June 24th ,2021 Fresno City Council meeting as well as a Special meeting! ! Among the items is the final Budget vote; SB1 road projects ( as the budget hearings showed there is never enough to satisfy the $1 billion in needed work);Low income Tax Credits for several affordable
housing projects; Terrence Frazier and Central Valley Community Sports Foundation and Management Visions closed and open session items; @FLDocumenters@fresnoland#Fresno
On the Consent Calendar: -B Authorize the Chief of Police, or designee, to enter into an agreement with Fresno Unified School
District wherein FUSD will pay $1,862,495 annually to FPD in exchange for FPD providing eleven
Student Resource Officers (SROs), one Sergeant and twelve
patrol vehicles to be used on FUSD
campuses in the amount of $5,587,485 for three years; and one additional two-year term option
($1,862,495 annually).
1-G **Adopting a list of proposed Public Works projects to receive Senate Bill 1 (SB1) Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account funding for City Fiscal Year 2022
1-H The Department of Public Utilities, Solid Waste Management Division, solicited contractor services for
the construction of the Solid Waste Convenience Center (Facility) at 4111 North Winery Avenue.
Granite Construction Company was found to be the lowest responsive and re-
-sponsible bidder with a
bid amount of $2,426,303. The proposed Facility is essential to aid in the reduction of illegal dumping
of trash, furniture, appliances, and construction debris, on public streets, vacant lots, and alleys.
The City is grappling with a growing
related to the illegal dumping of trash, furniture,
appliances, and construction debris, on public streets, vacant lots, and alleys. Illegal dumping creates health and safety issues, spreads blight, and the cost of removal is a financial burden on the
City and local taxpayers.
The City currently utilizes a complaint based approach to cleaning up illegal
dumping sites, as well as implementing a citywide “Operation Clean-Up” program where City crews go to neighborhoods once a year to collect bulky items, trash, and green waste. Despite these City
efforts, illegal dumping persists and has been increasing in recent years.The drop-off facilities are intended to provide a clean, safe, and organized place for residents to
dispose of recyclable materials such as cardboard, paper, and metal, as well as household
furniture, and construction debris such as wood, drywall, green waste, dirt, rock, and
The Solid Waste Management Division has selected an area near the intersection of North Chestnut
and North Winery Avenues as the first location for a drop-off facility.
1-I Approve the Second Amendment to the Consulting Services Agreement with Lars Andersen &
Associates, Inc., to increase the original contract amount of $49,700 by $8,000 for a total amended
contract amount of $57,700 to provide additional services for plans and specifications
and bidding phase support to rebid the Solid Waste Convenience Center project (Council District 4)
1-L Actions pertaining to homeless services agreements provided under the Homeless Housing,
Assistance, and Prevention (HHAP) program: 1. Approve a First Amendment with Marjaree Mason Center, a California Corporation for
homeless family services to increase funding by $118,463.50
for a total award of $236,927.00 2. Approve a Second Amendment with Fresno Economic Opportunities Commission, A California
Corporation for homeless youth services to increase funding by $242,152.76 for a total award
of $484,305.52
3. Approve a Second Amendment with Turning Point of California, Inc., a California Corporation
for triage center services at the Golden State and Bridgepoint Triage Centers to increase
funding by $2,650,696.19 for a total award of $4,513,696.19 4. Approve a First Amendment with
a California Corporation for homeless
family services to increase funding by $148,078.37 for a total award of $266,541.87 5. Approve an Agreement with Turning Point of Central California, Inc., for triage center services
at the Journey Home Triage Center in the amount of $500,000
The HEAP funds were one-time funds that will be exhausted as of
June 30, 2021.
1-M Actions pertaining to supplemental Emergency Solutions Grant funding provided by the U.S.
