If you're the type who thrives on the "how __ is made" and behind-the-scenes scoops, this thread's for you.
#PostcardsToVoters is a labor of love for the 120k+ volunteers. We've never charged any of the 300+ candidates for our grassroots support.
So, how do we do it?
Since our volunteer writers cover their own costs for pens, postcards, and postage, that helps us operate with practically no overhead. We don't rent office space, have a Board of Directors, or anyone on salary. Everything to promote #PostcardsToVoters is word of mouth.
We use social media (not always as fully as we ought to) and we have some neat automated and interactive technology that helps us scale and which has been resilient for our growth and election surges. Volunteers help us manage 100% of the onboarding and ongoing maintenance.
But, there are some bills that come each month, some each year, and others from time to time depending on what is needed. For what kinds of things?
MailChimp for outbound email announcements (not the emailed lists of addresses) is a giant hit because the list size is 120k+
There are a variety of software licenses that are pretty fairly-priced. We do not qualify for non-profit discounts since we are 100% partisan without apology. But, it means we can't apply for those free and discounted license options. No worries.
We get lots of donated...
...tech and related support. If I started naming all of the amazing individuals whose generosity over 4+ years have helped us keep growing stronger, I'd be typing for hours and I'd still somehow manage to overlook some. Suffice it to say, we get by with a lot of help...
...from our friends. The logo, for example, was created for free using Adobe Spark and then enhanced a year or so later by a volunteer writer and graphic design professional.
Our web site was designed for free by the kind folks at RagTag.org
Even our anniversary celebrations have been completely supported and arranged by volunteers. When I used to be able to travel and visit #PostcardsToVoters groups around the country, I was often invited to stay at their homes and treated like one of the family. =)
We don't pay P.R. companies or image consultants (not that there's anything wrong with them). We just aim to stay as close to our volunteer-driven grassroots as possible. The work we do doesn't need to be fancified and some of the rough edges are actually nice to have.
Besides, once you begin adding big one-time and recurring fees for professional services, you need to finance it. The more you need to consistently raise, the more time you spend fundraising v.s. organizing and executing the plan. It can mean hiring a dedicated fundraiser.
There's nothing at all wrong with those things. It's just not the choice I made. I rather like that we are "light" and nimble. We're not over-extended or obligated and if postcard activism were to dwindle or dry up, I'm not left with contracts to break or pay.
Remember, this all started as a fluke in March 2017. I never imagined it would grow in 4 weeks to 1,200+ writers mailing 51k+ handwritten notes to voters in GA's 6th Congressional District. Much less that we'd do a second campaign. (Or over 254 as of now.)
Being so laid back, casual, and structurally flat isn't appealing to everyone and I get it. I worked for very large companies before. CSC, Allstate, First American, and Suntrust Bank pepper my 34-year career. I see the advantages and disadvantages of the other approaches.
Since it's a labor of love for me, too, I get to decide how it will work. (It's nice to be the boss, haha!)
Together, we've achieved some amazing outcomes. And I remain fully-committed to this shared mission. Through every election cycle over 4+ years, you've been there.
We're here for you as long as you remain interested in writing fun, friendly election reminders to Democrats so that their habit of voting becomes stronger leading to more Dem wins up and down the ballot across the country.
I began this thread with an idea to share...
...some insight into one aspect of how the "sausage is made." Namely, how the sales of postcards (our primary source of operating revenue) works, what so many pour into it to make it a pleasant shopping experience, and how we have kept prices at ToVoters.Etsy.com low.
At the beginning, our meager expenses were just covered by those of us who initially found each other and thought this would just be for that first election. Then, when we continued, we had no idea how long it would go so we just kept paying for things ourselves.
Eventually, with more writers, the costs climbed. We saw the potential for an ongoing organizing effort. But, it wasn't easy to keep absorbing those costs. A volunteer who used to have her own printing business with her husband stepped forward and led our initial design...
