Forced Covid vax to Dementia patient lacking capacity but previously objecting to vaccination found unlawful in SS v Richmond [2021] EWCOP 31…
Reasons below in thread:
(1) SS lacked capacity, owing to dementia, to decide whether to take a coronavirus vaccination, but consistently & volubly opposed it. (2) If she had capacity she should most likely would have refused: previously she had always attended to her medical welfare but resisted vax's.
(3) It would not be in her best interests to persuade her by lying that her dead father had requested she take the vaccination. (4) It would not be in her best interests to administer it by force (sedation & restraint),
as best interests requires evaluating welfare in a sense broader than merely epidemiological: SS would look to the carers to help, and they would not be able to intervene, which likely would dismantle the tentative trust that had been established over the months.
Vaccines in UK are not mandatory. There is an exemption on evidence of medical reasons and the Supreme Court recognises at common law that denial of free and informed consent is a self certified medical reason. See Montgomery v Lanarkshire [2015] UKSC 11…
In R Wilkinson v Broadmoor : [2001] EWCA Civ 1545, Lady Justice Hale, Supreme Court President, confirmed that forced medical procedure without informed consent "may be sued in the ordinary way for the (common law) tort of battery".…
In the judgement it was held that acting under statutory authority provides no defence, therefore the Employer will be guilty of coercion on the threat of battery with regards to unlawful dismissal if express evidence of denial of informed consent are unlawfully rejected.
@BasedParalegal@amessd_southend@JamesDuddridge This is a fiction, because this statutory instrument doesn't effect the fundamental common law right to free & informed consent. Enacting this law therefore creates a Tort and, exercising your right to free & informed consent provides lawful excuse. Statute & Common law collide.
@BasedParalegal@amessd_southend@JamesDuddridge See Montgomery v Lanarkshire Health Board [2015] UKSC 11 and Webster v Burton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust [2017] EWCA Civ 62.
Also see High Court regarding Informed Consent v experimental treatments that limited Gillick consent in Bell v Tavistock [2020] EWHC 3274 (Admin)
@BasedParalegal@amessd_southend@JamesDuddridge Art.29 Magna Carta (1297) states: "we will not deny or defer to any man either Justice or RIGHT." which is why individual common law, statutory and customary rights trump laws like this that pretend to create community obligations under English law.…
@HouseofCommons@transportgovuk General restrictions on travel are unconstitutional. Art.IV Union with Scotland Act gives "full freedom and Intercourse of Trade and Navigation to and from any port or place within the said United Kingdom and the Dominions" as a "Subjects Right".…
@HouseofCommons@transportgovuk Supreme Court in Miller v DExEU stated that
"the executive (government) cannot change law made by Act of Parliament, nor the common law"
Therefore with the Acts of Union not expressly repealed, my statutory rights in them remain unaffected by covid regs.…
I have been discussing the similarities of Covid to Organophosphorous nerve agent poisoning, organophosphates are used in agriculture.…
See if this gets me banned. COVID IS NERVE GAS, Novichok is connected. Sarin, etc. cause hypoxia, asphyxiation, etc. Atropine and pralidoxime chloride treat nerve gas poisoning, also cholinesterase reactivator such as pralidoxime chloride. ZINC oxide decontaminates Sarin,,
Organophosphorous nerve agents and insecticide antidote helped by cholinesterase reactivator such as pralidoxime chloride. Ivermectin interacts with cholinesterase and quinine appears to also. Explains why these work in combination with Zinc.
"Great Reset" is simply implementation of Art.29 of the @UN's Universal Declaration of "Human Rights". Art 29(1) & (2) set out an Authoritarian, Communitarian order. Article 29(3) defines the "Community" as the UN & its Corporate, NGO & State partners.…
Art 29.(1) Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of his personality is possible. Art 29.(2) In the exercise of his rights & freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of
,, securing due recognition & respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society." = Communitarianism. Individual liberty outweighted by tyannny of the majority and powerful.