AndyHS Profile picture
15 Jun, 140 tweets, 33 min read
that is giving what department needs. However crime is up. Some of the costs are from 80 officers on long term absences. State needs to change law that allows officers to make more by staying home. 120 new officers make public think changes are coming. Are you lowering standards?
Absolutely not. That would be a mistake. Officers that are cited for being drunk while off duty will need to be treated case by case. DUI case will need to go through process.Arias:use of social media. If arrested you get put on Social Media.But if John is arrested for human traf
-ficking is not as they may have a family and lose their job. Chief: we put those with felony charg on social media. Traffic Unit has 38 motors now split into day/evening shift. They are also first to show up for riots. Unless Council gives more money we won't be back up to 80 #
Grants such as highway grant to lower DUI, Breaking the Chains, Advanced Peace,. More restorative than punitive. Arias: I saw officers with supervisor checking on club capacity in Tower. Is that common ? No but if it slow it makes sense to target common violators. Arias:Liquor
licenses? Who determines or checks if police recommendations are kept? We have had schools be against but police approve.Why are we not hiring outside investigators for LTAs? Every problem has a police solution. So why use officers to investigate that. Chief: i think another Of-
-cifer is best and can investigate workers comp citywide. Perhaps using retired officers at a lower rate. Hard to hire officers today due to things that have happened nationwide. Arias: Fire Department only as one on LTA and they are physical roles too. Chief: typically 10% are
on LTAs at nationwide police departments. 73 Police commissions recommendations i believe the mental health is main one to solve. Esqueda: items that involve labor group negotiations are putting a Trade Memo out so labor units know what is being asked. Arias:not sure why local
contracted police officers to promoter/events where other cities use private security. It ends up being highest cost. Chief:safety is main goal. Need to access event by amount of people, alcohol etc. Arias: 30,000-40,000 at Fresno St football but doesn't seem they have 100 of-
ficers there despite alcohol. Seems like it is region based where events are hurt by cost of contracted officers are required. Walmart, Apple, Bobby Salazar all have police but average person can't get an officer without contract officer. Fresno Fair started as contract officers
but now it is has spread to Walmart, schools etc. Arias makes motion to remove these type of service agreement officers until we make changes. Maxwell seconds but wants Master Fee to be sure it is competitive. Arias: we allow officers to wear City Uniforms at these places.
I will vote for these funds for new officers but only open until vacancies are filled first.Soria:12 unfunded? Esqueda:820 officers are funded for this year. Dyer: it will take time to hire so some will be hired for only 3 months while some at 6 months. We will give authority to
hire up to 850 officers. Time all those hired there will be attrition to factor as well. Arias: a year from now? Esqueda: if we are at 820 it will be god. Arias: we are authorizing 850 but not hiring yet. Arias: Motion to appropriate but only as vacancies filled. Soria: money
is even there? Esqueda: we have the 58 vacancies will be in contingency fund. Esparza: no money in for the 12 to get to 830 but to 820. Arias: They want us to pay for money for those not hired yet. Don't want if not used money to be then be used for ie helicopter. Dyer: same as
hiring for fiscal Year 2021 doesn't mean employee was hired in July. Ezparza:clarification: Officers 820 to 850 =no funding. Chavez: both are saying the same thing and have been for 15 minutes. Chief: we have hired 50 officers and hope to hire 54 more in next 8 months if budget
is there. Esparza: Thanks chief for being here. You noticed decrease in budget. Chief: contract decreases such as no longer having FAX officers or Fresno Unified as well as CARES dollars. Esparza: General Fund increase for personnel ?Chief: both sworn officers and professional
staff. Making moves now to combat violence crimes. 10 of 12 officers move to field. Esparza: other two for workers comp but only 9 FTEs (FullTime Employees) Who is part time? A: background investigator is part-time. also expedite those people who want to be taken off Sex Registry
per State law. 2020: hurt morale, budget as well as an increase in violent crime. Defunding movement. Some officers retired over it as well decrease in those who thought of going into it . Esparza: anyone in Public Sector take it on the chin everyday. Chief:any human wants to be
appreciated or the fact you have to put on a bullet proof vest on it can get demoralized. People of Color give me cards and letters saying they want more officers and not less but that isn't the narrative our officers always here. Esparza: We appreciate it and none of here are in
it for the money. Chief: aggressive recruiting but our best recruiters are other police officers. We will even give them a $800 bonus. Esparza: I am open to solving this problem. But shifting values from public is making Police Departments to change and sometimes not comfortably.
