age "Sundown Towns", all 137 of them across 21 states. Most are in Republican controlled states but California? WTF is going on? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:…#BlackLivesMatter
This history or "Sundown Towns" --
The term came from signs posted that "colored people" had to leave town by sundown. The practice was not restricted to the southern states..." en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sundown_t… #BlackLivesMatter
This summer, one such "Sundown Town" was protested by #BlackLivesMatter protestors; Anna, Illinois of all places.
The town "Anna" is abbreviation for "Ain't No N-word Allowed" according to local folklore. propublica.org/article/a-sund…
Ok let's talk about #coronavirus.
I feel I'm in a unique position here to do so. As many of you know I'm very ill with 2 ABX resistant infections of Staph & E. coli. Currently hospitalized due to it, my doctor team consists or Interventional Radiology & Infectious Diseases.
I've had a doctor team from both units for just over 4 years here at the hospital. 2 of my ID doctor's used to work for Doctor's Wothout Borders & helped with the Ebola outbreak a few years ago.
The hot topic with my doctor's is #coronavirus as you can imagine.
And a lot of that has been reflected in my much of my recent tweets about #coronavirus.
And the biggie? Opening schools back up. To quote my doctor's "there aren't enough body bags to cover the soon to be dead if that happens!"
Ok it's time I wrote an autopsy thread about Bernie & what I feel went wrong in his campaign. I know for some this may be some tough truths to hear but it needs to be said once & for all.
A LOT of us are very angry & downright pissed off. And you have every right to be. /1
Bernie should have never ever called Biden "my close friend". Nobody needed to hear that & it immediately marginalized him & his cause. I'm not "good friends" with people who have locked up millions & shit on the heads of the sick & poor. /2
This immediately made Bernie sound like he's part of the establishment, the very thing he has fought against for decades. This was an unnecessary self inflected wound that never should've happened. /3
@TOBYTEK@ninaturner Toby, I want you to think real hard on this & listen, ok? Closely.
It's not about "Socialism", it's about you, it's about me, it's about US. You DESERVE what other people in other countries have; healthcare, paid maternity leave, tuition free college, cheap broadband, /1
@TOBYTEK@ninaturner living wages, long term care rights for you & your loved ones, student loan debt & medical debt erased, on & on. It's not socialism, it's compassion. It is all about YOU & everyone else. Do you think it's fair YOUR TAX $ go towards subsidizing Exxon? Walmart? Amazon? /2
@TOBYTEK@ninaturner Because it is. When your tax dollars could be going towards things which truly help people, it goes to corporations who pay no taxes and whose wages are so low that their employees have to rely on Gov't assistance. People are literally dying working for Amazon. /3
Bernie is surging among college students, a subset of the largest voting bloc. He is at 40% which is nearly 2x the amount of 2nd place Warren at 21%.
/1 #Bernie2020
Also among college students, Bernie leads all 3 in percentages of those who identify as the following;
@PeteButtigieg@PeteForAmerica See Pete, you just DON'T get it.
"We're in the fight for lives because of Trump" is absolutely blind to the problems those of us who are poor & working class face. We've been in the fight for our lives for DECADES. And your ideology along with Republicans is why we have been /1
@PeteButtigieg@PeteForAmerica Not that you'll ever read this but someone will. Your policies don't go anywhere far enough to tackle the problems myself & millions of others face. We tried your way, it's not worked. And now you want public option healthcare? That leaves the insurance ibdustry intact. /2
@PeteButtigieg@PeteForAmerica Here's the reality Pete. As long as healthcare companies remain, people WILL die. Their sole purpose is to profit off the suffering of others. When people die, they get to "cash out". It's a profit driven industry. Why do you think so many are denied surgery they need? /3