When I said this was HUGE, it might not be obvious to even the rarefied air of #energytwitter why I'm so amped about @FERC approval of @pjminterconnect capacity accreditation reforms for #energystorage.
@FERC@pjminterconnect First, grid operators can now compare how #energystorage contributes to power system reliability on an apples-to-apples basis with fuel-based generation. It's a definitive statement that "yes, storage can be counted on for reliability" and answers analytically how much 2/
Every supply resource has its own constraints for providing power system reliability. Fuel-based generators break down or have fuel constraints. Wind & solar output depends on weather. Demand response can vary with customer behavior/fatigue. #energystorage has output limits. 3/
A framework that allows comparing resources in a "reliability-neutral" manner is critical to avoid locking in fuel-based generation. PJM's ELCC framework goes a long way there--specifically opening the door to #energystorage--though it could go further
Second, this is important because #energystorage can displace fuel-based generation for providing power system reliability. If we are going to decarbonize our grid, we can't keep relying on gas generation for backup--storage and demand response have to play a much larger role 5/
Our study with @NRDC in 2019 and policy brief summarizes why getting this right is so important bit.ly/2nsk7w5
Hybrid storage + renewables will particularly benefit, with reliability value much closer to 100% of their interconnection service level 6/
Fourth, this should provide an economic basis for some #energystorage now out of the market, driving sorely-needed deployments in PJM and making it easier for states like NJ & VA to meet storage & clean energy targets bit.ly/3aI9pV6 7/
Moreover, the financing of #energystorage will improve significantly when a forward payment can be locked in. This is key; capacity markets bias toward opex-driven resources (i.e. burning fuel), as @jacob_mays has noted. Storage is mostly capex, so forward payments = big deal 8/
It also opens a new economic opportunity for augmentation of storage over time. Adding MW leads to planning studies. Adding MWh duration should not. ELCC frameworks will keep up w/ duration changes even without capacity changes, allowing faster adaptation as supply mix changes 9/
Fifth, this has been a looooooooong time coming.
2015: FERC panel on changes needed for #energystorage, where we talked capacity valuation reform
2016: PJM describes its capacity market route for storage
2017: we asked for capacity valuation reforms in rulemaking
2018: Order 841 was issued requiring removal of barriers to storage in capacity markets
2019: we contested PJM's 10-hr rule, FERC agreed
2020: PJM's stakeholder process to develop ELCC framework
2021: FERC approval of #energystorage capacity valuation reforms
Which is to say, power sector regulatory updates take a long time! If you are getting into this space as a young person, begin thinking in 5- and 10-year timeframes. Saddle up for the long haul. 12/
Big shout outs here. @NRDCTom was brains of pre-841 work. @CustomizedES developed details that became Order 841. @NergyStorageLaw@kdcarden convinced FERC that PJM 10-hr rule couldnt stand. Andrew Levitt moved PJM ahead on ELCC. @EnergyBetty herded a coalition to work on it 13/
Much to be done still. Revisiting system reliability construct is key. You only see value in #energystorage if there is a chronological view in the reliability modeling & analysis. ELCC begins that path. Derek Steclik and @EnergySystemsIG have more
And a challenge is forming already: the separate dissenting & concurring statements in FERC's order lodge a critique at PJM's ELCC framework for using average values instead of marginal values. Wonky, for another time. But this ain't over. (Again, long time frames for change) 15/
Anyway, I'm proud of the work we've done at @storage_ESA to make progress here. Changing power systems to take advantage of the flexibility of #energystorage will catalyze many developments of the larger regulatory & market framework we need for 100% clean energy. Onward. /end
Q for power system modeling nerds: does a forced outraged adjustment to calculate UCAP inherently assume that generator outages are 1) equally likely over time and 2) of equal magnitude? Is there anywhere that UCAP is adjusted based on weather covariates, at least for planning?
And for that matter, would an ELCC calculation capture the relative impacts on one resource type having many units of same type with outages? Or does Elcc necessarily focus on a single unit and assume the rest of the portfolio is stable?
13 minutes into my daughter's virtual 1st grade. We are still working on everyone muting and unmuting themselves effectively. Going to livetweet today's session to give folks a view into what this looks like...
As the teacher goes one by one calling on students to say their favorite animal (7 min for 16 kids), intense fidgeting and easy disengagement. Kiddo runs off camera, I remind her to stay on camera.
The teacher asks students to write a sentence. Kiddo is distracted when this occurs so doesn't know what's happening. She raises her hand to speak. But it's MS Teams which only shows 9 video tiles, so teacher can't see everyone and thus can't see kiddo's raised hand
A thread on the issues in the order and some observations 1/
First, FERC approves the basic premise of MISO's SATOA, noting it as an extenstion of the Western Grid precedent that established storage-as-Tx. No real suprise there, other than that it re-affirms the distinction from NTAs 2/
FERC approves MISO's requirement only TOs may own SATOA, since MISO functional control depends on a Tx Owners Agreement; this seems to eliminate the possibility of a TO contracting for a SATOA asset, and thus would require non-TOs to become merchant TOs to offer SATOA 3/