...launch. That first Be a Voter postcard was designed by another volunteer writer from the other side of the country. We did not set out to become a postcard-selling juggernaut. The price point for 100 was under $15 for the longest time. We had sliding scale based on...
...ability to pay with a lower tier, middle, and upper tier which we were merely hoping would balance out and meet our needs.
Y'all did great! Even with a large share ordering at the lowest price, enough paid extra to cover the printing costs and earn a modest margin.
When the volume and frequency of orders grew to the point that Erika's personal vehicle was filled to the brim including the trunk, she researched on-line selling and fulfillment platforms. We switched to FBA (Fulfillment By Amazon) and had to abandon the sliding scale.
With the extra fees to Amazon, we set new flat pricing and still remained among the most affordable for the quality and quantity of postcards. Again, we were not in it to become rich postcard barons. We needed to have reliable income while offering affordable cards to...
...make sure writers of all budgets could participate as fully as they wanted without curtailing their writing volume or pinching their wallets and purses.
Some time later, we had to outsource the postcard packaging to a firm that employed people who needed second chances.
And workers for whom traditional work environments were not always welcoming to them and their needs. The arrangement was a gift and worked smoothly.
But, it also added costs to the processing. And we needed to build in a little more lead time.
Before long, we had to...
...reassess when a change in the law meant a 400% increase in their fees. We brought that packaging back "in house" which literally meant my house. My garage. My dining room.
Local volunteers answered the call , thankfully, to help package the sets sent to Amazon.
Erika often kidded me that I enjoyed "playing store." In truth, I didn't care for the tedium and the paper dust, but I had managed mailrooms over my career and the logistics challenges were a little like puzzles to solve. I spent much of my career improving processes and...
...now I was uniquely motivated to make every aspect as efficient, timely, and cost-saving as possible without scrimping on what the volunteer buyer (customer) would get so that they'd feel valued and rave about our cards as much as they did about the activism opportunity.
When the pandemic hit, Amazon stopped accepting non-essential inventory. I didn't know how long that pause would be. So, I had to pivot to Etsy and do the fulfillment myself. Again, not alone. Plenty of local volunteers become familiar faces to my two doggies. =)
And over the years, we've added more volunteer-donated designs that have helped our collection grow to meet more writers' tastes.
Early on, too, we partnered with @MyPostcardapp approving a plethora of their own designs which they sold using a print-on-demand model.
That had the added convenience of another revenue stream without any hassle other than to approve new designs from time to time. Felix and his team were great and have remained so. The assortment of designs and their ability to mix and match won over lots of writers.
Once in a while they and I will offer sales or deals. Specials can spur purchases. But, at least for our Etsy shop, the prices are already extremely competitive so we can't cut back too much or too often.
Still, I try to have fun with things like the gifts with purchase.
Here now, finally, are some of the things people ask which was what I originally meant to tweet about before I got all nostalgic and long-winded.
Q. Why do the sets of 100 I buy from your Esty shop sometimes have fewer than 100?
A. They are counted by machine. We cannot...
...manually hand count all of the sets. Even if we were able to, there would still be human error. If you find your set is short, let us know. Sometimes, too, your sets may have one or two extra. Keep those. =)
Q. Why do you sometimes include loose cards?
A. If I...
...notice any card(s) in the machine-banded set have dings, instead of removing the damaged one(s), I add loose extras as replacements. The others are still perfectly fine to mail to voters. But, I want to make sure you're never made to feel like you got a bad deal. =)
Q. Why is shipping so high?
A. The USPS rates are calculated by Etsy based on the size and weight I tell them for each set of 100. They have my zip code and yours and they interact directly with the USPS postage engine to determine the shipping costs...
...Etsy does allow sellers to add to the calculated postage rates. I do not do that. Exactly what Etsy comes up with is what is charged. Etsy even knows that I use a shipping service and the discounted rates I earn from volume are what Etsy uses.
