[LIVE] with #LOONA Haseul: Good night with Joaha-D

@loonatheworld Hello~ how's my thumbnail? Once people start entering I'll tell you about it.
@loonatheworld People thought I wouldn't be able to turn it on, but I made sure... I even covered the camera just in case.
@loonatheworld Now playing: loona 1/3 fairy tale

I missed you all too.
@loonatheworld I'll tell you about the thumbnail too. It became a stress point! Did I need to make it pretty? So I had Yeojin make it. She asked me to send three pictures of myself. I didn't think she'd edit it like this but she did so well. Each pic has a story.
@loonatheworld It's a secret but I'll tell Orbits. In the baby pic where I'm poking my cheek, I had made a mistake in my pants at the time. So my mom found that so cute and took a pic of that.
@loonatheworld she told Yeojin that story and Yeojin said she must've been the hardest member to raise as a kid

BGM: Justin Bieber - Yummy

Before activities, I did pilates and PT too. I tried hard, but while resting I didn't exercise so much, so I did just that, worked hard...
@loonatheworld Hobby lately? I don't think I really have one at the moment. Just for fun, doing Tarot with members, I guess it's just like that these days.
@loonatheworld Yeah, going to the firing range, it was fun after I tried it. Maybe I can show it to Orbits later. Will I be able to do well if I tried again? I already have videos though. Ice cream? I might like ice cream the most of all the members. I've 10 in a day once.
@loonatheworld "What do I have the members saved as in my contacts?"
Jungeun had that space bun hair, and once you release that, your hair's wavy. And she looked so cute at that moment, like a puppy. So she's "golden retriever."
Hyeju's gwiyomi (cutie)
Hyunjin's kkakkoongie
Heejins: 뺑깡쟁이
@loonatheworld Heejin: ddaengkkangjaengie (fuss-maker, from 1/3 days )
Yeojin: maknae
Yves: sofamate
jinsoul: chit-chat-er
Choerry: Choerryeo
Chuu: chuuchuutrain
Go Won: kongju (kong princess)
Bbi: Unknown Bbiheng (a sonatine pun)

BGM: Eddy Kim - The Manual
@loonatheworld What cereal do I like? I just like basic cereal...? I like granola.
@loonatheworld I was on call with Yeojin right before this, she was helping me get set up.

TMI for today: I'm not sure, I just watched Youtube all day.
@loonatheworld How was it on Yeojin's back after your first win?
Very unstable, what if she fell over but with Heejin it was very stable.
@loonatheworld Haseul had pizza earlier
@loonatheworld Iced americano vs hot coffee?
I don't drink coffee, it's been a while since I had coffee. My body doesn't agree with it so well.
@loonatheworld Oh I really don't like hawaiian pizza. Sorry.
@loonatheworld Oh right we were on Idol League, that was very fun. Lots of games and things. It was fun. At the time, this is a TMI... Haseul's curse happened at Idol League. We went to record and suddenly heard huge thunder. We had to wait a little until that rain stopped to resume.
@loonatheworld She's only seen clips of Penthouse.
Hasn't seen much in terms of full movies
she saw The 8th Night with the members though

She's been watching animations lately
@loonatheworld Would you like to be in a movie?
Oh that sounds so fun, being in a movie.

Current BGM:
@loonatheworld what I am wearing right now?
yellow pj onepiece with smiles all over it

first impression of lip: she was dancing very hard and went to the vocal room in a rush and asked someone else for water, so I thought that she was working really hard and that she would debut.
@loonatheworld A hair color I'd like to have? I dyed my hair while on break and that was emerald green, as shown in a selfie earlier. I'd like to try that color.

My cam's not on! It says voice only! Orbits, seriously~
@loonatheworld A member I like, these days?
She helped me turn on the vlive and made my thumbnail, so I'll say Yeojin. Thanks.
I'm wearing glasses right now.
@loonatheworld First impression of Choerry?
Yerimie was, that. I saw her at auditions. Shorts and a black tshirt. She was writing a lot in the "experience" section on her form, so I thought she would be picked.
@loonatheworld But she also seemed bright and pure.

Doing opera? If the neighbor doesn't say anything about it...

She hasn't done it proper in a while, she didn't like how she sounded on Fact In Star, and other situations like that.
@loonatheworld Where she'd like to travel: Of the places she's been before, she liked Switzerland the most, so she'd like to visit again.

She says it's been a while since she's gotten her license

Are you interested in blonde hair?
Yeah I'd really like to go blonde.
@loonatheworld Iceland? I'd love to go again yes. You can't convey Iceland very well through cameras.
@loonatheworld Short hair? If they want me too, I'd be okay with that.