Makes Motion: i would like a quarterly report on hiring of officers. We would like to be part of policy solutions. Maxwell seconds.Chief: policing will never be the change and I don't think it should go back. Body worn cameras were resisted and now officers typically want them.
Esparza: what part of Police budget is ARP? Henry: no funding but just for consideration. White: p. 152 has what we propose ARP (American Rescue Plan) dollars use for eventually across all departments. General fund backfill hasn't been allocated.Chavex: we have some council mem-
-bers have not spoken yet and we have been at this for 3 hours. Esparza: this is the largest department. White PD vehicles purchased by ARP are not in Fiscal 2022 budget but in a few months we will be back with how to use ARP dollars. Soria:Motion to see that before this budget
is voted on. Arias:Motion: I would like to see true cost of budget with those added or not. @kmkarbassi Agrees to ask his questions after lunch break @LuisCha70215912 :Good Lord is testing my patience as you can see. BACK FROM LUNCH AT 1:30!
Back beginning at 1:30. @GarryBredefeld up first. asks Esqueda when will we open City Hall to people? Kings Newsom says we can open now. Esqueda: goal is to get employees in first and then the public. We hope July 6 we will direct employees in and then public. Bredefeld: people
are at movie theaters , sidewalks Etc. County is open. Arias: maybe King Dyer has the decision? @gregorybarfield Cal OASHA will line up with rest. Some of employees have not been back in 16 months. Make sure everything is working correct. Bredefeld: how is all other government
buildings are open not us ? Barfield: we had two employees who tested positive in last 48 hours. Chavez: can we stay on subject due to Brown Act. Bredefeld: lose 3-4 officers a month, correct? Why that is happening and why hard to hire more? Chief:officers simply retire. Some to
other police agencies that pay more or have less stress or both. We are a big city with big problems. Officers here come in to contact with a diversity of violent crime. Some officers don’t want to work that hard. 2200 gang members. Bredefeld: how many in Clovis? Chief: don’t
know. I don’t know what they pay there either. We have $10,000 bonus to transfer from other agency. Clovis offers same bonus. Bredefeld: offering the same doesn’t seem to make us competitive if Clovis pays more and less crime. Chief: we can offer up to 35 different jobs that
agencies can’t offer. Pay increase has to be competitive and a living wage. Esqueda: we are telling all labor groups we are have zero in budget. Bredefeld: what do we need to make us able to hire the number of officers we want. Chief: lots of vetting and want to serve this city.
Bredefeld: what pay raise do we need to make us competitive? Esqueda: we don’t know. If we gave all our employees a 3% raise it would take $6 M. Bredefeld: we want a safe city right ? Esqueda: Try running a city without water. Infected water kills more people worldwide. You were
you were here in 2016 when water in North Fresno was bad. People were upset. Bredefeld: we need to get to the 850 officers. Crime rate has gone done but here violence is up? Chief: we are reallocating officers from divisions and our crime rate has gone down in last 20 days. NY
Times has said 2021 will be more violent than 2020. Aggravated assault is up here 20%. Overall is down 6% but violent crime is up 15%. Bredefeld: no contract PD at WalMart will just increase crime ? Chief: yes by having contract officer there Walmart pays for it. Bredefeld: is
your police department is systematically racist? Chief: no. Bredefeld: I know that but that is the narrative nationwide. Chief: .001% of arrests leads to... (missed what he said). We don’t have many police shootings. People hear what they hear from a shooting 1000 Miles away.
Bredefeld: hard to recruit officers when corrupt media is saying officers are beating up people. Chief: yes. They are good people here but if we have a problem with an officer will deal with them. If our LTAs are lower and we have those officers in field we could do much more.
