I am doing my first preliminary estimate of TOTAL prison time awarded to Trump, now that we see his trials are coming, and have some visibility on the TYPES of crimes with Giuliani, Weisselberg, Roger Stone etc
("Number are my buddies!")
Preliminary Trump Sentencing Thread 2/
This thread builds partly on the reasoning in my Thread about the schedules of Trump trials coming up. You may find it helpful to first read this thread:
This thread is about YEARS of prison time. But often prison sentences are LIFE sentences. There are years associated with Life sentences that vary (state vs Federal etc). Here is short thread about Life and Years:
To understand time - prison time - we need briefly to discuss life. Life sentences.
Many people who receive a Life Sentence in state prisons are released after about 15 years served, because of parole. So a 'typical' life sentence in a STATE conviction is about 15 years, roughly
To understand time - prison time - we need briefly to discuss life. Life sentences.
Federal life sentences do not have possibility of parole. But their duration is most typically 20 years
Then there are 'Determinate' Life sentences without parole, for actual 'life remaining'
Those federal Life sentences that actually mean the full remaining life span, are for very serious crimes like treason, mass murderers, terrorists.
In our case, with Trump, Weisselberg & Giuliani old men in their 70s, let's estimate that life would end in about 25 years, roughly
Tweeps? These 3 confessions. Trumps REALLY are this stupid. Their plan is to escape a speeding ticket by admitting to the speeding but saying others also speed at that point.
That is EXACTLY what they are doing. They have ALL confessed now. They go to prison on tax evasion
Remember this is VERY serious tax fraud, systematic tax fraud over 16 years, for which the prosecutors have the double accounting records.
The penalty for Don Jr & Eric is of scale of 5 years in prison and $3 million in back taxes and penalties. Each.
For Donald Trump the time is equivalent to Weisselberg so 12 years on this tax fraud scheme and grand larceny related to it. And Trump taxes due and penalties, I estimated at $60 million dollars
On this one tax fraud criminal case alone (= Weisselberg 1 out of 5 cases to come)
I will do my ADDITIONAL reasons, after these 10 excellent reasons by Richard Signorelli. I will retweet EACH of his brilliant Tweets, and comment on a few points, before I add my reasons. This is excellent analysis, Richard. Thank you!
Richard's first 3 reasons. VERY IMPORTANT point number 3: Weisselberg is no fool. He is affluent. He has hired INDEPENDENT and competent attorney (not a lunatic like say Giuliani would be telling bedtime stories to Trump).
Richard's second set of reasons. Item Nr 5. Trump WILL TURN on Allen Weisselberg. Trump HAS to blame Allen that this is an evil plot by an evil accountant who stole money from Trump behind his back. This is a 'killer' argument
Thursday was Weisselberg Day as Trump's accountant and his company CFO surrendered, was indicted on 15 counts of criminal financial frauds including tax evasion.
This thread summarizes what I learned incl great discussions with my Tweeps
Tomi's Take on Weisselberg Day 2/
We learned Weisselberg has been indicted on 15 counts. He is due $1 million dollars in unpaid taxes and could get 5 years. He is charged with Grand Larceny on systematically falsifying tax documents over 16 years which could add 7 years.
Tomi's Take on Weisselberg 3/
Weisselberg arrived at 6:15 AM voluntarily to surrender. He was cuffed. He entered plea of not guilty to all 15 charges. He was considered a flight risk. He surrendered his passport. He was released without bail because these are non-violent crimes.