Did you see auroras at Iceland? I did. It wasn't very clear, but I did. Slight green lights?
@loonatheworld BGM:

Have you tried iced tea + shot of espresso? i tried a sip from another member, but it wasn't for me.
@loonatheworld If you got a car, who would you give a ride?
I wouldn't give a ride to any member.

Do you like Disney?
I like Disney very much. I've seen every one.
@loonatheworld My playlist is all kpop, other than Justin Bieber earlier.
@loonatheworld How did it feel when you were coming back?

Jungeun said we watched Cruella, right? I was with her, and my first image teaser came up. I didn't think much of it but she said unnie, your pic came up. I was like oh, okay. I barely realized.
@loonatheworld and then Vivi unnie sent me a message saying Haseul congrats on your return, let's only walk the flower road (face good times ahead), and then I realized that I was loved so much by the members.
@loonatheworld Is Haseul songwriting?
I am kinda, but you know I'm not good with devices, so I just did it with guitar and only got as far as sketching the songs out, but nothing complete.
@loonatheworld Jinsoul's first impression. She had super black hair, and wasn't as talkative at all.
@loonatheworld The only drama she's really into: Hospital Playlist

I only play one game: tetris.
So the members said it fit me so well. I don't play other games.
@loonatheworld What happened to your wings burning up in the MV?
In that set, I was the last one to record. They put up the wings but it didn't fit on the set so they broke the set. That took like an hour to break. And we just shot with the green neon, then the director said he'd light it up.
@loonatheworld I was like, nah you're not really gonna burn it, are you?
But then they did, she was scared but did her expression parts alright. But she was even more surprised when they put out the fire with an extinguisher.
@loonatheworld She yelled while screaming that he should've told her he was going to put it out while dropping to the floor where she stood
@loonatheworld Haseul sings along to Suzy / Baekhyun - Dream
@loonatheworld It's such a good song for listening to at night.
@loonatheworld Yeojin made such a good nickname for me. I can't be your eardrum girlfriend, so eardrum girl-person-friend.
@loonatheworld I thought about this a lot, what songs would Orbits want to hear, actually?

bgm: Taeyeon - Weekend

I'll leave this on and then change them when song requests come in.

IU sunbaenim? So many requests are coming in for her but idk which song to play.
@loonatheworld But when it comes to Hospital Playlist OST, isn't it Aloha?

People were fascinated in me singing lower in WOW.

My Sea? Don't you think I'll get too loud here?

She sings along tiny bit for Weekend but doesn't know it so well.
@loonatheworld LILAC? Should I go with something refreshing?

Wait, do I need to sing the first verse or just the chorus? Mm I'll judge based on the comments.
@loonatheworld (Singing IU - LILAC) I love you sunbaenim!

Oh I liked this album so much.

Reading Chat "entire verse!"

Let Me In? I'll do that one last.
@loonatheworld Let's go for an IU series? Then... I sang this on the radio a little. But my dad gave me feedback, like "how could you sing that so quickly?"

She sings to:
IU - Hold my Hand
@loonatheworld I thought I'd have to sing this, since I didn't get to properly on air.

Taeyeon's If? You're only giving me difficult songs!
I'll sing from the refrain since it's so hard.

Taeyeon - If
@loonatheworld Gimme Gimme? Eclipse?
Your eardrums disappeared? Seriously...

Oh one of my downsides is that I don't know that many songs.

Most of the requests are IU songs. That's a relief, as I know almost all of her songs.

Now singing to IU - Hi Spring Bye
Do an exciting song?
An exciting song..?

She turns on Yum Yum
Oh and someone asked me to rap! And there's a rap here.
Oh and to go back to singing on my own topic... (She sang this OST as part of a children's choir as a kid)

There's another one. And I didn't practice for this! Some people know this, some don't. As part of an educational program...

Zion T - Yanghwa Bridge?
I've never tried it before. Won't it be too low?
It was my first time so I started an octave too high...

The Shower? Isn't this just an IU-sunbaenim thing today?
You know this one's hard, right?
How about a loona relay for songs I didn't sing?

(IU's) Knee? Whenever I ran into a slump when practicing, this was on the top of my playlist.
This song's so good, right?

You said you wanted me to rap earlier? So from IU's songs there's a song I can rap to!

IU - Coin

It comes in the second verse, but I won't do well (in the rap part).
I can't do it, not everyone can rap~

Baek Yerin? There's a story to this song too, this song helped me a lot back in the day...

Baek Yerin - Bye bye my blue
Oh I didn't do very well. Not satisfied.
"What song?"
(she taps the mic)
I'm doing fine doing this stream still.
I can't do opera, it's too late.
Ah Puh is too hard, I can't do that one.
What is there~?
Jinsoul - As Time Goes? A challenge?
I'll do the refrain and if I can't, I dunno.