I realize now this has gotten out from under me. I should have typed it offline first and *then* edited it for a thread. I've ended up rambling a bit. Sorry folks. I will do a new, proper Q&A later.
This was a small test run so supplies are limited. When these run out, there will not be any more coming for this type of cardstock and finish.
Last week, we sold all of the test cardstocks that had coating on both sides. The shipping costs I set were too low. =(
This time, the shipping for one set is $2.50 and each additional set's shipping will add $1.25. I hadn't counted on the weight being more than the cotton linen these designs usually get printed onto. Sorry for the difference.
I have had two periods where I was out of work for 10 and 11 months respectively. Grueling periods for me that saw my savings depleted each time. I suffered from what my PCP called situational depression. Each time, I emerged employed in a great new job for which I was...
...uniquely suited. Perfect fits.
When I got a new job requiring me to move in 2013, I drove my ‘99 Camry from Dallas to Atlanta. It broke down on me in Louisiana. The repairs were easily triple the Blue Book value and I was set to begin my new job before the work could...
...be done. So, I left it there with the keys and a verbal agreement to sell it to one of the mechanics for $300.
I went to a dealership in Georgia as soon as I arrived and arranged for a loaner. I ended up buying a Kia Sorento completely unplanned.
[Sent them the "Welcome" email with instructions on how to write their sample to join #PostcardsToVoters which for now, has a message for our current Ohio Supreme Court campaign.]
"I want to send pro Biden postcards."
We only write to Democratic voters...
...and even if the message has the names of two amazing Judges running to flip the Ohio Supreme Court majority to Democrat, every voter we succeed in reminding to vote will absolutely positively definitely vote for Joe Biden at the top as their first vote on the ballot...
...before they do way down further on the ballot to vote for these two named judges. Biden/Harris do not need space on a tiny postcard to improve their name recognition. Democratic voters won't forget and accidentally skip past the very first contest on their ballots.
There will be 42 municipal offices up for election in Pinellas County, FL on March 9, 2021. You won’t need to write new #PostcardsToVoters to Democrats there because you’ve already helped them enroll in VBM. Which means they will receive ballots in the mail automatically!
In all 67 Florida counties, fun, friendly #PostcardsToVoters have succeeded in boosting VBM enrollment among Democrats since we began this focused project two years ago. The benefits of this enrollment windfall can be counted for years to come.
As casual voters who newly...
...enrolled in VBM begin receiving ballots for all types of elections large and small throughout the years to follow, their habits of voting will grow stronger. Just having the ballot appear without needing to ask for it will boost participation.
Once upon a time, (actually this has happened twice that I know of for a certain fact), a campaign received stacks and stacks of volunteer-handwritten #PostcardsToVoters mailed to them in bundles from all over the country. They hadn't asked for these cards.
But, well-meaning volunteers wrote them, put stamps on them, and then bulk shipped them to the campaign for them to be mailed locally to get local postmarks so that voters would think they'd been written by their neighbors.
These two campaigns didn't have time to proofread.
With all the critical work they had on their plates, they couldn't spare anyone to sort through the stacks of postcards to remove any that were illegible or contained problematic language or images.
So, discretely, instead of taking them to be mailed. They were disposed of.
Different communication approaches will have varying degrees of effectiveness for an array of calls to action.
Billboards, radio spots TV ads, newspaper ads, phone calls, door knocks and postcards are not all equal in getting voters to register, or enroll in VBM, or to vote.
But, because getting volunteers to write postcards is easiest and doesn’t cost the organizing group, we see it being picked more and more often without regard to effectiveness.
When the organizing group moves the cost burden to volunteers, they can afford to care less...
...about the results. Because any result is good when it’s “free” to them.
Eventually volunteers will become savvy consumers of the activism opportunities. In the meantime, it frustrates me to no end to be on a call with someone who, in the face of numerous logical...