46/ In 2020,US missile defense test became only the 2nd to successfully destroy an ICBM target. "Moscow & Beijing fear the potential for an overnight qualitative breakthrough that may seriously upend their confidence in their nuclear delivery capabilities" carnegieendowment.org/2020/11/19/new…
47/ "We are concerned with the current direction of US-China’s policies, but we believe that the pessimists both overstate the possibility of a US-China war and understate the consequences of possible armed conflict."
48/ "US has launched a large-scale, all-domain military exercise in the Indo-Pacific region with Britain, Australia and Japan – the first of its kind in more than four decades" pacom.mil/Media/News/New…
49/ Military force is not about material & men alone but chiefly a function of state legitimacy. The ultimate political question --what is worth fighting & dying for
2/ " “Quick Win” solutions focus on halting highly destructive practices, such as widespread deforestation, flaring and fugitive emissions of methane, and “black carbon” emissions from dirty cookstoves, biomass burning, and other sources" drawdown.org/solutions/tabl…
3/ There are obstacles to implementing all of these "Quick Win" solutions, of course, but they offer large and immediate emissions reductions, plus strong economic returns. They are among the lowest hanging fruits globalecoguy.org/we-need-4-wave…
Project drawdown: drawdown.org/solutions/tabl…
"Obama attempted to accelerate the completion of seven major new transmission lines. Only two were finished. Since 2009, China has built more than 18,000 miles of ultrahigh-voltage transmission lines. The U.S. has built zero." @yayitsrob on ELECTRIC MAGIC theatlantic.com/science/archiv…
2/Like many countries, China's demand centers (on coasts) are far away from wind,solar & hydro regions (North,West). Engineering solution to Renewables variability problem is to connect large regions w Hi-Voltage Grids. But politics gets in the way. Thread
3/ You must keep the largest interconnected machines on EARTH alive while it is being whacked by heatwaves, floods, hurricanes, thunderbolts from the sky, and even hackers in basements god-knows-where.
Thread on the US GRID
65/ "Economic policies are climate policies now"
Heavyweight fight between NDRC and Ministry of Environment over authority to shut coal power & heavy industry.
China puts its most powerful government agency in charge of cutting greenhouse gas emissions bloomberg.com/news/articles/…
66/ China launches national emissions-trading program. At a stroke, creating the world’s largest carbon market & doubling the share of global emissions covered. It will have ripple effects in every country. Great WSJ explainer video @shashamimi@ByXiaoXiaowsj.com/articles/china…
67/ "Chinese nuclear capacity has to grow by 5x (at least) if the 2060 carbon neutrality goal is to be realized
...don't see how that will be done with conventional U-235 fission tech. It will be thorium,or natural uranium,in one of these 4th gen reactors"
Historic verdict: US-trained former Honduran army intelligence officer who was the president of an internationally-financed hydroelectric company has been found guilty over the assassination of the indigenous environmentalist Berta Cáceres. theguardian.com/world/2021/jul…
2/ Lawyers: "murder was the grand finale in a campaign of terror carried out by a wider criminal structure including company executives & state officials against Cáceres & her organization Copinh (Council of Popular & Indigenous Organizations of Honduras)" theguardian.com/world/2021/jul…
3/“Their audacity, determination & dignity to resist, defend and triumph over this corrupt system sets a precedent. We have nothing to thank the justice system for. It was they who persecuted Berta; they criminalized her & displaced her. This victory is a result of our militancy”
We aren't made of stars as much as we are made of fossil-fueled fired Nitrogen fertilizers!
No Haber-bosch, no population boom & ironically no mass bombing in WW1/2 (fertilizers, bombs are both nitrogen-based. H-B first used to make explosives, per Smil) nature.com/articles/22672
2/ "What is the most important invention of the twentieth century? Aeroplanes, nuclear energy, space flight, television and computers will be the most common answers. Yet none of these can match the synthesis of ammonia from its elements"
Smil on NITROGEN vaclavsmil.com/wp-content/upl…
3/ Agricultural yields are proportional to use of Nitrogen fertilizers. Making Nitrogen via Haber-bosch's fossil fueled process was key to 20thC population boom.
61/ German firms are central to China's industry (steel, cars, BASF chemicals etc) and to Green industry (technology transfer of solar; Siemens with trains & electric grid etc).
US, China & Germany have complementary capabilities in green tech & should cooperate in scaling up.
63/ US Koch brothers have veto on Climate action; China has not 1 but a "100 Koch Brothers" problem of entrenched heavy industry interests in a dozen provinces. Xi's crackdown on domestic Coal is going to be long drawn out & bureaucratic infighting vicious wsj.com/articles/china…