As we come up to UN #victimsoftorture day (26 June) let's recall the #srilanka security forces' 'White Vans' (synonymous with abduction & #torture - & sometimes disappearance) date back to the JVP era. They don't really stop & start, depending on the government in power - alas.
In 1989 an .@amnesty report said "in a typical case, plainclothes armed men arrived at the victims' home at night, travelling in Pajero keeps or Hiace vans...usually they gave no explanation for taking away the victim..."
@amnesty President Gotabaya Rajapaksa said in 2019: "May be our intelligence agencies used Hi Ace vans which are white. I did not introduce it. It happened under all the previous Governments".
In 2016 Gotabaya Rajapaksa also spoke of #whitevans at a Viyathmaga meeting (translation): “white vans were there all the time. Not only white, there were black vans, green vans… in 86, 87 there were Morris Minors as well, which lifted people."
@amnesty “I served in the military for 20 years. Most of those 20 years I served under the UNP gov. Those who lived during that period know how those ‘gonibillo’ (masked abducters)…In what vehicles did the ‘gonibillo’ travel? In white vehicles or black vehicles".
@amnesty This is the 2015 OISL report (.@UNHumanRights) on #lka with a section entitled 'Modus operandi of the security forces: the “white van” arrests'.
@amnesty@UNHumanRights@Reuters IN 2018 .@UNHumanRights@mbachelet report to @UN_HRC said: "The High Commissioner was deeply concerned over serious allegations in foreign media about ongoing ABDUCTIONS, extreme torture and sexual violence, as recently as in 2016 and 2017."
"a white van came and I was pushed into the van – in the space in the middle of the seats – so that I was lying face down in the van". (2015) from…
New UK immigration report says #srilanka continues to operate an extensive intelligence gathering operation in the UK, monitoring protests, surveilling and unencrypted social media. #lka
Also for all those who said branding wasn't a thing & alleged the poor old victims actually paid someone to burn them - the UK Home Office now says "injuries which are self-inflicted by proxy are likely to be extremely rare".
And according to Robert Knox the burning with hot irons goes back to 1641:
Landmark UK immigration case slams lead agency in Reparation process in #srilanka@IOMSriLanka 4 lack of impartiality. IOM reportedly said allegations of discrimination against #tamils were just 'put forward to serve their own ends' Even Home Office called this "quite stark"!
@IOMSriLanka This is what the excellent ICJ 2010 Beyond Constraints report on 'rehabilitation' had to say regarding the risks of .@IOMSriLanka being involved in profiling inmates - noting thousands were arbitrarily detained in these military run camps.
@IOMSriLanka A/HRC/39/45/Add.2
Rehabilitation - The UN working group on arbitrary detention in 2018 called for apology and compensation. It never happened.