It was NOT Minister Hajdu that forced Kenney to reopen after the first, second and third waves too early, causing another wave. Each successively worse in morbidity and mortality.
It was NOT Minister Hajdu who egregiously lied about the numbers of partially and fully vaccinated people in Alberta to justify hosting Stampede. We still haven’t reached 70% partial vaccinated and it’s several weeks after mask mandates were removed and Stampede was held.
It was NOT Minister Hajdu who ignored medical advice and held the Stampede, a Super Spreader event that catapulted Alberta into the fourth wave with the deadliest covid variant. The one that collapsed India’s healthcare system.
It was NOT Monister Hajdu who just days ago threw Dr. Hinshaw under the bus when laying blame for the decision to stop track & trace, remove mask requirements for schools and basically remove any means of staying informed about where covid outbreaks are.
It was NOT minister Hajdu who insinuated those who die or get long covid are irrelevant to society because they’re old or health compromised anyway. Reasoning it’s just a flu.
It was NOT Minister Hajdu who lied about the numbers of direct transmissions from Stampede and then lied again to cover it up. Hundreds of infections were due to Stampede. Which is why Calgary is witnessing exponential growth.
It was NOT Minister Hajdu who released Dr. Vipond’s record of political donations and insinuated his extreme concern about his own children and all Alberta children under 12 were at grave risk from delta variant was just shilling for AB NDP.
It was NOT Minister Hajdu who can’t and won’t take responsibility for catering to the extreme far right’s Dominionist Christian community who believe god will protect them from disease and punish the sinners.
If anyone in Canada exacerbated and spread covid, it’s Jason Kenney.
He and the CMOH have both stated publicly that the CMOH is an advisory role, not the decision maker. Yet Kenney and Shandro both hide behind her lab coat and blame her and her team for their decisions.
The majority of Albertans are enraged that the premier and his flunky Health Minister are once again passing the buck and pointing fingers elsewhere.
Is there anything this government actually takes responsibility for?
Disastrous decision after disaster our decision. Crony corruption coming out the ying yang. Billions in extra taxpayer debt because of those “superior” conservative economic policies. Accusations of endangerment of the public by possibility of calling an election.
This premier is a joke. But it’s not a funny joke.
The fact he can say all these lies with a straight face and an air of indignation makes him an extreme danger to Alberta’s economy, public health and existence as a province.
We must maintain protests and remove UCP.
They are a toxic threat to the people who live in this province and every other Canadian.
Every day at noon.
Red Deer.
Keep writing those letters. Keep the pressure on to remove this ochlocratic kleptocratic nightmarish dystopian carpet bagger and his motley crew of paleolibertarian demagogues.
We need to educate protesters. What to expect and how to protect themselves. (Not pepper spray).
Counter protesters are expected.
Counter protesters attempting to intimidate & terrorize protesters should be recorded on video.
This is not normal times and these protesters are not the average dissenters. They are using intimidation, terrorism and extremist rhetoric to prevent protesters narratives from being heard.
I can see people in this thread at varying degrees of comprehension.
You sense something is wrong, people are acting strange, but you’re leery of conspiracy theories.
@_Norwegian_Blue@mpdmaggs@BarbLarochelle@sshistorygal You don’t quite buy that there is a consortium of international organized criminal cabals working to undermine world order and eliminate democracy. It sounds like a B grade James Bond movie.
The Dominionist movement is global, not just national or limited to North America.
The IDU is the hub of the Dominionist movement. has tentacles across the globe. Over 80 nations have paleolibertarian political parties undermining democracy in home nations. Efforts are coordinated, highly organized & antidemocratic. This is the central planning organization behind authoritarian surge.
The law was created so conservatives could campaign endlessly. Which they do.
The circumstances facing our nation have changed dramatically since the last election. Covid has changed everything. Exposed enormous gaps and inequality.
@GlobeDebate@theJagmeetSingh A new mandate is required. An enormous financial commitment has been proposed. An opportunity to reset the system and replace the foundations on which it is based is before us.
All of this demands an election.
@GlobeDebate@theJagmeetSingh On top of that, 3rd and 4th place minority opposition parties hold the balance of power. Making partisan special interest demands in exchange for approval and confidence. Contrary to how our Westminster parliament is supposed to work.