Department of Housing and Community Development Office of Community Planning and
Development (HUD CPD) to prevent, prepare for, and respond to the Coronavirus: 1. ***RESOLUTION -
Approving agreements with Kings View Corporation in the amount of $112,073.50 for homeless outreach and assessment services; Mental Health Systems, Inc.
in the amount of $1,620,339.50 for emergency shelter and additional services; Poverello
House in the amount of $367,587.00 for
for homeless outreach and additional services; and
authorizing the City Manager or designee to sign all implementing documents as approved
to form by the City Attorney. (Subject to Mayor’s veto) 2. Approve the third revision of Emergency Solutions Grant-Coronavirus (ESG-CV)
Allocations to allocate $2,005,199.69 of ESG-CV 2 to activities for street outreach,
emergency shelter, and other supportive services.
1-P Award a construction contract to Royal Electric of Sacramento, California in the amount of
$5,712,873.00 for the Department of Transportation Fresno Area Express Electric Vehicle Charging
Infrastructure Project which is in accordance with the Fresno Area Express Zero Emission
Plan and authorize theThe Department of Transportation/FAX seeks to award a construction contract for the installation of 23
battery electric bus charging stations and 30 electric light equipment vehicle charging stations. This
project is in accordance with FAX’s Zero
Zero Emission Transition Plan (ZETP) which was approved by
Council in 2020. Director of Transportation to execute the documents.
1-Q Actions pertaining to the Fresno Regional Workforce Development Board - Young Adult Services Work
Experience Agreement. The FRWDB will compensate program participants directly in the form of
participant wages for an amount not to exceed $132,000. The grant period is from June
1, 2021 to June
30, 2022 1. Authorize the PARCS Director to enter into WIOA Young Adult Provider of Services agreement
with the Fresno Regional Workforce Development Board (FRWDB) awarded to the City of
Fresno Parks & Recreation Dept.
1-R Approve a Fifth Amendment to the Agreement entered between the City of Fresno and the Central
California Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in the amount not to exceed $ 6,795,000
for a one-year term beginning July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022
1-V Approve a consultant services agreement with Fresno Metro Ministry to perform the initial
assessment of a Central and Southern Blackstone Property- Based Improvement District in an
amount not to exceed $91,225 (Council District 1, 3, & 7) Staff is requesting the award of
of contract to Fresno Metro Ministry (Metro) to assist in creating a new PBID tailored to the unique needs and real estate dynamics of the central and southern Blackstone
Corridor as represented by the project area of the Southern Blackstone Smart Mobility Strategy
between Dakota Avenue and Freeway 180. This will allow for a consultant to conduct the
initial assessment of a Central and Southern Blackstone Property-Based Improvement District.
1-W Bill No. 24 - (ReIntro. 6/17/21) (For Adoption) – Amending Section 5-510 of the Fresno Municipal
Code relating to the Fresno Youth Commission
I am also celebrating my 31st Wedding anniversary today!
9:11 the meeting begins. They will do clean up on the Budget in a few minutes. Pastor Jim Franklin of Cornerstone Church with the invocation. Prays for rain,wisdom, blessings for City of Fresno. All Councilmembers present.
Motion on Budget. Esparza reads it into the record. This was created with Chavez and Mayoral administration to balance budget. #40 remove funding requirement. #43 $250,000. #60c Fund will be outsourced. #109 Code Team $1.1 m and funded by solid waste . $2.1 M will be added to
Parks General Fund from two sources; $1.5 m for SPCA; #78 $2.9 M to $600,000; Reallocate $5 m from #103 $500,000 to #70 from General Fund; City Attorney gets some and remainder $4 M goes to Parks General Fund;Maxwell seconds. Esparza:$6.1 m more for parks with these motions.
A large gap in parks funding so we want this $6 M . Bredefeld: we are adding this despite the Measure P ? Chavez: we won't start collecting Measure P until latter part of year. Esparza: some councilmembers felt Parks budget was supplanted by Measure P so this $6 m was added.
