This is a common phenomenon with all lateral flow testing. There is no amplification of the sample and so you are only testing what you have - if there isn't much there the line will be faint. You see the same with pregnancy tests (also lateral flow).
They use immobilised antibodies and markers that bind to the antigens on the reservoir pad and then migrate along the test. As they move across binding reagents will bind the target to the test line. The larger the sample of whatever you are testing for the stronger the line.
Any line, even a pale one, should be retested by PCR - which will amplify the sample and enable them to classify which variant is present.
For those struggling you can use filters. I have switched to B/W and cranked up the contrast...
Community testing in Liverpool discovered that they *missed* 60% of PCR positive cases.
1/ When schools returned in 09/2020 the focus was on 'Hands' and surfaces.
There was no desire by @GOVUK to implement 'Face'masks.
And no extra 'Space' available,
Nightingale schools dismissed.
2/ "All children must be in school." we were told "There is little evidence of Covid transmission in school.".
* They were right because in the Summer term very few children had returned for face to face teaching and children spent lots of time outside and in tiny bubbles.
3/ Cases started to rise rapidly in children.
A fire break at halfterm dismissed. Schools went back and cases continued to accelerate upwards.
So in early November we partially added 'Face'masks to the equation.
in communal areas,
in Secondary
2/Their unknown risks have not been made clear to them, their employers or schools expecting CEV children and children of CEV back.
We know the vaccine might not offer adequate protection and additional risks are posed by variants of concern.
3/The best chance of safety is unofficial shielding something many CV have done all along. Without understanding employers, online working an option, they were forced onto benefits.
Difficult choices lie ahead. Risk assessments don't account for #COVIDisAirborne. Even with ⬇️