Bredefeld: is it difficult to keep this community safe if we haven’t let 90,000 prisoners into community? Chief: we have reoccurring criminals sometimes 3 arrests a day of same person. But we don’t have room for all but most violent. Bredefeld: we have a revolving prison system
and no bail. We have weakened our laws with prop 47. . Chief: lack of accountability leads to more crime. Bredefeld: it would be nice if we can hold people accounts. Police are under attack constantly. Why it is hard to attract recruits. Chief: I respectfully disagree. Most peopl
here like our officers. Bredefeld: yes but the narrative is different. I am talking about fake corrupt media and those that hate cops. CCWs: I think people should be able to carry concealed weapons. They go through training. Chief: we manage 2700 ccws. If you are law abiding and
do training you should be able to have a ccw. We have rejected 3 since I have been here. 24 hours and training center. I have been working on descalating techniques. We train constantly. Physicians may be only profession that trains more. Every equipment we have asked for are
something we need. No dar in the budget. Community Service Officers (CSO) if we get what we ask for it will give 3 per district. Online reporting system here I don’t like. A CSO should come within an hour. I need to fill these positions. Online report doesn’t give evidence that a
CSO can see. Also online can need to false insurance claims. I would like 950-1000 officers by the time I leave here in 15 or so years. Bredefeld:I hope mayor supports an emphasis on public safety in community. Chief: these are not arbitrary numbers. Tulsa is smaller , less pop-
-ulation and less crime but have more police officers. Bredefeld: public safety has to be main emphasis. We don’t have enough dispatchers. We have to be competitive by making them more comfortable. Anything to Show dispatchers are appreciated. 95% of 911 should be met in 15 sec
says PD staff. We have not enough dispatchers and warming of weather. We are in 80% answered within a minute. 90% of calls are by cell phones so we often get multiple calls for same car accident. Makes it difficult to know what the phone call will be. Bredefeld: we are failing
our public. Staff: we should have the 34 we are asking for will get us close. We do have issues of room for those at the correct times. Bredefeld: motion for cost to hire 34 to reach the 95% response time. Maxwell: rerouting non 911 calls to other dispatchers such as a mental
health issue. Chief: we should have more dispatchers than Clovis has police officers. We do respond very quickly to violent crimes once processed. Maxwell: I would like to see the complementary motion to see cost of these non 911 dispatchers. Bredefeld: thank you for coming to
Fresno and all the officers. Bredefeld Addresses Council:260 police officers died last year. I don’t see the fake and corrupt media reporting that. @kmkarbassi In fairness as council is to do budget so we need to ask tough questions. We have to balance budget by law. All officers
and professional staff “thank you”. It is a difficult time to be a police officer but please don’t lose faith. We have to make balanced decisions. Our PD budget goes up every year but so does population as well as state laws allow more criminals to be released. PD has one of the
lowest increases over the past 5 years. Trying to increase beat officers with community. Some people are genuinely frustrated and repeat victimization. Very complicated. Blaming PD for it is not right. Always room for any profession.we need to put politics aside so PD can prevent
public being victimized repeatedly. Purchasing Sidearms fund last year was an issue. Chief: almost done with that. All but 39 officers. Bredefeld: motion to include $70,000. Karbassi: adjourn today of two officers who died of Covid. You say you do more with little. We need to
give you what you need. 34 homicides and 304 shootings this year. Up 42%. Traffic fatality is neck and neck. 32 traffic fatalities. Chief : 60 of Contract policing we can’t fill last week. Bredefeld: some businesses have more call for services. High profile locations of incident
but perhaps we incentivize contract at these type of businesses depending on market demands. Chief: i am concerned those business will drop their contract if it gets too expensive. Karbassi: City will cover the differences. Motion to meet FPOA about that. Chief: contract policing
in other cities allow the officer to make the rate paid. I don’t like that. We use time and a half. A strip bar is not a type of a business be contracted there. Soria: who is prioritized? Chief: police officer makes the determination. Apple store is inside and AC. Sitting in a
bar parking lot is not as popular of a choice. Easiest and less problematic tend to go first. Karbassi: incentive program may help. On Workers Comp savings by new positions. Chief: we would like LTAs down to 5%. Karbassi: recruitment ? Chief: lots of ways to do that. We have five
job events per month whether job fair, schools, military biases. Combating the false narrative that this is a bad job. Lose about 60 in 15 months. Lateral hires are those that have been through an academy already and tend not to quit whereas a cadet at an academy may quit before
done. Karbassi: motion to double lateral bonus to $20,000. I think this will pay for itself. Chief: $800 a month different in Clovis salary with Fresno PD. Esqueda: Clovis won’t absorb every officer coming out of academies. They have less officers than we have dispatchers.