@kmkarbassi Code Team has been split down to $1.3? Esparza: we will still fund Mayor's Code Team but some coming from Public Utilities. Karbassi: there are enterprise funds to worry about by DPU. Also I feel we just need one Code Team and not Council and Mayors. We are also
having a Public Safety crisis and would like some of this money to go to enticing more officers to sign up. Some could go to Facade program too. Arias: Great bargain led to over 100 changes to this budget to get to this point with Mayor. We also have vacancies across the entire
City of Fresno such as Planning Depart. I wan't to take a more wholistic view of all departments. Karbassi:true but people don't call 911 for a permitting document. Esparza:city's priorities have risen to top. I appreciate Karbassi's views but we have got to this fragile agree-
ment. We will reserve Public Comment for later on Budget. Staff:Budget will be balanced. @MayorJerryDyer Thanks Chavez and Soria for meeting with me and my staff yesterday for getting to this point and the 115 motions. A compromise in many areas. Karbassi/Bredefeld vote NO on
last motion. 1-R on SPCA removed. Special Meeting #2 should be no more than $3 m as well as item #3 same. Maxwell makes change to Business Certificates.Arias:1-T will add $20,000 to start Travel Inn with a fence.Closed Session items Arias would like to Table 1-F, 5-A , 5-B & 5-C
Esparza pulls for discussion 1-H and 1-I . Maxwell's previous 1-S . 1-L.2 Chavez recuses himself. Arias: remove Granite Park item from agenda. Item # 5 from Special Meeting Agenda removed. Agenda approved.
Proclamation for “Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month” Soria and past Councilmember Caprioglio brought awareness to this issues for past 7 years as both have personal loss to this. Wear purple to bring awareness. She thanks out guests this morning.
Susanna: thanks Soria for this and our constituents who are living with this disease. They are not alone but have support. Next: she works directly with families who are not always directly aware with this disease and get overwhelmed. We have a 24 hour hotline.
Councilmember reports: @Esmeralda_Soria Concerns from residents over the hot week. Park hours, cooling centers were not open long enough. Swimming pools closed at 6pm. Still hot then. Cary Skate Park tend to be only open during the most hot time of the days and with the longer
days perhaps we can be open longer. Arias: motel drive corridor could be called rehousing corridor. I will be bringing a motion in a few weeks to provide more public safety. This neighborhood has embraced the formerly homeless but need safety too. Maxwell: I think this budget
will bring rewards to the city for years to come. Thanks for being civil. @GarryBredefeld Granite Park item was pulled because of DA Smittcamp's letter that arrived. Terrence Frazier was on hook for ten years and that was it. He was supposed to make all improvements etc. Many
were never built. Audit showed some issues. Audit showed some irregularities . Failed to pay taxes, bills, and built soccer fields without permission. Frazier sued Brand Administration over this. $2.3 m given to help him pay off his debts. PPE loans given. This was on agenda to
day to pay off these debts. He also has a billboard that pays him. Proposal to rescind this in exchange for forgiving his lawsuit. No other developer has this kind of deal. Milt Barbis was first Granite Park developer and went into default but he was kicked to the curb and not
given a loan. Frazier is engaged to a fellow Councilmember. Frazier also had a fundraiser last night for Arias. There is a stench at City Hall. Esparza:thank god it is Thursday. Chavez gives a sigh. He also thanks Mayor for the Budget hearings. There will be an announcement at
noon to highlight some of these . Thanks Mayor's Staff and thanks Henry Fierro for his hard work. Fierro: thanks Chavez. Chavez: this will be an historic budget and will help our neighborhoods as well as invest in people. Mayor:Thanks for all hard work on Budget. Real praise is
for our budget folks like Henry and Mary. Fresno is also hosting the Miss California pagent this week. Also State of the City is coming up soon. Chavez: spoiler alert! Mayor will say the future of the City is strong. ;) Esqueda: Thanks for all the hard work on budget. We started
back in March and came in strong. To the Council he says :We did it! If you look at the budget what we are investing in it is public safety, parks, beautifying the city.Chavez: over a 100 motions gives up Motion sickness but historic budget.
