Will be on the lookout for lawmakers parroting talking points fed to them by tech industry lobbyists and law enforcement shills. #BanFacialRecognition
Only a few minutes into the hearing and we've already heard a ton of excuses for why lawmakers aren't just moving quickly to ban this technology. The language they're using around "oversight" & "regulatory frameworks" fed to them directly from tech lobbyists opposing moratorium
Oops and then @RepJerryNadler just said that "facial recognition can be an important crime fighting tool." right after he explained how it's fundamentally racist. bad look Jerry
Jim Jordan saying he hopes there can be some common ground / bipartisanship here. I hope so too. If Republicans like Jordan are serious about preventing the Federal government from abusing #facialrecognition, they should get on board with the Biometric Technology Moratorium Act
Jim Jordan acknowledging the GAO report shows that tons of federal agencies are using #facialrecognition without having even basic policies in place on how they use it, & many don't even know what they're using.
But doesn't say whether he'll support the bill that would stop that
Very glad to see that Robert Williams, who was falsely arrested after being misidentified by a racist facial recognition system is testifying at today's #HouseJudiciary hearing on #FacialRecognition. We need to hear from more ppl who have been impacted by this discriminatory tech
First witness up is Gretta Goodwin from the Government Accountability Office (GAO). Their report basically showed that tons of law enforcement agencies across the US are using facial recognition tech with essentially zero oversight or accountability. cyberscoop.com/gao-federal-fa…
GAO witness notes that the FBI used #facialrecognition on photos and video of the Capitol riot. I'm expecting to hear more about this from Democrats who are looking for an excuse to not support the common sense moratorium legislation. That's some BS fastcompany.com/90592060/capit…
A lot of the statements and testimony so far focuses on the "accuracy" of #facialrecognition systems. It's crucial to understand that facial recognition will still be racist and oppressive once algorithms improve. It automates and exacerbates existing discrimination in policing
Up next is a professor who keeps stressing how closely he works with law enforcement agencies. So far basically calling for more oversight.
Also I am very curious about this artwork behind him??
Professor Barry Friedman (who again, openly stresses his close ties to law enforcement) falsely claiming that facial recognition can be effectively "regulated." Here's why that's wrong: buzzfeednews.com/article/evangr…
Now up Robert Williams, describing his horrifying experience being falsely arrested in front of his wife and children because of Detroit police use of racist facial recognition technology. Cops didn't even tell him what he was being arrested for when they handcuffed him.
Robert Williams spent 30 hours in jail after being arrested in front of his wife and children for a crime he did not commit.
#FacialRecognition is doing harm right now. How many others has this happened to? How many people are sitting in jail because of this tech right now?
"I guess the computer got it wrong," police told Robert Williams after it became clear that he had been falsely arrested.
Then they sent him back to his cell for hours before they let him go.
Now up Bertram Lee Jr of @civilrightsorg, who importantly notes that the bias built into #facialrecognition is "inherent" and that Black people are disproportionately represented in databases used for this type of surveillance. Even if the tech improves: the issues remain. YES.
Excellent testimony from Bertram Lee Jr of @civilrightsorg: even if algorithms improve, this is technology that allows governments to track people's movements and associations at a mass scale. It's fundamentally incompatible with human rights.
Current witness, i missed her name, doing a good job explaining how facial recognition will interact with and exponentially magnify the harm of the rest of the surveillance state, leading to self-censorship and massive chilling of civil liberties and freedom of expression
Ah, that was @karaafrederick of @Heritage. a good reminder that there is grassroots support from across the political spectrum for reining in law enforcement use of biometric surveillance
"Like biological or nuclear weapons, facial recognition poses such a profound threat to the future of humanity and our basic rights that any potential benefits are far outweighed by the inevitable harms." leaps.org/the-case-for-a…
Professor Jennifer Laurin more or less explained how the legal system is currently stacked against defendants and in favor of cops, and is ill equipped to do anything to address the harm that will be done by inevitable law enforcement misuse of #facialrecognition.
and now this guy from a "conservative" anti-crime organization is fearmongering about "terrorists loose in our cities" in order to argue for some weak regulatory framework instead of a ban
Every witness who is opposing a ban basically lists off a ton of reasons why we should never trust cops to use #facialrecognition responsibly and then says we should pass laws that would basically mean we have to trust cops to use this technology responsibly. Makes zero sense.
