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May 15th 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Ireland's privacy regulator is a gamekeeper-turned-poacher; and more!

Archived at:…


1/ A toddler playing with toy ...
Ireland's privacy regulator is a gamekeeper-turned-poacher: Dublin is a made town.

3/  Image: Cryteria (modified)...
Read 36 tweets
May 9th 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: KPMG audits the nursing homes it advises on how to beat audits; and more!

Archived at:…


1/ Two business-suited male fi...
Tomorrow (May 10), I'm in #Vancouver for a keynote at the #OSSummit:…

And a book event at #HeritageHall:…

On Thu (May 11), I'm in #Calgary for @WordfestTweets:…

2/ Image
KPMG audits the nursing homes it advises on how to beat audits: Too big to fail, too big to jail, and an existential risk to civilization.

3/  Image: (m...
Read 29 tweets
May 8th 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: California to smash prison e-profiteers; and more!

Archived at:…


1/ A prison cell. Behind the b...
This Weds (May 10), I'm in #Vancouver for a keynote at the #OSSummit:…

And a book event at #HeritageHall:…

On Thu (May 11), I'm in #Calgary for @WordfestTweets:…

2/ Image
California to smash prison e-profiteers: The Public Utility Commission to the rescue!

3/ Image
Read 35 tweets
Feb 15th 2023
1/4🛑The @Europarl_EN must BAN #EmotionRecognition & #AI polygraphs in the #AIAct.

'Emotion recognition' technologies are built on a chilling history of racism.

Along with biometric categorisation, these segregationist systems are the hidden face of #BiometricMassSurveillance. Mass surveillance of people...
2/4 MEPs need to prohibit systems from detecting or inferring emotion on the basic data about our appearance or behaviour.

🙅🏾‍♀️These systems are based on racist pseudo-science & should not be allowed.

Read more from @ellajakubowska1 & @VidushiMarda:…
3/4 #FacialRecognition is used to assess if people are:

🛂‘deceptive’ about their immigration claim
🧑‍💼good employees
💸suitable consumers
📚good students
🤔likely to be violent & more.

This tech necessitates constant surveillance to make intrusive & arbitrary judgments about us
Read 4 tweets
Jan 23rd 2023
A much more favorable environment, but a lot of complexity: Washington state privacy legislation 2023

UPDATED with info about #PeoplesPrivacyAct and #ShieldLaw as well as #MyHealthMyData… #waleg
The 2023 session is already in high gear, and once again there's some significant privacy legislation.
If you're just tuning in, "What's Past is Prologue" and "Significant successes for Washington privacy advocates" have the backstory.…
The Supreme Court's Dobbs decision overturning Roe has changed the game on privacy legislation. @SlatterVandana and @Dhingrama's #MyHealthMyData Act (HB1155/SB5351), developed with @AGOWA, responds by providing strong protections for consumer health data.…
Read 9 tweets
Dec 20th 2022
NEW: Criminal Intel Files Show Facial Recognition, Warrantless Surveillance in Minnesota
A little-known multi-agency drug war group runs thousands of facial recognition scans and other surveillance operations… Documents show capabilities of North Central HIDTA Investiga
We found over 37,000 requests for support, connecting at least 233 law enforcement organizations in MN and beyond. Documents obtained via a series of public records requests from the Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) provide rare insight into police intelligence gathering.
Many drug and other task forces as well as more routine law enforcement operations within the region receive intelligence from investigators within the Criminal Intelligence Division (CID) and Criminal Information Sharing and Analysis (CISA) units.
Read 44 tweets
Nov 12th 2022
You liked #TheGreatReset from @wef and @ProfKlausSchwab ?
➡️ (

You'll love #BuildBackBetter

Who could say no to that? Who wouldn't want it "better"?


Our international Great Leaders have been showing and paving the way since over a year already. After all, is there a better opportunity than this #Covid19 'pandemy' to tackle it?


The (in)famous @wef is of course pushing for it.
➡️… (
Read 37 tweets
Sep 27th 2022
Very happy to share that The Oxford Handbook of Digital Ethics is now finished and will be out in the next few months! Some of it is already published online. If you're interested in #DigitalEthics, #AIEthics, #ethics, #privacy, #AI, #philosophy, this one is for you... 🧵👇 Image
In this chapter, @SvenNyholm relates the new area of the ethics of human–#robot interaction to traditional ethical theories such as #utilitarianism, Kantian #ethics, and virtue ethics. #AIEthics…
In this chapter, Emily Sullivan and Mark Alfano (@moral_psych) develop a normative epistemic framework for sharing information online. They argue recent technological developments call for a rethinking of the norms of testimony. #epistemology…
Read 25 tweets
Aug 5th 2022
Can we have one day without some new horrible discriminatory rights-abusing Government proposal?
The Government is intent on wrecking privacy rights and monitoring us.
Almost 2 years ago we won the world's first legal challenge against police use of live #FacialRecognition tech in public.

But South Wales Police - who we beat - has used it since, and is even trialling facial rec smartphone apps so officers can use it out and about
Read 8 tweets
May 1st 2022
"As politicians and society embrace digital technologies, from artificial intelligence (AI) to facial recognition, the consequences of inbuilt prejudices against non-white groups are becoming increasingly apparent and damaging." --Alex Gonzalez Ormerod…
Read 13 tweets
Mar 1st 2022
1/15 OSINT: Open Source Intelligence investigation & the use of facial recognition. Trigger to the investigation: ➡️ Russian propaganda Military video posted on Telegram by what seems to be a Chechen Muslim fighter. #ukraine #islamicfighters #chechen #osint #Telegram #facialrec Image
Note the V identification on the tank that confirms this is the Russian military (So far, V, O and Z markings have been seen) . Note what could be a folded Red Beret which may confirm he is part of a special unit. 2/15 Image
Geolocating the vid is possible, long hours of work needed, we can start by trying to ID who this individual is. Using US and Russian facial recognition software brings various results, as well as which has good facial recognition capabilities. 3/15
Read 27 tweets
Feb 11th 2022
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 02/11/2022…
Misinformation Is Everywhere, Especially About Past Information - Bloomberg…
#misinformation, #history
Why Smuggled Fossils Are Hurting Paleontology | Science | Smithsonian Magazine…
#SmuggledFossils, #paleontology, #ParachuteScience, #HeritageLaws
Read 20 tweets
Dec 14th 2021
NEW: Does US have a handle on #ransomware?