Karbassi: we don’t get 911 Calls asking for more planners or water engineers. Bredefeld: we don’t know if $800 will cut it. I don’t know what that salary increase is that will work. Esqueda: we have the data. Dyer: FPOA has their data point and we have our data point. FPOA rep:
we are below Clovis as they get more support from community. Cadets look at work load and safety. Fresno is a violent city as it has big city problems. Larger workload. Do we want biggest and brightest ? Yes. We need to compete. We don’t get a tidal wave of applicants for this
job. We need to be competitive to get applicants take on a violent job with more scrutiny. Karbassi: motion to increase starting salary to match Clovis starting pay. Dispatch: it is a difficulty job, high pressure, fast paced. Number of applicants per vacancies? Chief: unsure.
Karbassi: sorry for the grilling Chief. I hope you like BBQ he jokes. Chavez: we are on hour number 6. Level of service for neighbors. CSO are needed for car break in etc. motion to increase CSOs. Broad support up here for PD. Chief: in my time here all 7 Councilpersons under-
stand the role of PD. I welcome tough questions as it is part of accountability. This is the people’s budget. Chavez: defund the police or augment PD is often heard. But level of service is what is needed. It is not either / or but And /and. We offered free PG&E, food giveaway
We are in a good spot with this one time money to make changes. Motion was to make 20 CSOs. Soria: $10,000 for officers that live within city limits south of Shaw. Karbassi: what happened to one Fresno ? ( I think it is Karbassi who made this joke). Arias: are police stations
open to public yet? A: No. Arias: motion to open all city facilities by Monday. Chief: up to Emergency director Barfield to make that change. Barfield : OSHA has visited several times and fines are still there. Maxwell: what type of type of Calls CSOs go to? Chief: depends on
District. Could be doing social media, park events , burglary etc. Maxwell: if we hire more CSOs what prevent them from going to homeless incidents. Chief: they don’t have weaponry training. End Police Portion.
Public Utilities Budget hearing with department head Mike Carbajal.
Arias: district 3 water pipeline all related to water treatment? A: a big chunk is repair to North Ave pipeline. Goes under five railroads. Rerouting and rehabbing. From 1963. Arias: we have identified new pipelines in downtown Fresno in order to increase density. Carbajal: we
will have section on that. Arias: map please of those pipelines. Carbajal: utility rate won’t go up. Beautify Fresno had tipping fees and PR. It is covered by Measure P. @BeautifyFresno
Vehicle replacement of $6.9 M. Hope Now for Youth to hire youth. Arias: was an RFP or is this just a friend’s Christian organization? A: will look. Esqueda: we can go look as to its origin. Carbajal:end of presentation. Maxwell: purple pipes expansion? A: we can find out. It is
under waste water division. Maxwell: wants cost of life of purple pipe program. (2014-). Arias: want your division to pick up stray garbage cans around town. Esqueda : private companies have similar too. Arias: we will pick ours up to Beautify Fresno. Garbage compressors for
downtown so homeless doesn’t go through it. Carbajal: won’t fit in alley but need to get one of property owners to agree to use that one site. Arias: Campus Pointe uses it. Why not ? Esqueda: downtown wasn’t built for it as compressor is a fixed device. Arias: Empty parking lots
can be used. Sacramento has figured it out for their downtown. Multi family Commercial doesn’t have Operation Cleanup. More than 1/3 of Fresnans live there and pay higher fees too. A: dump event days three in spring and three in Fall. Also pop-up events. Arias: senior apartments
doesn’t have access to trucks or labor. Also Chinatown clean up was placed into DPU. I would like to see budget for Beautify Fresno with all the budget sources. I won’t be able to approve without that. Esqueda: I will make a trade memo about. Esparza: what is solution to the
amount of trash. A small crew that is like code enforcement that can cite. What ability can we use DPU funds ? A: we provide 50% of litter cleanup and the three bins. Not much funds left. Beautify Cleanup does give us some flexibility. Esparza: what General fund supplement? A:
it goes the other way. DPU supplement general fund. Esqueda: motion to determine rate study so voters can determine what their money can go to. It would be cleaner. Rate study needs consultant approved by Council. Esparza: Motion: two person crew, equipment per district. Sloan:
need to determine job description. Esparza: I am mostly wanting cost at this point. I may make a motion depending on cost. Soria: convenience center. Will this help with Operation Cleanup? A: yes. It will allow people to dump bulky items legally. We already have to pick them up
once it is dumped in alley etc. soria: county people sometimes take advantage of this. Has the County shown any help? A : this is only for rate payers. We could set up a fee for county or Clovis residents to do so as well depending on daily tonnage. Compliance officers could be