It's hard to overstate just how terrifying a technology has to be for law enforcement shills to acknowledge that it can be "easily abused." These folks never met an expansion of surveillance they didn't like. This should be raising alarm bells for lawmakers. #BanFacialRecognition
"facial recognition becoming more accurate doesn't make it less of a threat to human rights. This technology is dangerous when it's broken, but at a mass scale, it's even more dangerous when it works." leaps.org/the-case-for-a…
Robert Williams describing the routine brutality of the US justice system. Cops wouldn't tell his wife where he was or whether he was okay when she called, kept hanging up on her. His kids didn't know if he was coming home and are traumatized now. #facialrecognition hearing
This guy (who is about to get eaten by a painting of a monster that maybe his kids drew?) is very sure that we can address the harm of facial recognition just by requiring surveillance vendors to "self regulate" and i would laugh if i didn't worry lawmakers are prob nodding along
No. No amount of additional training or certification will change the fact that #facialrecognition technology is fundamentally incompatible with basic human rights, or the fact that it automates and speeds up policing, in a system where we know policing is already discriminatory.
.@RepAndyBiggsAZ raising concerns about impact on constitutional rights, asking about the privacy implications of corporate vendors engaged in #facialrecognition.
But... is he gonna support the Biometric Technology Moratorium Act that would actually do something about this?
Fortunately, there's a bill from @AyannaPressley & co that would do just that, we just need lawmakers to get on board & move it fwd. Let's go!
Professor Laurin says that the ability for defendants to challenge use of #facialrecognition in courts is "practically nonexistent."
.@RepJerryNadler asks Bertram Lee Jr of @civilrightsorg if they'd support regulations. Once again he clearly states that we need ned a BAN or moratorium in order to prevent additional harm to communities that are already over policed and over-surveilled.
So, will @HouseJudiciary Dems support the Biometric Technology Moratorium Act, introduced by @AyannaPressley and @EdMarkey? Or is this whole hearing just for show?
.@RepKarenBass asking a few kind of disappointing questions sort of showing she hasn't done the homework. #FacialRecognition is dangerous whether it's being used as an investigative tool or to make an actual arrest, and yes, it works "better" on white men.
.@RepKarenBass just interrupted Robert Williams who was trying to explain to her why distinction she is trying to draw between #facialrecognition being used for "investigation" not "arrest" is totally bogus. Really disappointing, Rep Bass. Listen to @civilrightsorg & others plz
Jim Jordan talking about his broad concern about #facialrecognition and the surveillance state generally. Calling for bipartisanship.
So, let's see some! Support the moratorium bill and stop the use of this surveillance tech now so we can have a real debate @Jim_Jordan
This line of questioning is silly. #FacialRecognition is primarily used to generate leads for an investigation. That's a problem even if the algorithms improve because law enforcement usually use this tech to scan through mug shot databases, disproportionately full of Black men.
It's so clear how lawmakers are drawn toward "regulation" of #facialrecognition but it's so important to say again and again that THIS IS WHAT BIG TECH COMPANIES LIKE AMAZON AND MICROSOFT ARE CALLING FOR.
They want to see regulation cuz they know it speeds up adoption.
Heartbreaking testimony from Robert Williams, talking about how his daughter gets re-traumautized every time there's a story on the news about how he was falsely arrested due to use of #facialrecognition.
folks will prob rag him for it but @RepThomasMassie is absolutely right about how the government's background check system for firearms disproportionately falsely rejects people of color. And the analog is clear that #facialrecognition will do the same, even if algorithms improve
Rep @tedlieu frustratingly claims that you "can't ban technology."
But... you can. Your local police department can't go buy nuclear weapons. Cuz there's a law against it.
See also: lead paint, biological weapons, etc etc
Pass the moratorium. Stop messing around.
A "warrant requirement" is largely meaningless in terms of preventing harm from #facialrecognition. It utterly misunderstands the way that police actually use this tech. That's why there's consensus from civil rights organizations that this surveillance tech should be banned
honestly how hard would it be for Congress to add title cards to these livestreams so we know who is talking? Am i supposed to remember the names of all the old white dudes in Congress? c'mon
Rep @CoriBush: "What we do know about this technology is that the darker your skin tone (like mine) the more likely you are to be misidentified."
Rep @CoriBush going hard, asking GAO "yes or no" was #facialrecognition used on racial justice protesters after the torture and murder of George Floyd.
Asking if there are protections for protesters engaging in 1st Amendment activity. (There are not, til Congress passes a ban.)
Rep @JacksonLeeTX18 asks some excellent questions about the total lack of oversight and accountability with more than 18,000 police departments using #facialrecognition, but then frustratingly turns toward flimsy transparency fixes and evidentiary rules. We need a ban.
