The Socialist Constitution of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea
The Western media derides North Korea's constitution as being nothing more than a “piece of paper”. To that I say: "Au contraire." If you want insight into DPRK read its constitution.…
2/North Korean's are well-versed in their constitution b/c they veritably live, think & breathe it.
Constitution of North Korea…
“The Socialist Constitution of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (Korean: 조선민주주의인민공화국 사회주의헌법; MR:
3/"Chosŏn Minjujuŭi Inmin Konghwaguk Sahoejuŭi Hŏnbŏp) is the constitution of North Korea. It was approved by the 6th Supreme People's Assembly at its first session on 27 December 1972, and has been amended and supplemented in 1998, 2009, 2012, 2013, 2016 and twice in 2019. It
4/"replaced the country's first constitution which was approved in 1948.”
You don't pour fuel into your EV and you don't plug your gas-powered car into an EV station. Analysts who view DPRK thru the prism of Western ideology completely miss the mark in trying to understand DPRK.
6/At the very least one should approach DPRK's constitution at the college level of understanding: Read it, discuss it & evaluate it. That the writers of such propaganda pieces know which side their bread is buttered doesn't change reality: that DPRK lives, thinks & breathes a
7/system that is antithetical to Western Liberal Capitalist Democracy - Juche Socialism. They can say it's not "socialism", that it's "communism", or that KJU is "attempting to revive socialism" forever but their reasonings will always miss the "real position of the fish".
8/Here are a few articles from the Socialist Constitution of the DPRK that shed light on how DPRK "ticks":
"Chapter 1: Politics
Article 8
The social system of the DPRK is a people-centered system under which the working people are masters of everything, and everything in
9/"society serves the working people.
The State shall defend and protect the interests of the workers, peasants and working intellectuals who have been freed from exploitation and oppression and become masters of the State and society.
Article 9
The DPRK shall strive to
10/"achieve the complete victory of socialism in the northern half of Korea by strengthening the people’s power and vigorously performing the three revolutions—the ideological, cultural and technical - & reunify the country on the principle of independence, peaceful reunification
11/"and great national unity.
Article 10
The DPRK bases itself on the political and ideological unity of the entire people based on the worker-peasant alliance in which the working class plays a leading role.
The State strengthens the ideological revolution and revolutionizes
12/"[the working classes of?] all the social members, and binds the whole society in a united group, linked up with comradeship.
Article 11
The DPRK shall conduct all activities under the leadership of the Workers’ Party of Korea.
Article 12
The State shall adhere to the
13/"class line, strengthen the dictatorship of people’s democracy and firmly defend the people’s power and socialist system against all subversive acts of hostile elements at home and abroad. ..
Article 17
Independence, peace, and solidarity are the basic ideals of the foreign
14/"policy and the principles of external activities of the DPRK.
The State shall establish diplomatic as well as political, economic and cultural relations with all friendly countries, on principles of complete equality, independence, mutual respect, noninterference in each
15/"other’s affairs and mutual benefit.
The State shall promote unity with the world public defending peoples who oppose all forms of aggression and interference and fight for their countries’ independence and national and class emancipation.
Chapter 2: Economy
Article 19
16/"The DPRK relies on the socialist production relations and on the foundation of an independent national economy.
Article 20
In the DPRK, the means of production are owned only by the State and social cooperative organizations.
Article 21
The property of the State belongs
17/"to the entire people. There is no limit to the property which the State can own.
Only the State possesses all the natural resources, railways, airports, transportation, communication organs and major factories, enterprises, ports and banks.
The State shall guarantee
18/"giving priority to the growth of its property which plays a leading role in the development of the national economy. ..
Article 22
The property of social cooperative organizations belongs to the collective property of working people within the organizations concerned.
19/"Social cooperative organizations can possess such property as land, agricultural machinery, ships, medium-small sized factories and enterprises.
The State shall protect the property of social cooperative organizations...
Article 24
Private property is confirmed to
20/"property meeting the simple and individual aims of the citizen.
Private property consists of socialist distributions of the result of labor and additional benefits of the State and society.
The products of individual sideline activities including those from the kitchen
21/"gardens of cooperative farmers and income from other legal economic activities shall also belong to private property.
The State shall protect private property and guarantee its legal inheritance.
Article 25
The DPRK regards the steady improvement of the material and
22/"cultural standards of the people as the supreme principle of its activities.
The constantly-increasing material wealth of society in our country, where taxes have been abolished, is used entirely for promoting the well-being of the working people.
The State shall provide
23/"all working people with every condition for obtaining food, clothing and housing.
Article 26
The independent national economy of the DPRK is a solid foundation for the people’s happy socialist life and for the prosperity of the fatherland.
The State, holding fast to the
24/"line of building an independent national economy, shall accelerate Juche-orientation, modernization and scientific sophistication of the national economy, develop the national economy into a highly developed Juche-oriented one, strive to build a solid material and technical
25/"foundation commensurate with a complete socialist society…
Article 29
Socialism and Communism are built by the creative labor of the working masses.
