Excellent rebuttal to "SARS-CoV-2 routes of transmission and recommendations for preventing acquisition: joint British Infection Association (BIA), Healthcare Infection Society (HIS), Infection Prevention Society (IPS) and Royal College of Pathologists (RCPath) guidance
It puzzles me why organizations whose literal job is to stop transmission do not advocate for the best possible
Instead, they act as gatekeepers for the hospital administrations, who do not seem to care about their HCW's getting PTSD from the never-ending flood of patients in a pandemic.
Never mind stopping the pandemic which can only be achieved by stopping...transmission.
Moving on, Bak (2021) tried to use R0 to define the route of transmission.
It does not actually do this. 👇👇
They also used the classically misused "close contact" which is NOT a mode of transmission.
Close contact is a description of distance.
And aerosols infect more with close contact.
Bak (2021) was published at the end of April.
On May 4th, the WHO acknowledged that SARS-COV-2 was airborne.
My apologies for a RT of a RT of a RT - required because commenting directly to Dr. Saxinger would result in typos, etc (looking for our edit button, @jack).
And Dr. Saxinger has a great point here, which deserves an adequate response.