Saw this ad on YouTube , published by a FB page by the name India Vegan Revolution,
Also another similar documentary shared by a friend “unholy catlle of India “
Un-Surprisingly they want us to turn vegan , rather than just focusing on welfare and wellbeing of these animals.
Is this really their “ genuine” love for the cattle, or it’s an attempt by foreign corporate to derail India’s self sufficient diary industry, render 100 mn dairy farmers jobless, and no one to care for these CRs of cattle , and create depende on corporate vegan products.
It’s a money trap. While also depriving Indians of the nourishment of milk, making them lactose intolerant and making the next generation deficient in many things and creating a New pharma market.
1) YAMA – Restraints, moral disciplines or moral vows
The first limb, Yama, refers to vows, disciplines or practices.
5 Yamas:
•Ahimsa- non-violence
•Satya -truthfulness
•Asteya -non-stealing
•Brahmacharya -right use of energy
•Aparigraha -non-greed/ non-hoarding
2) NIYAMA – Positive duties or observances refers to duties directed towards ourselves,
5 Niyamas:
•saucha -cleanliness
•santosha -contentment),
•tapas -discipline or burning of desire),
•svadhyaya -self-reflection
•isvarapranidaha -surrender to a higher power