"Though polls closed at 9 p.m., it may take until July for a winner to be crowned, due to the launch of the ranked-choice voting system and the mounds of absentee ballots yet to be counted." nypost.com/2021/06/22/ada…
Why isn’t this language being addressed on a higher level by politicians and community leaders? It MUST be addressed before it permeates deep into the culture and before it becomes too late.
This language is reminiscent of early Nazi-era language of the 1930s. Some even worse.
Never forget that the Nazi party was not a popular party — initially. It was the party with which everyone just went along — eventually.
Another occupied apartment building in Israel hit by Palestinian rocket.
Unlike the Palestinians, the Israelis don’t store missiles in their apartment buildings. So no, this is not the same as when Israel carefully takes out Palestinian military strongholds located in Palestinian apartment buildings — which are emptied before Israel strikes.
New report — 4 Israelis were injured in this attack: 1 serious, 3 moderate.