Oh Jinsoul, your song's hard. You did well.
Other members' songs?
Oh when 12:00 came out I said to myself that I reeeally really really wanted to sing this song with them. that song was

LOONA - Fall Again
Agh, the song's SO good!
Other songs I didn't do? Universe? I sang a little of it at the concert this time around, but...
The rap part in OOPS? I'm really not confident about that. Don't you think I'd do the parts like this (the high parts)?
On the part in WOW, the writer told me to press/force the voice a little bit, and she kept trying but she couldn't get it right so she got frustrated and just did it once angrily which actually fit the bill, but Orbits seemed to like that part a lot,
(the wowow(...) part) - she's still not sure though, even though others seemed to like it.

She briefly goes to Heart Attack

D-1!! Oh I go crazy for that. I sang that for vocal evaluations once, even! Sooyoung, I sang it since I liked it so much.
Oh and latre, the So What bridge, I have to try that one too. That's a hard song too...
She sings to D-1, from the top
So What? Do we go for it? Oh I don't know. The bridge? Oh I'll go crazy, you're all nuts for this (she goes to the bridge)

(singing the bridge) I want to turn on the camera!!
(She sings it thru to the end)
That was Haseul's So What.
chat: "ok turn on the camera we'll pretend like we didn't see"
Haseul: I can't, my face isn't ready.

Why Not - should I do this from the bridge too?
I sang through this, but there's no part for me to sing here.
By request she sings along to

Kim Lip - Twilight
While on break I did a lot of singing training, learning how to deliver a thicker sound, like in this song,

BEN - Misty Road
One&Only by request
Rap success for Haseulie! I'll have to go get a compliment from Go Won.

Love Letter? I did that at a concert once.
Egoist? I can't go down that low.
I'll just go based on what I see...

I'll start from the bridge for all of these,
Omo, this just came up on autoplay?

Jinsolie's rap? *Sigh* at this time, they had me do this in a big rush so I was so taken aback...
Yves - new? Ah, everyone can sympathize with this.

If you hear this, even Orbits' neighbors might knock on your doors... (since I'll get so loud)
What else is there? Oh Yes? Is that referring to our song? ouaremy-ouaremy-ouaremy-ouaremy?

I found this song very difficult, at the time I didn't know how to sing with a thicker tone at all. So the adlib part was really hard for me here.
The "HO!" part is me, actually. I did that while messing around in the booth and they was like oh? Can we get that? And that's how it came about.
Yeojin - Kiss Later
Okay. I'll just go through all the members' solos!

"It's a medley"...
Oh I used to really want to have Hyunjin's song.
Oh but really, when I debuted I said I had two goals.
1. sing an OST,
2. be a radio DJ
I'll try to make one of these happen within the next year.
chat: haseul is best girl
Haseul: Yeah I'm best girl!

Oh fans requested that I sing this song, maybe you know it.
Rothy - Cloud
After I heard it I thought it was so good, so I started practicing it.
I'm trying to sing as many as I can.

see saw
Wow I sang so many. Basically went thru the discog.

I've been drinking water! Just didn't make noise. Bottle's here.

Can I make a morning alarm?
"get up~ get up get up get up~ it's morning~"
Dear name? My Sea?
Pick one. I might end My Sea early, it's too hard.
Alcohol Free?

Twice - Alcohol Free
But for IU's My Sea, I want to sing that properly for content later. It's such a good song though.
IU - My Sea
I practiced high notes a ton with this song. There's an insane high note here.

I'm drinking water!

(She's referring to 3:55)
How does she hold that note for so long! I want to properly do this later for cover content.
It's because she exercises? That's how she does it?~
Now there's no time. Should I go to the toughest song for me?

Just the first verse is enough, right?~

Now there's really no time, but from the many song requests coming in, I'll go through them real quick.
Really quickly.
Taeyeon - all about you (Hotel del Luna OST)
How many songs did I sing today?? Let's start wrapping up... Oh this is really like a goodbye song! Isn't it?

What this song is is, when I was young, I went to a choir for a while. While on break, I visited a few times.
When I was there, they were preparing a song. So with this song, I actually taught them a little bit there. And it showed up there so I was proud of that. Yeah I was really busy when I was young!
When I get older, I want to make a childrens choir.
"You taught??" Yes, I'm a really tough teacher!

The song is called "Gift", and it's a Christmas song. Please listen to it with The Carol.
Anything I didn't get to do for Orbits? An OEC song? Should I do unit songs?

