Bad people have wanted to cut every single program the government provides except maybe the military, police and prisons.
That said, understanding how economics work and not lie or misrepresent how it works is vital in our efforts to fight back against those forces. #MMT 1/x
Pretending it is possible to raid a spreadsheet (social security trust fund) has been more destructive than the actual purveyors of bullshit ranging from Paul Ryan to Joe Biden and now, the Trump fears...
Economic ignorance is why truly awful people think it is their "hard earned tax dollar" paying for "illegal immigrants" and a lack of a Federal Job Guarantee is what is making these same bad people think the "illegals" are stealing their jobs.
And since most white Americans are just broken and barely surviving, they feel they are competing with these "damn Mexicans and Muslims".
All of which fuels the disgusting statement "my hard earned tax dollars are being wasted"
@RealProgressUS is a 501c3 focused on 7 knowledge areas:
Economic Justice
Environmental and Ecological Justice
Peace with Justice
Equality with Justice
Health and Wellbeing
Technology and Innovation
All under girded by an acute focus on Modern Monetary Theory #MMT
In the real world, we live in a monetary economy and in the real world, only the bad guys have given a fuck to learn how the actual system really works. They are not just vapidly saying "the system" which is a nebulous hand wave at an issue they refuse to learn or engage in.
We see clickbait, claptraps about low hanging 007 James Bond issues & the most important issues, the economy which funds absolutely EVERY SINGLE ISSUE PROGRESSIVES /Leftists say they want. Why do Twitter royalty skip these vitally important issues & say stupidly "the system"?
The Twitter perch has destroyed this movement worse than the establishment ever could do to us.
No matter who you were and are, financial terrorism looms large. In the aftermath of the 2008 Global Economic Collapse, tens of millions of people around the world were thrown into upheaval.
The immediate narrative shouted by mainstream media was people got greedy, or in over their heads, using their homes as ATM machines as if millions outwitted the system of global finance to destroy the world.
If that were the case, why did trillions of dollars get funneled back into the system that created it, all while tens of millions of people had their lives completely destroyed?