@QUT Exploring complex legal decision-making in #palliativecare. Are clinicians legally covered if they decide not to offer ongoing treatment deemed futile or worse, potentially harmful to the patient? #21OPCC
@QUT Big issue is of futile treatment. Second issue is of decision-making capacity. #21OPCC
@QUT "Futile/non-beneficial" treatment. If a person has decision-making capacity, the law is simple - clinicians are NOT obliged to provide futile care. BUT shared decision-making is important. #21OPCC
@QUT "Futility" is a contested concept and is subjective with different definitions. Futility assessments can also be challenged. #21OPCC
@QUT Can futility be challenged even if you're the "expert"? Generally speaking, if the matter reaches court, the courts will back the clinicians making the assessment. Rare for clinicians to disagree on issues surrounding futile treatment. #21OPCC
@QUT What if the patient does not have decision-making capacity? Law is not easy on this! Who can be a substitute decision-maker? Law in each State/Territory is different: end-of-life.qut.edu.au/treatment-deci…#21OPCC
Opioid causation fallacy - is it possible for morphine to hasten death? Research suggests that the provision of appropriately titrated opioids will NOT cause death, & can potentially extend life. But sometimes it may not be appropriately titrated - double effect #21OPCC
Appropriate provision of pain and symptom relief is NOT voluntary assisted dying. #21OPCC
@kate_reed76 shares her experiences via video on breakthrough pain - spikes in pain due to disease. If appropriate pain relief is not provided, we are causing the patient and their family harm. Pain relief allows a person to be comfortable at the end of life #21OPCC
@kate_reed76 It wasn't you who caused death, the disease caused death. In providing pain relief, we allow our patients to die without pain. #21OPCC@kate_reed76
@kate_reed76 Common law doctrine of double effect. There is no ethical or legal controversy over this doctrine. Recognised as appropriate, ethical practice. #21OPCC
A really clear and insightful workshop from Professor Lindy Willmott. @HealthLawQUT
Robert Yates of @ChathamHouse and @LSHTM comes to us from a sunny London! We are so lucky to have him chat to us about how palliative care can get a "decent crack of the whip" on universal health reforms. #21OPCC
@ChathamHouse@LSHTM "This is an opportunity for radical change. We should be prepared and get organised." But what is Universal Health Coverage? Important to nail down the definition. #21OPCC Simple definition here 👇
@ChathamHouse@LSHTM But the longer definition makes it clear that palliative care is part of the continuum. Wherever you see UHC, we must insist on palliative care not being crowded out by curative services. #21OPCC
Changing gears from death law to death literacy. Tweeting now from @KezNoo workshop on using the death literacy index. #21OPCC
@KezNoo From care & social networks in 2008, to Death Literacy Index today, translated into multiple languages. A fantastic journey @KezNoo & team have been on linking networks with death literacy with public health with social determinants. #21OPCC@PHPalCare
@KezNoo@PHPalCare@DeathLiteracy definition. Talks about the "death system" which is important to think about in #compassionatecommunities. The death system is where all the partners converge - funeral directors, florists, churches, schools - all those existing outside the health system #21OPCC
Here's @calvert_shannon, speaking on her lived experience of palliative care, caring for her mother, whilst also living with her own health issues. Also sporting a lovely new haircut :) #21OPCC
From 19 July, most COVID restrictions will be lifted in the UK, with the Govt's formal announcement noting that "Hospitalisations and deaths will continue to rise over the coming weeks and months" (this statement dated 12 July): gov.uk/government/new…#UKfocus
3rd #HealthReimagined panel session is now live: looking at: Streets for people - Lessons from a return to local living. Am livetweeting for CroakeyNews Conference Service, working on the lands of the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin nations vichealth.vic.gov.au/media-and-reso…
A welcome first from @VicHealth's Mel Fineberg, from Maribyrnong, on the Traditional Lands of the Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung and Bunurong peoples of the Kulin Nation #HealthReImagined