DarkMatter is just one step of the Find, Fix and Finish kill chain. Currently there are two kill teams operational in Europe and soon. Roth America…both focused on Saudi dissidents because the fat man pays the bills the UAE buys the tech. nytimes.com/2021/09/14/us/…
Tahnoon’s DarkMatter aka G42 is using Covid to Gene sequence to find people and then kill them using cutouts and mercenaries. Tahnoon is partners with Prince in L6. trtworld.com/magazine/is-em…
Now if you could just add the Find Fix and Finish team hired by the Saudi and Emirati families and currently active you would have a whiz bang story. citizenlab.ca/2021/09/forced…
The media tends to hyperfocus on one element of the The F3EAD cycle (Find, Fix Finish, Exploit, Analyze and Disseminate) but there is a reason why dictators need to know dissidents locations. There are few if any consequences to those who aid and abet…like NSO
The talibs downfall began when they demanded the UN and NGOs share their millions. The UN sent in junket journos forever casting the talibs as the bad guys. The talibs still want free foreign money to “fix” their country but have no plans to modify their bumpkin behavior.
we focus on western values but the talibs don’t even have the basic skills to run or manage the much larger, more populous nation. An armed uneducated generation raised on war and piracy will not do well. And we simply won’t tolerate their tribal shenanigans passed off as justice
There are also journos in Afghanistan documenting each failure. This won’t end well. China and Russia may pour in to strip mine but the talibs do not do well with modern extractive contracts since they are used to usurious strong arm terms and no investment.
Major renovations at the UAE drone base. SkyAvia moving aircraft to Rawalpindi. Afghan pilots now heading to Abu Dhabi. Somethings up. reuters.com/world/asia-pac…
Things are in flux but somehow those aircraft magically disappeared from Termiz and some ended up Dushanbe while the little birds were likely flown in the IL 76s to Pakistan. Same company Prince used to smuggle helos to Libya. hindustantimes.com/world-news/isi…
Omar al-Bayoumi worked for Saudi intelligence. Doesn't that doesn't directly implicate the nation in 9/11 planning, execution, results and consequences? npr.org/2021/09/12/103…
I can keep going. "Hani Hanjour was the hijacker Collins claimed to have told the FBI about while Hanjour was in flight training in Phoenix." You might remember Collins from my show and book "Hunter, Hammer Heaven". The early cel was pinged hard. abcnews.go.com/WNT/story?id=1…
The constant predictable physical decay of Steve Bannon is some type of biological countdown to the Apocalypse.
"Steve Bannon looks like someone shaved their beard over a bowl of mashed potatoes" - Reddit. vanityfair.com/hollywood/2017…
Bannon used to have cogent thoughts. Now he is a raving incel liquor store reject, slash late night AM talk show host in a studio where someone left the admin password for the security cam unchanged. His guest list seems like it is forwarded by the FBI. podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6L…
The Faux Outrage vehicle is distributed by an interesting fellow with no real estimate of how many viewers/listeners actual exist. How is it monetized? thedailybeast.com/steve-bannons-…