In the DPRK, labor is an independent and creative work of the working masses, who have been freed from exploitation and
The State renders the labor of our working people, who do not worry about unemployment, more joyful and worthwhile, so that they willingly work with enthusiasm and creativeness for society, organizations and for themselves.
Article 33
The State shall guide
27/"and manage the national economy according to the Taean Work System, which is a socialist economic management form whereby the economy is operated and managed in a scientific and rational way depending on the collective power of
28/"the producing masses, and according to the agricultural guidance system whereby agricultural management is conducted by industrial methods.
The State shall introduce a cost accounting system in the economic management according to the demand of the Taean work system, and
29/"utilize such economic levers as prime costs, prices and profits.
Article 34
The national economy of the DPRK is a planned economy.
The State shall balance a proportion between accumulation and consumption properly, accelerate the economic construction, continue to raise
30/"people’s living standard and formulate and implement national economic development plans in order to strengthen the national defense capability.
The State shall formulate unified and detailed plans and guarantee a high rate production growth and a balanced development of the
32/"national economy."
North Korea's Socialist Constitution describes the heart & soul of the people of DPRK living by socialist collectivism and fighting against Western sanctions to achieve socialist prosperity while defending their national sovereignty.
Power to the People.
Israel is NOT a "settler colonial state" by definition. Anyone making that claim is just historically shortsighted. Israel's patriarchs Abraham, Isaac & Jacob were living in Israel c. 2200 BCE, Israel's period of Kings was from 1350 to 586 BCE...👇 Palestine of the ancient world
2/and the Land of ancient Israel are the same geographic territory. So it's an indisputable historical fact that the Jewish people have been living in the Land of Israel from c. 2200 BCE to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, and since 1948. You have to look at the whole timeline.
3/Settler colonialism…
“is a form of colonialism that seeks to replace the original population of the colonized territory with a new society of settlers. As with all forms of colonialism, it is based on exogenous domination, typically organized or supported
Presidium of the Supreme People’s Assembly in DPRK passes 4 laws, notably a law “on rejecting reactionary ideology and culture”
[December 6, 2020]…
“According to the official KCNA, the Presidium of the Supreme People’s Assembly (SPA) convened under its
2/"president, Choe Ryong-hae, to pass four laws unanimously.
Particularly notable was a law “on rejecting reactionary ideology and culture,” which KCNA reported would be “certainly observed by all the institutions, enterprises, organizations and citizens” in the country.
3/"The principles enshrined in the law were aimed at “further cementing our ideological, revolutionary & class positions by thoroughly preventing the inroads & spread of the anti-socialist ideology and culture and firmly maintaining our idea, spirit and culture,” the report said.
Set aside the Western prism of media propaganda and see real North Koreans at last who are proud to be North Korean!:
From the NEW DPRK website:
Teenagers in North Korea | Blue sky blue sea blue dream MV | DPRK Vlog
2/North Korean teenagers performing contemporary dance in a music video released on New DPRK shows DPRK's leadership encouraging students to hold their own against their capitalist rivals, K-pop idols.
Thought experiment: Picture the elation these teenagers experience after a
3/wrap of the video. The choreography was superb, dance execution was perfect & everyone involved is happy. Another student tho who has a flash drive full of K-pop music videos has alienated him-/herself from them by envying South Koreans.
"This year, North Korea could face food shortages of up to 1.35 million tons…[It's] food requirements are about 5.75 million tons annually."…
Despite the struggles, few experts expect that North Korea is on the brink of a famine, the 1990s.”
3/The media's claims of North Korea's economy being in its "“worst-ever” economic situation" are simply distortions of reality, which these 2 charts accurately represent👇:
DPRK 101
Pyongyang's iconic hammer, sickle, and writing brush…
“These three symbols represent the core classes represented by the Workers Party of Korea. The hammer and sickle symbolize the worker and farmers of ‘traditional’ communist ideology, while the
2/"calligraphy brush represents the intellectual class.
The inclusion of the intellectual class into the Workers’ Party of Korea is reflective of the role of prominent Korea intellectuals, including the linguist and scholar Kim Tu Bong, in the creation of the the party and early
3/"DPRK state as well as the traditional value of learning in Korean society.”
This piece 👇illustrates solidarity b/t workers (DPRK music students) = 🔨& farmers (= sickle). To entertain the farmers the band performed songs in the rice paddies.
The Socialist Constitution of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea
The only way to acquire understanding of North Korea's socialist collectivism, "democratic centralism", system of governance and people is to read its constitution, available to all.…
2/Wrong term. Replace "democratic centralism" w/ People's democratic dictatorship:…
“The premise of the "People's democratic dictatorship" is that the CPC [and WPK] and state represent and act on behalf of the people, but in the preservation of the
3/"dictatorship of the proletariat, possess and may use powers against reactionary forces. Implicit in the concept of the people's democratic dictatorship is the notion that dictatorial control by the party is necessary to prevent the government from collapsing into a