7/ The content of the #V2K measure seems to be different for each of the victim TIs.
The use of voice changers seems to be common. To me, there are currently four digital voices. Electronic music continues uninterrupted in the background.
Victims are forced to continue to be cross-examined by the voice of #V2K while constantly monitoring "thought content (including images)" and "reaction brain waves (#EEG)".
10/ I recognize that "#mindreading" against others is the most rude "damage to dignity" towards a person.
I don't recognize some #globalists and religious members who use it casually, either as peers or as credible people.
11/ The situation where #mindreading is used unilaterally and secretly is extremely dangerous.
It has a large purpose of misuse, such as searching for materials for "threatening, trading, and defeat." Furthermore, for human relations manipulation and interest.
12/ The manifestation of the existence of #mindreading is essential for social safety.
-Make malicious use a case.
-Public enforcement to the ruling class as a special case (because it is a regular user). For example, related to pandemics.
16/ The #NWO side currently in the process of "significant population reduction."
It is hoped that the existence of "brain data analysis" will reveal the deadly sin "mass slaughter". I also want public opinion that will lead to enforcement.