There's an OEC song that I like. It's a bside. Masterpiece.

yyxy. yyxy? I like this one.
Oh the rhythm's really hard..!
Oh there's no time! I need to do a 1/3 song! Well... That's us anyways, so we'll do 365 and end with PTT.
Thanks to all the Orbits who attended LOONA Haseul's mini-concert. The last song is PTT.
Orbits, you've worked hard being here hearing me singing for 1h45m... I want to say a lot more but we'll still be seeing each other.. Right?
The neighbor hasn't knocked yet!
It's time to go to dreamland, everyone. This is how extravagantly, not sure about that but, end the relay vlives.

I wanted to sing you a morning ringtone, but I couldn't think of anything! What is there? So that's a shame from today's show.
We'll go again later, of course, promise!

Everyone, sleep well. I miss you a lot, and thanks so much for hearing me sing so much. I said this before, but agh, I wanted to show you the song that I sketched up (wrote roughly) but that's a shame.
I missed you so so much so this was so so great. Then lastly I'll show you a little bit of this song. Should I show you? Should I not? Just think of it as background music for narration. I miss you and love you, thanks for listening. We'll be on vlive again.
You gotta come in quick then, alright? Thanks for hearing my singing and stories. Love you Orbits! Next time I'll sing a morning ringtone for you! I'll end at :50.
How's that? It's alright, we'll see each other again. Thanks for staying up so late. Thanks so so much. (it's 11:50PM KST)

I got so excited on my own, maybe I went a bit over the top by myself.
Yeah, it was just a really short thing. When I finish it I'll have you listen to it.
You liked these kinds of vlives? Alright, we'll do more of them.
But really, good night Orbit! Sleep well! Good night! Really, good night!

• • •

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More from @orrery_nim

20 Jul

Young Go Won was particularly introverted...

@loonatheworld With the thumbnail, I saw the other members use baby photos. So I also joined in on this trend.
@loonatheworld So I used this baby picture. The person who made this thumbnail wasss... Ha Sooyoung unnie!
I asked her "could you make a thumbnail for me just once? And she made it."

What's the sound still? I turned off the A/C already. Okay then I'll move. Why's it like that?
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20 Jul
[LIVE] #LOONA Vivi: "Orbit TTTTTT"


"Daebak it finally turned on..!"
@loonatheworld You were waiting right? You can hear me right? Emotional tears... You're all coming in right? Sorry for being late!

Actually I was waiting this time with the title and image set, and waiting on vlive. And at :59... I pressed start, but it didn't work!
@loonatheworld So I was wondering why it didn't work, tried logging out, logging in, changed devices.. It didn't work! But the staff helped me figure out how to turn it on. What a relief.
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19 Jul
[LIVE] #LOONA VLIVE with Olivia Hye

"Orbit you can't sleep"
@loonatheworld Olivia Hye: How long have you been listening to vlives now?
Tiring huh?
@loonatheworld You're happy? You like it? that's a relief.
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19 Jul
[LIVE] w/ #LOONA Yves:
"v Yveslive v"

"For two minutes I tried so many times but it kept failing! It would go 3, 2, 1, but it wouldn't count down!"
@loonatheworld I wondered if it was slow to count. I thought I'd get in trouble from the fanmanger or something. So I restarted vlive real quick. Maybe it's because it's my first time doing this.

I've been waiting since 6:40 for this. How's the audio? Is it too quiet? I'll raise the volume.
@loonatheworld She remembers greets orbits:
I'm Yves, I'm 25, and I'm in quarantine. So I'm here on a voice-only vlive today. What are you doing right now Orbits?
(She lowers the music volume)
Oh you're having chuucken maru? I have to try that soon.
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19 Jul
[LIVE] Jinsoul: "Hurry come in 🤤💙"


Intro: ODD Front
@loonatheworld I feel nervous, since it's like my first time doing a vlive alone for the first time. What do you thinka about the thumbnail? It was my first time with Photoshop... I kept looking up on Naver how to do things while making it.
@loonatheworld I thought it would be 4:3 but the image ended up being wider than that. So that's unfortunate.

On tuning in everyday: Jinsoul thought other members would feel bad if she only tuned into a few members so she had to tune into everyone's.
Read 33 tweets
18 Jul
[LIVE] #LOONA (w/ Hyunjin): "Nightfall radio🌚"

vlive.tv/post/1-24193390 ImageImage
@loonatheworld She's currently lightly singing Fairy Tale (acoustic instrumental)

Yes, everyone, are you coming in? Today, yes, I'm the DJ for today, Hyunjin. Nice to meet you!
@loonatheworld I intentionally had a soft song on earlier. I debated a while on the title. I looked out the window and the sky as night was falling was so pretty! That's how I set the title. Have you been doing well?
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