hired. Esqueda: Beautify Fresno has been presented to commission. Hope to get recommendations on Monday. Soria: Local conversation Corp was used before. Can they be used again? Chavez: there is a reason we don’t use them anymore. Soria: specific motion on pilot program in Tower
I would motion $100,000 for that. Arias seconds with amendment for Chinatown corridor clean up. Esqueda : send scope of work of pilot program. T(ower is $100,000 and Chinatown is $147,000). Soria: I like actually paid staff rather than volunteers like Beautify Fresno. Unsure if
that is sustainable. City is getting one time dollars. How can we go ask for more from rate payers? Dyer: $100,000 for Tower Clean up with Neighborhood Industries. Is that an RFP? Soria: they use homeless so it gets them off the street. Public comment. Eric Payne: human right of
water. Purple pipe delay. Clean drinking water in disadvantaged neighborhood. Target those areas first so kids are not effected by lead pipes. Esqueda: we met all state drinking standards throughout city. @LisaYFlores1 Question on why job program for homeless city wide? A job
gives income and self worth. Next up Transportation Department. @gregorybarfield leads it. I want to thank my team as most worked in person and not remotely. In budget book there is nothing in it for ARP in this he emphasizes. Three parts of this department. 1) fleet
Farebox maintenance; Training people to work on electric bus batteries at city college. Barfield: forgot to add one position. Soria: only if wifi is added to busses she jokes. He will have more info on wifi this Friday.
Need to get back into Duncan Polytechnical and heavy vehicle repair. Arias: 10 full time bus drivers?Barfield: we won’t fill until October. Arias: thanks for cleaning up bus stops. If rest of city can do the same for business frontage. I will hold hostage everything for wifi.
Water Tower has been maintained very well by Transportation Department. You have taken true ownership. Barfield: Billy Bergen is who needs to be thanked on that. Soria: zero fare and ridership? A: ridership is down 40-% since last year. On Monday we can go from reduced capacity
to unlimited capacity. Masks will need to be worn still. School age kids are not on it yet and probably a large reason for reduced ridership. Two incidents on buses were captured on video. It hasn’t been doomsday like some drivers thought when zero fare installed. Free masks were
given by supervisors originally. May just go to a box of masks for riders. Handy Rides :45 down Ashlan to central solved lots. Provider changed and riders have been pleased. Soria: district 1 is pleased with service especially route to Inspiration Park. Barfield: route 45 from
Central High to Garza High and loop backed. Lack of access to Clovis Community College will be covered in November. Cross town route to Sanger West may cause a few challenges and may not be ready until next year. ARP: can use for busiest routes in AM and PM peak times. Other than
servicing Herndon is highest priority. Soria: hopefully community colleges will provide bus passes. This will get us close to zero fare. Barfield: grant on innovative transport was unsuccessful but we have a good partnership with our bus manufacturers. Soria: mobility study to
Tower. Barfield: Trolleys sold 6-7 years ago due to mechanical issues. There are now electrical trolleys. Dyer: I would like two trolleys. Will have follow up meeting. Soria: Motion to get two of them. Chavez: whose is larger ? Mayor or Council’s trolley? He jokes. Maxwell: we
have worked hard on zero fare. I want equitable transportation. Barfield is good hearted. We have provided 1000 of zero fare rides. What is zero fare model doing now? Barfield: council wanted zero fare for certain key groups. Vets, college students, school kids. Fresno Unified
carries 7-12 grades only. Maxwell has written grant for Kaiser to cover veterans. Moving social services from downtown and kings canyon corridor hurt us but it is important for those riders. September 1st zero fare ends. We hope to get Fresno Unified students riding free. One
dollar for those outside those target groups. Want to work with ASI to use student body cards. We are committed to that. This Fall most of colleges are at only 30% capacity so we have a few months. Maxwell 7-part motion to provide some of these items. Barfield: para transport has
ridership increase but unsure how much came from @kmkarbassi district. Soria: scooters have been an option on some cities. Are we including them in our longterm vision? Barfield: TCC vision for those where scooters are welcome like Fresno State and State Centers. Maybe if they
work in one area it will be acceptable at others. Barfield: Clean mobility option at a mobile home park is one thing that is happening for electric car ride sharing. Public : @IvankaSaunders Leadership Counsel says zero fare has provided help for many citizens. Joining other
cities with zero fares. @mmwpro63 Thanks Maxwell for Zero Fare. It has made riding much easier. Route 3 often gets stuck in traffic on Herndon making people miss transfers. Barfield : thanks Matthew for reaching out a lot on social media. It has been a pleasure leading this and
Will be hard to give this up. Next up Airport Department.
