Is that insulting to those propagating this disinformation? Probably. But I’m sick of being insulted everyday by white “allies” who don’t know anything about identity politics, indigenous competition for acknowledgement and truth.
Insult gains attention to an important issue.
Minister Bennett has been a tireless advocate for indigenous people for 24 years. Not just since 2012.
Bennett’s advocacy has been consistent and vocalized since she was first elected to parliament in 1997. So minimizing her contribution is a flag this article is BS.
The absolute negligence to explore the validity of the indigenous and non indigenous complaints about her is another giant indicator that this is a hit piece, not truth.
But post truth has become the norm, so I’m not surprised.
Partisan influencers rely on ignorance.
And certainly the Canadian mainstream population fulfills that description, when it comes to indigenous issues and policy.
People actually believe they’re allies to all indigenous people by amplifying partisan propaganda and vilifying those who refute it.
Truth has become subjective. Relative. Almost unknowable.
This article proves that a little bit of truth is all that’s required to motivate people to group think (aka mobbing), to remove a Minister from blocking adoption of radical and extreme policies that are not mandated.
It’s almost laughable, if it weren’t so destructive, how easily mainstream Canadians are led by the nose to amplify policies and special interests they don’t understand.
But who can blame them for being ignorant?
A radical faction of indigenous people have made it impossible to ask questions & learn more about indigenous issues. Canadians are told that their questions are unwelcome. Criticism is forbidden. Accepting all indigenous people’s demands should be amplified but not judged.
The current identity politicking being used to mask malice and hidden agendas is unacceptable. But Canadians have been intimidated to keep questions and concerns to themselves.
They’ve volunteered to refrain from questions and criticism. Suspended their critical thinking.
This creates a convenience for partisan activists who continue to load the political milieux with partial truths, partial falsehoods and a hidden dangerous and libertarian agenda.
Too many Canadians are so uninformed of indigenous beliefs and values, they don’t even recognize or realize that libertarianism is anathema to Indigenous ways of thought and being in the world.
Personally I believe it’s a combination of ignorance, cultural guilt and gullibility.
As an indigenous person, I didn’t arrive on earth preprogrammed with knowledge of indigenous issues and the legal and policy issues surrounding indigenous peoples in Canada. I had to work at it. But, being indigenous, it’s in my best interests to do so.
It’s not that I don’t understand that my self interest is a motivator. It’s the complete disinterest of most Canadians over the last 35 years since I’ve paid attention that bothers me.
Ignorance is a choice. It has nothing to do with intelligence.
Several people are reeling in guilt and discomfort with recent revelations of unmarked graves. That information has been available for about two decades. But many are more concerned about making a statement that they are allied vs actually learning what the issues are.
Many Canadians are rallying behind a small faction of FN because it makes them feel better. Masking your guilt for ignoring indigenous realities for decades doesn’t make you an ally. It makes you easily manipulated to support just about anything partisans with agendas assert.
It makes you a “useful idiot.”
So many Canadians have permitted themselves to be weaponized as a self righteous mob doling out social justice in a quest to avoid their own guilt and ignorance.
But that is human nature. It’s as predictable as a daily sunrise.
We avoid negative emotions & responsibility for our own actions by externalizing those emotions & pointing fingers elsewhere. That’s called projection.
By eliciting mass trauma, partisans with agendas have unleashed widespread psychological distress and the unhealthy coping mechanisms that accompany that distress.
Again this is all predictable behaviour.
Remember, it’s an indigenous activist telling you this.
I’m an involved, politically aware and relatively well informed indigenous Métis activist who is highly invested in reconciliation for ALL indigenous people. Not just the dominant FN culture propagating partial truths cherry picked to elicit sympathy and support for an agenda.
I’m not gullible to the propaganda inundating mainstream Canadians. I know my truth because I live it daily. As does every member of my indigenous community. The Métis.
Ignorance and guilt produce gullibility.
These attributes reveal your inability to discern truth from lies.
You’ve been intimidated by partisan activists by being told not to ask for more information or question the veracity of the indigenous people asserting Bennett’s racism. Just accept it as truth.
The choice is yours whether you permit your ignorance of indigenous issues & guilt over indigenous reality persuade you to believe that a woman who has dedicated her entire political career to advancing indigenous rights for ALL indigenous peoples (FN, Inuit & METIS) is racist.
An astute observer would be asking what the conflict is between a sub faction of FN and the Liberal federal government.
It’s the unity of Canada that’s at issue. This partisan group wants to dismantle Canada and carve it up. It’s called #LandBack.
Liberals were never given the mandate or the public support to destroy federalism in Canada.
Bennett represents all indigenous peoples in Canada as Minister. This sub faction wants a minister that only represents First Nations and ignores the other indigenous peoples of Canada.
I won’t defend Bennett. She can defend herself.
But I am highlighting my desire for Canada to remain a unified nation and pointing out about 700,000 indigenous people (almost half of all indigenous) this agenda seeks to exclude from reconciliation (Métis & non status FN).
See a therapist for your guilt.
Learn about indigenous issues and ALL of Canada’s indigenous people’s issues.
Reject this partisan hit job on a minister with a 24 year history of advocacy.
And stop being afraid to be labeled a racist. Please resist identity politics.
UCP has ignored the increasing violence towards women in hijabs. Cursory disapproval of these acts of violence is all UCP has offered to date.
Virtuous thoughts and prayers. Not action to reduce the escalating violence.
Until suggesting pepper spray.
In an effort to appear to be responding to calls for greater action from the Muslim community and the public, Madu writes a letter to the federal government requesting laws be removed banning pepper spray.
Again avoiding responsibility for provision of a safe community.
While we are all fatigued with covid “this” & covid “that,” at one point in the pandemic, the public’s perception of value shifted to recognize essential workers as heroes and possessing high value to society at large.
UCP is aiming to remove any memory of that paradigm shift.
The pandemic taught civilization, and the individuals who inhabit it, that essential workers make society function. But it’s also these workers who are treated with the least value in economic terms.
Many of them make crappy wages and get few benefits beyond their rate of pay.
This video is a must watch for the informed citizen who is feeling overwhelmed and hopeless.
There is always hope. There have been situations that were decidedly much worse that progressives have overcome. Slavery & robber barons were both much worse than current circumstances.
Knowing history provides you with perspective and the information that overwhelming circumstances can be overcome. History is hope.
But many focus on the difficulties of our immediate circumstances without the benefit of the historical context. Few of us are “big picture” focus.
This creates despair and demoralization.
But if you have a familiarity with human history and the eternal struggle for political agency, it’s easy to discern that this is a setback, but it doesn’t have to define perpetuity. We are in control of that dynamic.
A quick scan of events they have both attended demonstrates clearly Carney has his eyes on a much bigger prize than being an MP in Canada. He’s helping reform global sustainability efforts of several nations.