Claiming young people are better off getting infected than vaccinated, using this kind of language in the child vax debate probably doesn't help hesitancy
I wonder if T4Recovery have anything to do with the Recovery Alliance that is donating money to the CRG Tory MPs, the ones who have been meeting with GBD, HART, UsForThem etc
UsForThem have been responsible for all sorts of misinformation in interviews throughout the pandemic.
Masks don't work, asymptomatic transmission isn't a thing, children can't transmit…
At an education select committee exgausted Head teachers complained about the abuse they were receiving, this was an UsForThem campaign @halfon4harlowMP wouldnt condemn this behaviour but has since written an article describing UfT as pandemic great heroes
Natural T Cell immunity? Haven't heard that one for a while, bit mid 2020, although heard several LBC callers in last few days say they don't need vax because of T Cells.
Children can have cellular immunity meaning they cant get longcovid
Of course Ladhani and Munros cheerleaders don't seem concerned with if GBD have influenced policy,
however those zero covid types, questions need to be asked why they got media time.
I'd say a weekly public broadcast with the public asking questions is a bit different from secretive meetings with MPs and groups funding the CRG.
iSAGE aren't holding private briefings with MPs, Zero Covid groups aren't donating to MPs.
Fund ventilation in workplaces
Better border control
Masks indoors
Improve T&T and financially support isolation
Extremist anti capitalist policies?
When criticism was raised regarding the trials to end isolation, the ppl who were selling the study as amazingly convincing tried to dismiss the criticism because of who it came from.
If you seek 100% vaccine coverage and Zero covid you will create a vaccine evasive strain, many scientists are saying its much safer to have a hybrid immunity strategy
Lockdowns don't work, they have just coincided with natural waves that were coming regardless of what we did
Henegan has proven this
Natural immunity is better than vaccination, but still get jabbed, we have now gone beyond the herd immunity threshold for adults, there's more work to be done, young ppl need to go out and catch it and recover, and they will be in an even stronger position because natural
🧵DCT trial results are being trumpeted by Telegraph today.
I was one of those saying they were unethical, and knowing how concerns of CEV families were treated in some of these schools I maintain that view.
I think its important to note the size and context of the trial.
Here's a link to the trial details.
The timing for the trial March to June was shortly after schools went back, cases were very low, Delta was still rising to dominance with cases starting to rise at the end.
🧵Infection or Vaccination,
which is better for children?
What do the experts say?
Depends on which experts you ask
It comes to balance of harms, how are these harms being weighted?
Vaccine harm, short and long term, initial risk of covid infection, long covid, harms that manifest much later, risk of transmission, risk of mutation, length of immunity, degree of immunity against reinfection and future variants.
Are all being costed
US, Israel and others have already vaccinated millions of 11-17, other countries have yet to approve vaccination, and hundreds of millions of children live in countries which don't have enough vaccine supply that they won't be in a position to make this decision for some time
Had to make notes of what I just heard on @lbc from Maajid Nawaz
It's a selection of dangerous skeptic nonsense.
He's now saying we need all the children to get infected as we cannot counter the seasonality of covid so lets get it over to done with before September.
"Long covid is rare, of the minority who catch covid only 10% get Long covid, a million people might have Long covid but there are 70 people in the country, so its a minority of a minority"
Couple mins ago he explained we should expect everyone to catch it...
Took a while but they finally got back to mass infection and acceptable deaths as official strategy, and most media are busy telling this is the only sensible course to take