Sending out a couple points of clarification regarding endorsements!
1. @WholeWashington is non-partisan, they cannot endorse candidates. 2. Candidates can endorse Whole Wa & when they do, WW publicly thanks them! 3. Red Berets now have an official twitter @RedBeretsM4A
4. This account, @RedBeretsM4All, is the account of founder & executive director of Red Berets Medicare for All, Laura Fielding, who is also also a board member of @WholeWashington.
5. When I tweet from this account, it is with my own opinions.
6. This account reflects my own views and not the totality or standpoints of all volunteers or board members of @WholeWashington, nor every person who supports #RedBerets crafting coalition.
Shareef and Lisa guess what? Jason Call has confirmed he will join us in Tacoma to rally for national improved Medicare for All and amplification of @WholeWashington#I1362 on August 21st!
What @M4M4ALL & @ForceTheVoteM4A have in common is, they were/are organized by the grassroots! They both are made to push M4A onto the national public awareness platform. They both build movement energy and moral (something that the progressive caucus doesn’t seem to care about).
They both required time and organizing effort. They both have been smeared and undermined as a strategy.
Okay how do they differ?
@M4M4ALL is RIGHT NOW!! In 3 days, in 51 FUCKING CITIES across this country!!!!!
My mind is COMPLETELY blown away.
Although FTV energized us,
Thank you, @PunchUpPod, for inviting me on to talk about the #RedBerets for Medicare for All and @WholeWashington! We are proud to have been the first two orgs to partner with @M4M4ALL — In 40 cities July 24th!
I would like to thank @iam4M4A for reaching out until and persisting until we decided you know what…ballot initiatives or no ballot initiative, we always have to make time to fight on all fronts for national improved Medicare for All, & I’m VERY grateful to @M4M4ALL for LEADING!