Why is @JacksonLeeTX18 basically already saying that the Judiciary Committee is not going to move toward a moratorium or ban?
Anything less means there will be more people experiencing the trauma that Robert Williams and his family experienced.
Regulation won't work.
Okay and now the hearing is adjourned. Lawmakers said a lot of great stuff and asked a lot of great questions, but it's pretty disappointing that not a single one expressed their support for the Biometric Technology Moratorium Act, which would pause use of this racist tech.
Dozens of civil rights, civil liberties, human rights, LGBTQ+, racial justice, immigration, and legal defense organizations have called on lawmakers to #BanFacialRecognition and pass the Biometric Technology Moratorium Act
Saying that decentralized tech like cryptocurrency is “inherently right wing” is like saying socialism is “inherently authoritarian” because you can point to examples of authoritarian governments that claim to be socialist. Yes, there are a lot of crypto bro scams and BS, but…
Decentralization is our best bet for having a future internet that’s not based on surveillance capitalism and where people have basic rights. Cryptocurrencies are just sort of the tip of the iceberg, messy (and often scammy) proofs of concept for something much more important
So go ahead and retweet the Dogecoin guy with an axe to grind because his thread confirms your biases or makes you feel righteous, but know that what you’re really dunking on is the potential to have a Spotify owned by artists, uncensorable private Twitter with no Jack Dorsey etc
So @MayorJohnDennis of West Lafayette, IN says that he will veto an ordinance to ban #facialrecognition despite widespread evidence it's ineffective & discriminatory. Then gives an interview to the local paper showing he has no clue how this tech works 🤦♀️eu.jconline.com/story/news/202…
Let's break this down a bit. @MayorJohnDennis says he'd veto the ordinance, which was brought forward by concerned residents, despite widespread concern from civil rights groups and experts about the ways this technology exacerbates discrimination & harm washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/…
Here's an actual Mayor of an actual city describing to @jconline what he thinks recognition does:
Notably, nearly twenty other cities across the US have already banned this technology.
THREAD: YouTube just banned Right Wing Watch, an organization working to expose and debunk hate groups.
This should be a wake-up call for the left: calling for more and faster social media censorship will always backfire on marginalized social movements. thedailybeast.com/youtube-perman…
As always with these cases, we're piecing together what actually happened, cuz Big Tech companies like YouTube have incredibly opaque moderation practices. But this is a perfect example of how pushing for companies to make moderation decisions based on news cycles is a bad idea.
From what's been reported, it seems likely that the Right Wing Watch channel was banned because of videos where they incorporate content from some of the far right assholes they are targeting, for the purposes of exposing / criticizing / debunking their racist disinformation.
This entire editorial is premised on the idea that facing professional consequences for being transphobic is a tyrannical violation of free expression. This is a Tucker Carlson segment with a posh British accent.
The mental gymnastics in this piece are just incredible. While defending free expression the Observer essentially says it’s wrong when trans people and our allies express our ourselves by speaking out against people who are spouting an ideology that’s getting trans kids killed
This piece is extra egregious because there are SO MANY actual threats to free expression rights, including speech rights of transphobes the Observer is defending, happening all over the world right now. Attacks on Sec 230 in the US censorship & social media shutdowns globally
NEW: after protests organized by @fightfortheftr and widespread backlash from civil rights groups, Amazon Ring is making some significant changes to the ways they allow law enforcement to request footage from their massive network of surveillance cameras gizmodo.com/amazons-ring-w…
Ring will no longer allow the cops to send requests privately to camera owners. Now they’ll have to do it publicly through the neighbors app. They’re also putting some limits on how often they can request footage, the geographical area covered, and for what purposes.
Let’s be extremely clear: Amazon is only doing this because of the tremendous work done by grassroots digital rights and racial justice activists (as well as journalists!) who helped expose the widespread discrimination & abuse enabled by these corporate surveillance partnerships
Happy Pride Month! Because I am a no fun trans femme buzzkill, here's a THREAD of tech related battles that directly affect LGBTQ+ folks, especially trans women of color and sex workers, that are largely being ignored by the mainstream gay rights movement.
1. FACIAL RECOGNITION: this uniquely dangerous form of surveillance supercharges government and corporate oppression, automates racist policing and social control, & could easily be used by hate groups to target and out queer people. LGBTQ+ groups should join the call for a ban.
2. ATTACKS ON SECTION 230: politicians from both major parties are increasing their misguided and disingenuous attacks on Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, a foundational law for free expression & human rights. The last major change, SESTA/FOSTA, got people killed.