Public Comment: Robert McCloskey says spending for homeless community . We need more services at these transitional motels. More going to Poverello and Marjoree Mason. Food is not up to par at Poverello nor their staff. What happens when temporary housing converts into permanent
in two years. 6000 applicants for emergency rental has only resulted in 700 approval. This money will go away if not spent in a certain time. Chavez: reminder this is for consent and closed session. Budget will be later. Ivanka Saunders says Central Ave has some issues. CEQA does
not apply here as well we need to wait for heavy truck study. Residents don't want Central to be a truck route in the future. Next:Terry Hirschfield Central Ave project needs to be on pause until a more comprehensive work done. We need to be notified in advance but not done in
this case. Road widening is not for the community but for the developers benefit. Many in community can't access internet. @LisaYFlores1 Do not approve Central Ave as Fresno has long history of environmental racism. North Fresno does not look like South Fresno. Continue to vio-
late CEQA. Need to do better. @LovesMercy Brandi: Accountability and priority for residents at homeless motels. Agree with funding for Marjoree Mason center as we have a lot of Domestic Violence. Homeless shelters need to be for all.We need licensed social workers as they under-
stand the trauma many homeless are under. Arias: there are some changes needed on 1-T. Two items on Solid Waste Convenience Center 1-I and 1-H Esparza: reject all bids and cancel 1-H and postpone 1-S Maxwell: how many massage parlors are coming through that we need this? Staff:
PD takes these and Brand Administration allowed another step. Maxwell: Can we revise that? Approves this with understanding we will come back. White: this only makes change of an appeal by Massage Parlor in person to in writing.We have two in queue for you. Chavez jokes Maxwell
and Arias are "asking for a friend"! Moving on to Public Comment on the Budget. District 5 resident Patricia Brown thanks for the late night movement of more into Parks budget. How much will be moved into 49 acre soccer park. Kimberly McCoy lamented how long it is taking to get
their aprks. SEFEDa is ready to go with first phase of this Soccer Park says Brown. Roosevelt High @Coldrain76 Sunnyside High students will be able to cut ribbon. Irrigation, clearing of land etc has all been done. Thanks @LuisCha70215912 who has been on this from beginning.
Next Kimberly McCoy: thanks for addition money to Parks but highest need areas are required to go first according to Measure P. Next:Vasquez: Supports $200,000 for low income legal services . Next: BIA Mike Prandini (building association) are in support of express development
team. Housing demand but process is slow. There is a motion to remove this express portion but it is important in order to get people moved into homes in a timely manner. Next:Sukaina Hussain Legal defense funding will give lifesaving effects as they need due process.
Next:Zena Chafi of Fresno State. : Budget item on Legal Defense Fund in support. 112 children will need this defense. Need to increase immigration help to support families and keep them together. Next:Maria Romani of ACLU in support Legal Defense Fund. It shows support of im-
migrant community. There is no right to have respresentation so many forced to represented themselves but 5x more likely to win if they have a lawyer. @LovesMercy In support of Legal Defense Fund. A third party needed to help that homeless needs are met. These need to be in all
districts. Next Gabriel Lozano of SEFCEDA and 49 acre soccer park. No immediate plan to open the park despite all the work done. Federal government could even taken away. $2.5 million needed to open this. It is in a low income area. Underserved and neglected. I am a Navy Vet i
bought into One Fresno. Kids there need this park as well jobs. Next :Mai Thao 93722 zip code of Central Valley Partnership. In full support of Legal Defense Fund. Half of those have no representaion. As a daughter of Hmong Refugees I know the hard time it is negotiating this.