We are in top ten growth in country. We will break record of number of passengers by 20%. Larger mainline airlines is helping. FAT Forward new parking structure is about to open. When current lots are full people gets stressed they will miss flights. It may be time to start plan-
-ning for next parking structure.It is on time and on budget. Chavex:City's first PLA. Arias: it is a success.
Using ARP for ONM frees up funds for capital. Could uses it to pay off debt service too.We would be ok even without ARP. We are holding back CARES for new expansion. 100% of international travel is from Mexico. Arias: i don;t see signage , culture celebration or eateries when the
new wing opens can we focus on this international travelers? A:We will be having new concessionaires soon. We can use local businesses and introduce them to airport. Karbassi: jokes Why would someone travel from Mexico want a taco? Arias: do we need to have code enforcement check
off airport businesses like mini-marts with violations ? A: that is up to that and it is in their contracts to abide by that. Soria:I get compliments on the airport from out of town friends.PLA has worked well and local people benefitted from these good paying jobs. Diverse
type of concessionaires would be helpful especially at new international wing and midnight flights. A: we are at 100% capacity and need for concessions are there. Southwest Airlines is doing well and looking at other opportunities. American has direct flight to Chicago. Soria:I
know in past you have hired young students. A: a win win as we are 24-7 and can work around their schedules. International Wing shovel in ground March 2022 and done summer of 2024. After expansion we are already filled the gates needed. This expansion can triple the capacity
just by the way it is designed. 144th Wing plans doesn't effect us financially but they are committed to staying here due to labor pool and cost of living. They don't pay rent at airport. As F-15 times out they will change the platform. Eventually they will run out of room.
A phased 10 year plan they will probably do. Maxwell: i want to know how and when it will effect golf course and swimming pool. A: maybe down to 9 hole gold course. Maxwell: i am in favor of 144th expansion but reducing golf course would effect city revenues.
Next up is Personnel Department. (Esparza needs to pop into Meet the Mayor event for his districts)
Maxwell notices a discrepancy. Georgeanne White: it is appropriations. Henry: some is for fingerprinting.
We have hired lots the last few months. Arises how often do you do comp studies ? A: usually by request by bargaining units. Soria: will there be carryover of balance? Henry: it is not flexible dollars but belongs to risk funds. Arias: liability decreases as some settlement claim
are Settled in court ? Henry: need to confirm and get back to you. Soria: special events thresholds can be discouraging for mom and pop events.
Soria: these analysts are going to help with youth jobs? A: yes for all those applications. Soria: we nee to make sure they are familiar enough with youth. A: Parks will be helping actually place the youth. Arias:I appreciate you are staffing up for PD and Fire Dept. Hopefully
you will do the same for parks in future. Council BREAKING FOR 15 minutes
Return at 6:15 pm Scott Mozier from Public Works Budget.
Previous administration held off hiring until SB 1 recall was defeated Ramp up of hiring was done.
By districts such as Peach Ave or Veterans Blvd.
Misc. Category is for things like CFD etc gives $23 M total. Soria: Traffic Flow Improvements? A: adding a lane , lights etc CBD projects like at Yosemite , Burroughs schools.
Stronger economies can be seen on this slide. Mitigation dollars such as Cal Trans are in Trust bucket.