"I don't think we there yet" @DHSgov @SecMayorkas tells @business's Technology Summit has to remain on an incredibly high level
CORRECTION: "I don't think we there yet" @DHSgov @SecMayorkas tells @business's Technology Summit re #ransomeware "Vigilance has to remain on an incredibly high level"
"We've made strides...I think we have a long ways to go" per @SecMayorkas on gvt working w/pvt sector on #cyber security
Read 12 tweets
Nov 16th 2021
"...the end of physical ID? How #digitalidentity verification could help accelerate #compliance... Portugal, France, #Germany, Switzerland & #Austria are implementing changes to #laws around NFC tech to enable digital identification verification."…
Nov 5, 2021: "#Austrian Airlines Introduces #Biometric Recognition System for Contactless Boarding"

"Since the #facialrecognition technology is not affected, passengers can keep their FFP2-mask on, which is mandatory inside the terminal."…
Nov 8 2021: "Austrian FMA permits automated biometrical customer identification"

"The use of #biometrical identification is becoming increasingly important during digital transformation"

#4IR architecture
Read 4 tweets
Oct 4th 2021
Debated later today:

Report on artificial intelligence in criminal law and its use by the police and judicial authorities in criminal matters

Some highlights:…
Calls for a ban to any AI that may result in mass surveillance
Highlights the power asymmetry between those who employ AI technologies and those who are subject to them
Read 27 tweets
Oct 4th 2021
IFF advocates for your constitutional rights in a digital India. Every month, here's what we do: Release a transparency report & increase our accountability to the IFF community.

In Sept '21, we filed 26 RTI requests + 3 First Appeals. Highlights in 🧵 👇🏽…
The RTI Act is an important legal tool that helps us ask for transparency and accountability from the authorities. We use it to extract information about various ongoing policies and projects. On our radar this month: #facialrecognition, #netneutrality, #censorship & #freespeech.
Did you know?

❗️The Govt. of Assam plans to install AI based facial recognition attendance system across 48000 govt. schools.

❗️The Ministry of Law & Justice plans to link your Voter ID with Aadhaar, incorrectly assuming that this passes the #Puttaswamy proportionality tests.
Read 6 tweets
Sep 6th 2021
Where transparency is not upheld as a value of public decision-making, citizens are at a disadvantage.

In August, IFF filed 64 RTI applications with various public authorities across India. Details 👇🏽 1/n…
In July, we filed an RTI application with @GoI_MeitY seeking information regarding the #PegasusProject reports.

The Ministry recently responded to us stating that it did not pass any interception order under Section 69 of the Information Technology Act, 2000. 2/n
➡️ Was blocked for MTNL users in Delhi and Mumbai?
➡️ Is the Reserve Bank of India planning a digital currency for India?
➡️ What is the status of the investigation around ‘Sulli Deals’?
➡️ Will drones be used to collect data on farming in Telengana? 3/n
Read 5 tweets
Jul 13th 2021
So @MayorJohnDennis of West Lafayette, IN says that he will veto an ordinance to ban #facialrecognition despite widespread evidence it's ineffective & discriminatory. Then gives an interview to the local paper showing he has no clue how this tech works 🤦‍♀️…
Let's break this down a bit. @MayorJohnDennis says he'd veto the ordinance, which was brought forward by concerned residents, despite widespread concern from civil rights groups and experts about the ways this technology exacerbates discrimination & harm…
Here's an actual Mayor of an actual city describing to @jconline what he thinks recognition does:

Notably, nearly twenty other cities across the US have already banned this technology.
Read 5 tweets
Jul 13th 2021
THREAD: I'll be following along with the House Judiciary Committee hearing on #facialrecognition today:…

Will be on the lookout for lawmakers parroting talking points fed to them by tech industry lobbyists and law enforcement shills. #BanFacialRecognition
Only a few minutes into the hearing and we've already heard a ton of excuses for why lawmakers aren't just moving quickly to ban this technology. The language they're using around "oversight" & "regulatory frameworks" fed to them directly from tech lobbyists opposing moratorium
Good to hear @RepJerryNadler acknowledge the harm of private use of facial recognition as well as government / law enforcement use. @fightfortheftr supports a ban on the vast majority of private use of facial recognition:…
Read 51 tweets
Jul 13th 2021
✅ La città di New York pone nuovi limiti all'utilizzo che le aziende possono fare dei dati biometrici, di solito impronte digitali e riconoscimento facciale, raccolti dai loro clienti. ✅
#innovazione #ai #facialrecognition #NewYork #privacy
🔹 Sarà obbligatorio avvisare i clienti con cartelli ben visibili alla porta e spiegare loro quali dati vengono raccolti, in che modo, come vengono trattati e con quali finalità.
🔹 Le aziende interessate sono nei campi: retail, ristoranti, teatri, cinema.
🔹 È vietato rivendere o di condividere i dati con terzi.
🔹 È vietato fare business con i dati raccolti.
🔹 È vietato usare i dati in modo discriminatorio.
Read 5 tweets

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