Eduard Castro: Sustainable Rural association and in support of legal defense program. Winning or losing their case is life or death. Trained immigration attorneys are needed. Next:Allison Davenport in support of Legal Defense Fund. I was raised here and attorney for these type of
removal cases. Defense attorneys needed but not required in Constitution. UCLA study shows that those who win their cases are most likely those who had an attorney. This is important for families. Next Invanka Sauders of @LCJandA wants to highlight the Mobile Home, trust Fund for
affordable housing and Zero Fares and many others that are good. Still need support for Parks in disadvantaged areas. Nex:Luis Virgen: We are at capacity of immigrants who need help and we don't have enough interpreters. Esqueda:parks Commission record will be read into record
by TJ Miller. Support City's Budget with Kimberly McCoy voting No. White: read into a minor error on Mobile Home item as 4 positions needed. Chavez: we will codify all that Esparza read earlier. Esparza: opposition to 3-F GANN Appropriation Limit Resolution Karbassi:register No
Vote on this Budget. Bredefeld: also votes NO due to increase in crime. We lose 5 officers a year from that department and have vacancies. Not enough 911 dispatchers. People love this budget but hopefully you won't have to call 911 or are dead. We turned down increasing in-
creasing funding to hire with more incentives. More funding for parks where Measure P could be used. Housing funds from General Fund could be used for Public Safety. We are spending money on Legal Defense Fund to defend people who are here illegally. Adding everything up these
$11 million could be used for Public Safety. We can't pay what Clovis pays their officers so we lose to them as well as attacks on PDs nationwide. We have money for legislative interns and Climate Change now in our budget. Prop 47 , no bail bonds. We are not hiring no new officer
as it is all smoke and mirrors. I will vote NO and hopefully we get serious at next budget. Chavez:Police Chief got everything he wanted as well as 20 more SCOs too. @BalderramaPaco There will be more discussion as we are in a crime wave. Bredefeld: police chief didn't get the
lateral hiring nor more dispatchers. We are wasting millions and millions on Legal Defense Fund and interns. KArbassi:thanks Police Chief for coming out to Skypark. I will vote No but it is just a difference of philosophy. Arias: we have funded above and beyond chief's request.
But for the first time we are investing in Neighborhoods. Repairing roads that have never been repaired. President Biden was able to announce a compromise on Infrastructure today. We are able to have mayor;s and our priorities. We are not going to be distracted with culture wars
and fake news. I didn't get everything i wanted. I have a distract that was redlined over the years and has issues from that. Roll Call Vote on 3-C (budget: Passes 5-2 with @kmkarbassi and @GarryBredefeld voting NO
3-G Workshop – Lawn to Garden Rebate Program Drought is happening.Maximum incentive is higher $1500. Drip irrigation is required. Water wise plants. Front yard only. Will boost enrollment. 25% up to 33% Artificial turf won't be allowed.More curb appeal and equitable by limiting
it to front yard. Arias: any rebate for residents for water front trees that are city owned? A:Not yet. We want to quantify the water saving s is from these conversion over 2-3 years.
Application will go live online July 1st. @Maxwell4Fresno I wanted to see what application will look like? My constituents complained last application wouldn’t allow photos to be submitted , asked for Pi etc. Staff Conrad: it will be available next week to look at. A landscaping
specialist will be available to preview the ideas. Maxwell: lots of lawns died during last drought and never came back. Also people don't want to spend 100's taking care of their lawns. Soria: How do we navigate the upfront of purchasing plants for my low-income residents?
Conrad: strategic partnerships with landscaping providers.Soria: i will be watching to see where the money and who is taking advantage. End of Workshop.
Next 4-A Supporting 1538 E. Clinton Ave., L.P.’s submission of a Low Income Housing Tax Credit application for the construction of affordable housing at the southwest corner of Blackstone and Clinton and expressing the City’s intent to contribute to the Project in an amount not
$3,000,000, upon full award of tax credit funding for the Project.Esparza: there is a timeline so I am making Motion to approve. Bredefeld:Did staff review this? Esqueda:we wanted to find out the various money would help developing family. We support. Bredefeld: You support
taking $3 m from General Fund and not from other pots of money like State or Federal? Esqueda: for this project at this time yes we approve this. We need housing.It would have been more expensive because prevailing wage requirements would have been triggered.
Arias: other low income on today's agenda will trigger that wage. Approved 7-0. Onto those items from Special Meeting. Arias: these 2-4 all similar. Some convert motels into affordable housing. 2***RESOLUTION – Supporting FCTC Family, LP.’s submission of a Low Income Housing T
Tax Credit
application for the construction of affordable housing at 200 N. Salma and expressing the City’s intent
to contribute to the Project in an amount not exceed $6,180,000 upon full award of tax credit funding
Council approves all three in one fell swoop. Chavez: these will provide 400 affordable housing units. We need more but this will help. NOTE: here are the other two projects that were just approved in more detail.
