#Moderna says its vaccine shows durable 93% efficacy through 6 months.
Final analysis (median follow-up 5.3 mo):
-Against COVID19: 93.2%
-Against severe COVID19: 98.2%
-Against death: 100%
(Note: All data prior delta) 1/
Further break down of #Moderna efficacy by 2-month segments post 2nd dose; at month 4+, efficacy is 92.4%
#Pfizer vax (by months 4-6) efficacy is 84% - though against severe disease maintains 97%. 2/
Yet it expects antibody levels will start to wane, and with #delta there will be an increase in #breakthrough infections in fully vaccinated; it sees need for #boosters 3/
#Moderna says lab studies show a booster with half the dose of its #covid19 vaccine increases antibody levels against #delta by 42-fold. 4
#Moderna reports top-line findings from phase 2 study of #booster shot, noting neutralizing antibody titers had waned significantly by 6 months; Safety profile of dose 3 was similar to that of dose 2. 5/
The @WHO yesterday called for a moratorium on #boosters until September to enable countries that haven't had vaccine access to be able to administer first shots. 6/
A recent study now finds answer to the query: “Why one spouse or partner is infected & the other remains asymptomatic although both are exposed to SARS-CoV-2 virus!” It is due to elevated expression of the gene IFIT3 (interferon-inducible protein with tetrapeptide repeats 3) 1/
The women who were immune to the virus exhibited elevated expression of the gene IFIT3 (interferon-inducible protein with tetrapeptide repeats 3) compared with their male partners. 2/
Researchers join a study on serodiscordant couples.
Serodiscordant couples are so called because one spouse or partner is infected & the other remains asymptomatic although both are exposed to the virus and do not use any kind of special protection. 3/
Two-thirds of people with #LongCovid have persistent, objective symptoms—including reduced physical exercise capacity and reduced cognitive test performances—for a year or more, with no major changes in symptom clusters during the second year of their illness. 1/
The predominant symptom clusters among people with LC were fatigue/exhaustion, neurocognitive disturbances, chest symptoms/breathlessness & anxiety/depression/sleep problems. Nearly 68% of people who originally reported LC still struggled with symptoms in the second year. 2/
Exercise intolerance w/ post-exertional malaise was reported by 35.6% of people with persistent LC, & these people had worse outcomes & more severe symptoms. 3/
RNA molecule, miR-302b rejuvenates ageing mice by restoring old cells. Injecting old mice w/ miR-302b reverses some signs of ageing — helping them to live longer, regrow hair & maintain their physical & mental abilities. 1/
The treatment works by targeting one of the hallmarks of the ageing process: a stage called cellular senescence, in which cells lose their ability to replicate. 2/
As people age, more of their cells become senescent & release cytokines, which can trigger inflammation.
This reduces the body’s ability to withstand illness & to heal, and has been linked to conditions like cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes & cognitive decline 3/.
A new study of 475 #LongCovid patients revealed that ~85% of them had multiple COVID-19 infections over the course of a 4-year period. Additionally, vaccination independently reduced the risk of LongCovid who had received vaccination prior to contracting the infection. 1/
While it is possible that the causes of long COVID could be many and variable depending on the patient population studied, with this cohort the evidence is clear that by having COVID numerous times, patients became more at-risk for developing LongCOVID. 2/
There are some possible pathogenic mechanisms that cause long COVID, but the entire spectrum of its risk factors remains unknown. The authors point out that the safest way to avoid contracting long COVID is to prevent the infection in the first place. 3/
According to a recent study, Covid19 vaccination prior to SARS-CoV-2 infection does not significantly affect neurological symptoms in patients with postacute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection aka #LongCovid 1/
Although PASC aka #LongCovid has remained a multi-organ disease, it now predominantly affects nervous system. Indeed, the cognitive impairment of PASC was found to be of the same magnitude as alcohol intoxication at the UK/USA driving limit or 10 years of cognitive aging 2/
While vaccination decreases the severity of acute COVID-19 and the rate of hospitalization and death, the sobering conclusion of this study is that vaccination prior to infection did not alter the subsequent neurologic manifestations of longCOVID in clinic population. 3/