Bottlenecks are in Final Maps. 5G applications. Budget for new positions. ARP for tree trimming and replacement of vehicles. Properties being annexed into CFD (landscaping district). Arias: is replacement of trees included in tree trimming fund. A: yes. 12 employees from grafitti
team as they are moved over. Also excited for ATP (Active Transportation ) Grafitti team for freeway cleanup. @kmkarbassi energy efficiency for parks and public safety buildings. Reduce carbon footprint and saves money. I will make a motion for some projects and email them to
Assistant City Clerk. San Joaquin access at Spanos Park light synchronization? A: makes sense in a lot of way. We need to make synchronization on west east corridors first. Karbassi:Kudos for what you do. District 2 seems large. Is that mainly for Veterans Blvd? A: yes.
Q: waterfront is important for three access points for San Joaquin River. A:City will be main builder. Karbassi: $1 m for neighbor mitigation on this project. @D7Esparza do you have capacity for Measure P projects? A: many of the projects have been up to shovel ready. Some of the
money is needed for additional staffing. Esparza : how hard is it to ask funding to be redirected would that change priorities ? A: some could be flip flopped if no grant money was included. Esparza:I would like to do that. CFD more regionally specific like in a neighborhood?
I don’t have any CFD in my district at all. Motion to direct that. Esqueda: process is easy. Getting public educated enough to vote for/ against CFD project. Mozier: you could annex as small an area as a block but cost of ballot makes it more cost effective to annex larger parcel
Esparza: remain my original motion of neighborhood CFD. Mozier: money stays in that area down to hour of staff, water. Fee revenue can’t go anywhere else. Firewalled in. Esparza : email his proposal to clerk. Arias: thank you for your work and promptness. People are happy so far
with Tower Street improvement. A: Some nearby streets didn’t need slurry but grinding. Arias: complete Street ordinance that includes gutters, sidewalks. A project didn’t have that happen. A: that ordinance exempted for slurry projects as it is a low cost effort to prolong the
Road. Arias: will submit my project list including road to where HSR takes over. We have historic dollars in general fund and ARP but only increased Public Work budget by $200,000. A: TCC projects in Chinatown as well as HSR working on utilities. Arias: covert grafitti team add-
ition to road repair instead. Dyer: don’t add three graffiti team? Arias : yes. Our job to make adjustments. @GarryBredefeld district 6 has so little compared to other. A: CBDG dollars are included and there are none in your district. We also look at complete Street projects
which are expensive. There are investments madd in 70’s are in need now like Cedar Ave from Sierra to Shepherd. Bredefeld:who makes these decisions? I didn’t get much response from past administration and I figured it was because we didn’t get along. But now new administration.
My district gets screwed. Esqueda: raw data of pavement gives us this before us. We can change formula. Bredefeld: I have 40-50 year old roads too. Dyer: projects tend to filter up from Public Works and not Mayor downward. Are we basing this on a formula? A: yes. Slurry to help
newer roads and pavement for older roads. Many of our dollars are from grants. There are projects that Clovis can’t apply for as their demographics don’t qualify. Soria: I have worked 7 years to get through hoops to get the dollars. Arias: only $6 million comes from General Fund
and rely on grants. I have 109 year old areas still waiting on sidewalks because we give so little to general fund. Bredefeld: can we have cap on how little we can receive per districts? 1% seems too low. Arias: we need to give more to Public Works. If money given Monday they
will spend it by end of the week. Bredefeld: motion that each district each gets 5% Maxwell:discretionary fund for roads needed Bredefeld: unsure we will get close to the numbers needed. Arias:Motion increase each district’s amount by $500,000 for infrastructure. Soria: TOD $$
Per districts ? A: Blackstone project with protected bike lanes @mmwpro63 two one way couplets. We are under design. Contract award in 2022 and construction into 2023. Soria: Solar to get most bang for our bucks. A: RFQ for all buildings Fire and PD. Workshop in July and awarded
in August. Soria: we ended up with original contractor but wasted all that time. Some Fresno High neighborhoods need work on roads. Motion to expedite Highway City. Also Sikh temple area needs work. A: we can do that in August. Chavez:Motion submit all on my district 5 projects
Maxwell: bottle neck in my district where three new subdivisions have been added. Using 180 and Fowler. A: we got a $2 million grant and to have County continue to prioritize that area. Things to be done for annexed out there are many. Esqueda: funding source is needed to put in
the widening of road. Mozier: bike lanes can be done with road diets if not enough land available. Meet with council members and then come up with funding. Maxwell: Barstow from Blackstone to Maple via Fresno State makes sense. A: wasn’t a priority for previous Councilman (caprio
-glio). You have done your research. Needs support or not support of community or Councilmember. An example would be Fruit that was lined up but the Councilmember wasn’t supportive.(Brandau “scientific “project) @mmwpro63 :some areas don’t get funding as we are too spread out.