RESOLUTION – Supporting the Housing Authority’s submission of a Low Income Housing Tax
Credit application for the construction of affordable housing at Sun Lodge, 1101 N. Parkway Drive,
and expressing the City’s intent to contribute to the Project in an amount not exceed
$3,600,000 upon
full award of tax credit funding for the Project.
4 RESOLUTION – Supporting the Housing Authority’s submission of a Low Income Housing Tax
Credit application for the construction of affordable housing at Sun Lodge, 1101 N. Parkway Drive,
and expressing the City’s intent to contribute to the Project in an amount not exceed
$3,600,000 upon
full award of tax credit funding for the Project.
IMPORTANT:Council going to 12:00 Press Conference on the Budget Approval and the take up Closed Session items.I will try to find out if they are coming back after that.
Confirmed they will not becoming back after Closed Session.Meeting Schedules:
JULY 15, 2021 – 9:00 A.M.
JULY 29, 2021 – 9:00 A.M. MEETING
City of Fresno’s Budget hearings continued today at 9 am! The Fresno County Board of Supervisors will be meeting at 10 am so I will only be able to Live Tweet one the meetings. Drumroll, please And the winner is...the always popular Budget Hearings !
Here are the budget proposals “in the pot” as Council Chair Luis Chavez said a lot the past week.
After a week of Budget Hearings a regular Fresno City Council meeting PLUS Special Emergency Closed Meeting. (Probably about re-opening City Hall ) @FLDocumenters
Some of the Agenda items include 1-E Approve an Agreement with Economic & Planning Systems, Inc., in the amount of $140,600 with a $30,000 contingency, to prepare an updated nexus study for the Citywide impact fees for Regional Streets, New Growth Area Major Streets, Police Fa-
-ilities, Fire Facilities, Quimby In-Lieu Parkland Dedication and Park Facilities. (Citywide wide)
that is giving what department needs. However crime is up. Some of the costs are from 80 officers on long term absences. State needs to change law that allows officers to make more by staying home. 120 new officers make public think changes are coming. Are you lowering standards?
Absolutely not. That would be a mistake. Officers that are cited for being drunk while off duty will need to be treated case by case. DUI case will need to go through process.Arias:use of social media. If arrested you get put on Social Media.But if John is arrested for human traf
-ficking is not as they may have a family and lose their job. Chief: we put those with felony charg on social media. Traffic Unit has 38 motors now split into day/evening shift. They are also first to show up for riots. Unless Council gives more money we won't be back up to 80 #
Georganne White: A detailed memo was sent out and why an audit wasn't made. Ombudsman person may have been too chummy with the officers.In looking back that is exactly what ombudsman is supposed to do in getting officers claims through. ADR program keeps the $11 M is
not actually higher. We are looking what traditional workers comp v. ADR and look at what the differences were. Esqueda:Audit was more about process of ADR. We are doing that correctly. Next: effectiveness. Is the increase from $4 M to now $11M effective? Arias:this department
sells us on "A" but when it doesn't work they double down on "A". Soria:If we demonstrated people were going back to work and absences go down this program is good. If not and not effective we need to move in another direction. White:Actuarial should be done soon. Lots of savings
Second day of City of Fresno's Budget meeting. Departments today are Police, Public Utilities, Transportation (FAX),Airports,Public Works,Personnel Services. I am not seeing any documents or Power Points on City Website to share (but I imagine it will be used)@fresnoland#Fresno
You can watch the Budget meeting beginning at 9 am @FLDocumenters
Meeting beginning 9:05 with Police Department. Chief Paco Baldaramma begis first.@kmkarbassi calling in by Zoom. Rest of Councilmembers present in person. Chief:$206 million which is a slight decrease from last year. Increase to General Fund for 850 sworn Officers & Professional