Everything is a conversation. That's a firm belief I've always had for a very long time.
Every question has an answer, and every response a stepping stone to another discussion.
There are intonations, emotions, accents, and more that can never be captured in a blogpost.
A conversation *feels* different. In a podcast, you capture the content AND context.
But it's rigid. It's hard to get atomic unless you timestamp a specific part of the episode. You STILL have to refer to the whole episode (think of this as page vs. block-level referencing)
The Q: What if a response can be used as a way to continue a separate conversation in parallel?
It's like conversations branching off from conversations, like the roots of a tree giving birth to an entire organic field led by people. That potential atomicity is so exciting!
If responses are treated as separate entities within one grand conversation, a la voice notes in a threaded environment, think of the possibilities when all of these are recorded, transcribed, and used in fields and topics! One's question can lead to another's discovery!
@AirrAudio is tackling this now: AirrSpace is a chance for people to talk about the episode with the host, maintain context, AND branch off into their own conversations.
Pair that with their AirrQuotes ecosystem and everyone's notes overlap and fold into each other! 🤩
You can AirrQuote a section of the episode, comment on it, send it to me via voice note, and I'll reply, creating a thread of discussion from one fragment of the ep!
Injecting atomicity into a podcast 🤩
As a host, I get to answer YOUR questions personally. I get to reply back in an informal way. Fellow listeners can continue from YOUR voice notes.
All this done asynchronously. All threaded, no loss of context!
Remember, [[Context]] is a perishable good h/t @cortexfutura
The other exciting part is that the AirrSpace can be played in one go, so all voice notes are put into one playthrough so it sounds like a seamless podcast episode!
You have no clue the amount of times I've been trying to figure out how to do a knowledge graph in audio form
These guys have done it and I can't wait for them to expand on it over time :) major props to the @AirrAudio team!
What's the difference between knowledge workers of the past and present?
In Medieval times, it was in the pursuit of God. Cato explains more here:
Giving us an overview of the other apps that he's tried, Cato details on the angles, differences and more on what is available for us lovely note-takers 🤩 shoutouts to @WorkFlowy and @ScrapboxApp for the mention and their amazing work here!
To be fair, I know @Conaw is already thinking about networks and messaging anyway - we have to overhaul that if we want comms in a knowledge graph context
For example, if you manipulate the global filter feature to only feature blocks directed at you (author) via notation = DM?
What's the Roam42 of other apps? What other tools have Jumpnav, SB features, etc.? #roam
I've had problems with some of my general toolstack lately (eg. calendar/booking problems, tasklists) and am on the prowl for that mouseless productivity 👀
(Shoutouts to the one who designed the keyboard shortcuts for Twitter, I love blazing through this site quickly at times 😂)