We need to not expand our sphere of influence. Thank you. Esparza: on CFD do we need consultant to determine neighborhood. Maxwell: right of way acquisitions for my district available? A: yes. Arias: pull my motion on reopening city hall as Mayor will have workshop at this Thurs-
day meeting. End of today’s budget hearing. They will be back tomorrow at 9 am. ( I won’t be able to until afternoon though).
I have blisters on my fingers (or tweeting thumbs in this case!)

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16 Jun
City of Fresno Budget hearings (in progress). ImageImageImage
Read 97 tweets
15 Jun
Georganne White: A detailed memo was sent out and why an audit wasn't made. Ombudsman person may have been too chummy with the officers.In looking back that is exactly what ombudsman is supposed to do in getting officers claims through. ADR program keeps the $11 M is
not actually higher. We are looking what traditional workers comp v. ADR and look at what the differences were. Esqueda:Audit was more about process of ADR. We are doing that correctly. Next: effectiveness. Is the increase from $4 M to now $11M effective? Arias:this department
sells us on "A" but when it doesn't work they double down on "A". Soria:If we demonstrated people were going back to work and absences go down this program is good. If not and not effective we need to move in another direction. White:Actuarial should be done soon. Lots of savings
Read 10 tweets
15 Jun
Second day of City of Fresno's Budget meeting. Departments today are Police, Public Utilities, Transportation (FAX),Airports,Public Works,Personnel Services. I am not seeing any documents or Power Points on City Website to share (but I imagine it will be used)@fresnoland #Fresno
You can watch the Budget meeting beginning at 9 am
Meeting beginning 9:05 with Police Department. Chief Paco Baldaramma begis first.@kmkarbassi calling in by Zoom. Rest of Councilmembers present in person. Chief:$206 million which is a slight decrease from last year. Increase to General Fund for 850 sworn Officers & Professional
Read 28 tweets
14 Jun
Fresno City Council budget meeting continues this Monday afternoon. PARCS up first. Is the ie $20 million of Measure P baked into this asks @Maxwell4Fresno? A: YES. Sloan: you can make changes without going in front of Measure P Commission. City Manager: Parks Master Plan but we
Don’t have a Cultural Arts Plan so only $20 m of the $29 M can be used. @kmkarbassi makes budget amendment on FIre. Back to PARCS.
Read 51 tweets
10 Jun
June 10,2021 Fresno City Council meeting! Among the items today are Workshop update on our Water Supply/Drought AND Anti-Slum Enforcement Team and Code Enforcement; Two trail segment items;Ten acre park;Valley Inn purchase; Youth Commission changes;adding potentially 7 more
cannabis stores;Infill incentives;Illegal fireworks;@FLDocumenters @fresnoland #fresno You can watch beginning at 9 am @CMACTV
Among the Consent Calendar items: 1-B Approve the First Amendment to the Service Agreement between the City of Fresno and Hands On Central California to extend the current agreement for the Retired Senior Volunteer Program at Fresno Yosemite International Airport for a term of
Read 168 tweets
8 Jun
June 8, 2021 Fresno County Board of Supervisors meeting! Among the items are:Homelessness Liaison position in the County Administrative Office ; declaring County-owned property surplus and declaring County’s intention to sell
the surplus property located in the north east corner
of E. Kings Canyon Road and S. Cedar
Avenue, Fresno, , approximately 30 acres, commonly known as the former University Medical for minimum $6 million (NOTE:property was once sold for 9600 gold coins so quite a bargain!);June 8, 2021 Fresno County Board of Supervisors meeting!
@fresnoland @FLDocumenters On the CONSENT AGENDA includes:

16.1 *Proclaim June 12th as "Tomasa V. Arenas Day" in honor of her 100th birthday
Read 51 tweets

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