1⃣Nothing is more important to🇪🇬than the #Nile, which runs through the nation’s history & economy. The Nile is fed by two main tributaries, the White and the Blue Nile which meet at Khartoum,🇸🇩. The Blue Nile, originating in Lake Tana in🇪🇹, is the source of most of Egypt's water.
2⃣It has been more than 10 years since Ethiopia announced to build Africa’s largest hydroelectric dam on the Blue Nile. Since then, the prospect has loomed as an existential threat over Egypt.
3⃣Was the GERD a good idea? Possibly not.
Egypt’s Nile Delta, approximately 1m. above sea level, is already slowly sinking, thanks in part to the tectonic plates but also to a reduction in the amount of sediment being deposited in the delta (possibly due to Aswan High Dam too).
4⃣But recent studies predict this problem will be “seriously exacerbated” by the operation of the GERD.
Lacking agreement with Ethiopia over the operation of the GERD, Sudan is also concerned about the impact on its hydroelectric Roseires Dam.
5⃣Sudan would also pay a high price were the dam to suffer a catastrophic failure-a possibility that has been raised in several academic papers. One recent study by Egyptian civil & water engineers highlighted “the high risk of soil instability” in the area of the GERD site,
6⃣which is “located on one of the major tectonic plates and faults in the world.” Around that fault, about 16 earthquakes with a magnitude of 6.5 or higher occurred in Ethiopia during the 20th century.
7⃣Another 250 klm downstream from the Roseires Dam is Sudan’s Sennar Dam. The Egyptian study predicts that, in a breach of the GERD, the resulting flood would swamp the Sennar Dam and inundate land for hundreds of klm, as far as Khartoum.
8⃣Now the GERD is a reality.
1⃣4⃣Ethiopia wants to begin the filling of the reservoir. When full, the reservoir will hold 74billion m3 of water almost 1/2 as much as the 55billion m3 Egypt gets in a year.
But without a binding agreement the danger is certain.
1⃣5⃣Fill it too quickly, and Egypt will be deprived of water, devastating its agricultural sector and disrupting its economy, leaving its people short of food and throwing millions out of work.
1⃣6⃣If the level of water in Lake Nasser drops significantly, the amount of electricity generated in the Aswan High Dam will be dramatically reduced. Egypt says that Ethiopia should take at least 12y-20y to fill the reservoir depending on the amount of annual rainfall.
1⃣7⃣What can Egypt do?
Scientists at the Zagagig University in the paper "Managing Risks of the GERD on Egypt" proposed strategies for Egypt to offset the risks posted by the GERD, for saving of 40bill. m3 of water.
1⃣8⃣But even if these strategies have the potential to help Egypt, the impact of the GERD without a binding agreement between the 3 countries will be serious, especially during years of drought.
CONTROVERSY OVER ISLAMIC THEOLOGY #Laschet 1/9 When teaching Islam at🇩🇪 schools and universities, the state must cooperate with religious representatives. But that doesn't mean to cooperate with fundamentalists.
Cc: @RR98013929@greekphase
🧵 faz.net/-gyl-adwys?GEP…
2/9 The 🇩🇪state is faced with a dilemma regarding the teaching permission for Islamic instruction & theology, because-unlike the Christian churches-there is no recognized religious community that is entitled to grant this permission.
3/9 Searching for a solution, the state has launched various constructs. For example the association officials-and not religious and theological authorities- are granted to decide on the teachers and textbooks to be selected.
1⃣MYTHS circulate by Turks about certain incidents that took place during the 1956-1958 & 1962-1964 intercommunal strife. The FACTS (mainly from Turkish sources & British archives) show that Turks were not victims of Greek violence but the protagonists
Myth-A❌: On June 7, 1958, Greek Cypriots threw a bomb at the Information Bureau of the Turkish Consulate.
Fact-A✅: A Turkish Cypriot were responsible for the bomb in order to provoke riots against the Greek Cypriots.
3⃣ On the night of the 7th June 1958, there was an explosion at the Information Bureau of the Turkish Consulate. A crowd of Turkish Cypriot youths had already gathered there, and they were swearing vengeance against the Greeks.
#Iran 🤝 #Taliban. New Horizons
1⃣Iran's regime has overturned its hostility to the Taliban and may welcome the "enemies of America" as Kabul's new masters. Turkey & Pakistan are also accused by Afghan politicians for weaponizing the Taliban.
2⃣After the US toppled the Taliban in 2001, the Iranian Supreme Leader not only sheltered them but is now veering toward closer ties with them. Ali Shamkhani, senior security official, has praised their leaders for their resolve in fighting the Americans. worldcrunch.com/world-affairs/…
3⃣According to U.S. State Department documents, many Taliban and al-Qaeda leaders have been living in Iran. And the Revolutionary guards would have no qualms about using them to crush domestic protests in Iran.
1⃣The hydrologic balance will be reversed between, the cold and fresh waters of the Black Sea and the warm and salty waters flowing from the Mediterranean across the Sea of Marmara into the Black Sea.
2⃣Although the Black Sea’s level is 30cm higher than the Marmara there is a 2way stream through the Bosporus Straits. The 1way flow of the new channel will force the Black Sea to constantly supply fresh water to the Marmara without being supplied with salty waters from Marmara.
1⃣Οι #Αφροέλληνες της μουσουλμανικής μειονότητας
Σε χωριά της Ξάνθης και ειδικά στο Άβατο, ζει μια φυλή περίπου χιλίων ατόμων με σκούρο δέρμα, μιλούν άπταιστα ελληνικά και αυτοπροσδιορίζονται ως Έλληνες greekcitytimes.com/2021/02/10/ava…
2⃣Οι πρόγονοι των «Αφροελλήνων» κατά πάσα πιθανότητα ήταν σκλάβοι από το Σουδάν που έφερε μαζί του ο Ιμπραήμ πασάς. Άλλωστε η Οθωμανική Αυτοκρατορία ήταν ένας από τους κύριους πελάτες σκλάβων. protothema.gr/stories/articl…
3⃣Μετά την καταστροφή της Σμύρνης, όταν η Ελλάδα και η Τουρκία υπέγραψαν τη Συνθήκη της Λωζάνης και αντάλλαξαν πληθυσμούς, οι Αφρικανοί της Θράκης επέλεξαν να μην πάνε στην Τουρκία, παρόλο που ήταν Σουνίτες Μουσουλμάνοι.
Οι #Αλεβίτες Μουσουλμάνοι της Θράκης
1⃣Ο πρώτος ευκτήριος οίκος Αλεβιτών στην Ελλάδα πήρε άδεια λειτουργίας προ ημερών. Οι #Αλεβίτες, περίπου 3.000, κατοικούν κυρίως στα ορεινά χωριά της Θράκης. Ο υφυπουργός Παιδείας Α. Συρίγος είπε: kathimerini.gr/society/561329…
2⃣«Οι Αλεβίτες διαθέτουν χώρους προσευχής στην περιοχή όπως είναι το τέμενος της Ρούσσας, αλλά τους είχε υφαρπάξει το σουνιτικό Ισλάμ». Οι Αλεβίτες αποτελούν θρησκευτική μουσουλμανική μειονότητα και έχουν ισχυρές διαφορές με τους σουνίτες και τους σιίτες.
3⃣Στους Αλεβίτες η γυναίκα έχει ισότιμη σχέση με τον άνδρα, είναι θεσμοθετημένη η μονογαμία, ενώ καταναλώνουν οινοπνευματώδη ποτά στην καθημερινότητά τους, πράγμα απαγορευμένο για τους περισσότερους άλλους μουσουλμάνους.