Ds made no effort to assess the legitimacy of the GOP’s poll-defying & otherwise dubious wins in 2020.
By contrast, Trump claimed w/o proof that the election was rigged against HIM, even tho he outperformed the polls & his own party had blocked efforts to secure the election.1/
13/Again, the GOP won all 27 House races that were rated as tossups, and flipped three supposedly safe blue House seats. The Democrats flipped no red House seats. This was the blue wave that wasn’t.
14/ The screenshot in post 1 is from an article I’m working on.
16/ “I was struck…that the Republicans will accept no— repeat, no —cybersecurity standards. And I pointed out that right now…you can have a voting machine with an open connection to the internet…And the Rs objected and then sat down..” - @RonWyden, 2020 link.medium.com/qhfOF0L9Ejb
17/. If we have a repeat in 2022, it’s over.
18/ So how do we stop the Democrats from conceding our democracy—without even conducting meaningful audits—in the next election? Seriously, how? The new voting rights bill has many good things, but it does not require audits in 2022. Rather, it phases them in starting in 2024.
Right Wing Propagandists Charlie Kirk and Jack Posobiec Launch New Media Platforms Targeting Younger Americans.
Kirk founded TPUSA, which harasses public schools. He opposes mask mandates & belongs to the CNP (which wants to eliminate the DOE). 1/ newsweek.com/conservatives-…
Yes, Republicans deliberately suppress the vote. Morton Blackwell’s Leadership Institute has literally taught them how to do it at its training sessions. Alumni include Karl Rove & Mitch McConnell. Blackwell is in the CNP. #VoterSuppression 1/ salon.com/2005/05/25/bla…
“‘Can anyone tell me,’ asks Gourley, a veteran mock electioneer, ‘why u don't want the polling place in the cafeteria?’
Stephen, a shy antiabortion activist…raises his hand: ‘Because you want to suppress the vote?’
‘Stephen has the right answer!’ Gourley exclaims…’” 2/
“This longing for something to believe in exists on the left too, of course, but it manifests itself in violence to a much lesser extent.” By @DanielMillerEsq 1/ cnn.com/2021/09/17/opi…
“A Washington Post analysis of data from the Center for Strategic and International Studies found since 2015, attacks from right-wing extremists have resulted in 91 deaths, as opposed to 19 from those on the far-left. Obviously, both are unacceptable.” 2/
“A Rand study examining former extremists in the US, including those characterized as white supremacists, found out of 32 cases of radicalization, 22 noted financial instability, 17 noted mental health challenges, & 16 noted victimization, stigmatization, or marginalization.” 3/
👀In August 2020, Trump’s Federal Reserve approved a $50M coronavirus relief loan to a PA casino owned by the children & grandchildren of Louis DeNaples who was chairman of the bank that made the loan. h/t @jacobadelman 1/ inquirer.com/business/main-…
2/ The loan recipient: “the Mount Airy Casino Resort, owned by trusts for DeNaples’ children and grandchildren. DeNaples had to relinquish his own ownership to resolve charges that he’d concealed his ties to organized crime.”
3/ As noted by @j2dumfounded, the coronavirus relief loan to the DeNaples PA casino (the Mount Airy casino) was much larger than other such loans at that time.
Remember? Do not underestimate Steve Bannon. It’s not that he’s so extraordinary generally. It’s that he’s extraordinarily evil AND deeply connected both politically and financially. 1/
This was RT’d by Alexandra Preate, Bannon’s press Secretary in PA. Her dad, Ernie Preate, is a convicted felon & frequent guest on Bannon’s podcast. He’s an attorney & is defending Frank Scavo who organized buses to the insurrection & posted incriminating messages to his FB. 2/
3/ Was was Farage in PA (the Preates’ stomping ground) on Election Day?
.@GaSecofState is casting stones at @staceyabrams from a glass house. Georgia’s e-pollbooks were supplied by KNOWiNK, whose founder & CEO, Scott Leiendecker, is a former GOP election official whose wife donated $2,500 to his campaign in 2018. 1/