Dear @TheDemocrats. Pls remind voters that Rs blocked the #SAFEAct election-security bill. Pls propose a standalone bill requiring robust manual audits 4 all federal races starting 2022. If Rs agree, great! If they don’t throw it in their faces every damn day. TY.
This is what the #SAFEAct would have done. How many voters know this? How many journalists? I’d bet money it’s very few (unless they followed my account.) Please use talking points this time! TY.
Rs killed the #SAFEAct, which wld have required robust manual audits 4 all federal elections & banned paperless voting machines & internet connectivity. Yet Rs are the ones complaining about election security & Ds are playing defense?! @TheDemocrats must get back on OFFENSE! 1/
Seriously. I will never understand why @theDemocrats haven’t reminded voters of Republicans obstruction re: election security every damn day. 2/…
I will never understand why Democrats refused to use talking points to promote the #SAFEAct. I practically begged them to! 3/
Chris Wray concealed information about Russia’s attack on our election infrastructure, failed to anticipate the violence on 1/6 and led a sham investigation into the sexual assault allegations against now Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. It’s time to #FireChrisWray 1/
2/ “In August 2018, [Senator] Nelson blew the whistle on Russia’s breach of Florida voter registration systems, which the DHS (led by Republican Kirstjen Nielsen) and FBI (led by Republican Christopher Wray) had concealed from the public.” By
3/ “Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) blasted Wray for the bureau’s failure to detect in advance and respond to the mob that attacked the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6…”…
.@TheDemocrats must try to ensure that Rs don’t cheat in 2022. I suggest a standalone election security bill (robust manual audits & #handmarkedpaperballots) AND a national ballot image audit campaign, including a DOJ investigation into Florida’s ballot image destruction. 1/
We are unlikely to get the election security bill, but Ds must try anyway. Ballot images are created by scanners automatically, but too many jurisdictions in Florida and presumably elsewhere destroy them. @TheDemocrats shld demand that officials preserve & produce the images. 2/
Ds shld challenge tech developers across the US to develop software to analyze the images. We need lots of eyes on the images so that we aren’t just relying on one vendor to tell us whether the image supports the result. My friend Ray Lutz has already developed such a program. 3/
New @orlandosentinel piece about an important state senate race that Florida Republican Jason Brodeur (a Matt Gaetz cohort) allegedly won, defying the polls. 1/
Screenshot of a memo I wrote summarizing the players in the race. I recommend subscribing to @orlandosentinel for updates. They are investigating bc the state & county would not. 2/
Mike Lindell realizes he has no proof that Trump really won. He & others who claimed otherwise lied. So now he’s trying to flip the script. He hopes we forgot the GOP’s blocking of legislation that wld have required robust manual audits 4 all federal races. Rs wrote the rules. 1/