Top 20 JavaScript array methods every JS beginner should know!!
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Quick array method recap:
Array methods are built-in functions in JavaScript that you apply to arrays. Each method has a particular function that changes or manipulates the array.
It saves us time because we can use methods instead of hard coding everything!!😆
1️⃣ pop()
pop() removes the LAST element of an array and returns that removed element. This method changes the original array and its length.
7 FREE resources/courses to learn web development!!
A thread 🧵
1️⃣ The Odin Project
I love the Odin Project!!💛
It's how I started my web dev journey. It's THE BEST full stack curriulum I've seen so far. I really like TOP because it doesn't hold your hand; it forces you to solve problems by yourself!!
This course is for the intermediate, definitely for people who are familiar with the basics!! You don't gotta be an expert, you just gotta be familiar with vanilla JavaScript and the DOM.