An example to illustrate the extent of real-estate overweighting for a typical Chinese city resident, and why Chinese government is trying to pull off a soft-landing for their property market:
some random 30yo in Shanghai whined about her "poor" life on Sept 5,2021.
The rough translation: her family owns 5 condos in Shanghai: 4 paid off, 1 with a mortgage. her parents live in 2, and 3 are rented out to pay for the mortgage. Her husband's family owns 3 condos in Shanghai, all paid off.
8 properties are worth ¥100MM in total
they live in 1 of her husband's properties. husband's parents live in another one and the third one is a rental property.
wife and husband are both the only child in their family. that's why she considers her parents' properties hers.
Here is the ironic part. This 30 yo lady was whining about her barebone (her words) budget of ¥20k per month, which is difficult for them with ¥6k gifted from the wife's family and ¥4k from the rental property of the husband each month. The wife and husbands are both unemployed.
They have ¥2MM in liquid saving, 50% invested in the stock market and 50% invested in "wealth-management" products.
The whole post is her whining about being poor with "only" ¥102MM assets.
The irony aside, for a 30-40 yo Shanghai resident who was born there and lives there all his/her life, owning 3 condos is now pretty average & common.
If they are buying new properties (e.g. the assets on Evergrande's book), it would be their 4th-8th properties.
With that in mind, it is then not surprising that 92% of the homebuyers involved with Evergrande currently are speculators (i.e. they are not buying their first/primary residence).
~50% of Chinese M2 creation in 2020-21 were sucked into mortgages used to fund such speculation
And that's why China appears to be hellbent in cutting liquidity from property developers.
In the past 10 years, the investment modus operandi for Chinese middle-class families has always been maximizing leverage in real estate until their cashflow turns negative.
This has become a cultural thing, and you start to see Chinese students reflexively spend a lot of their spare time trying to get US mortgages in order to leverage up in their US real estate speculation upon arrival.
1/ Evergrande "crisis": a controlled demolition of a toxic asset producer.
would there be contagion or not? probably not
2/ What is evergrande? It's a highly leveraged property developer, that also moonlights as a commercial bank (Shengjing Bank), a private equity firm running a bunch of fake buzzword companies, and a quasi-investment bank issuing wealth-management products.
3/ All the protests and headline problems that we heard last week is the default of its quasi-investment bank arm, whose liability is only *2%* of the overall liability of the conglomerate.
Do we need a booster shot of COVID vaccine every year for the rest of our life?
Probably not. (it is physically impossible to have 4-year data for a virus emerged 1.5 year ago, but I can make an educated guess).
A few considerations:
Vaccines on a 0-1-6 month schedule in theory generate much longer-lasting immunity than the same one on 0-1 month schedule.
Extrapolating from common-cold beta-coronaviruses, it takes 2 years for them to genetically drift into immune escape.
So it really boils down to whether people care about getting mildly sick from COVID in the future.
If they don't care and they don't interact with large number of people everyday, *maybe* an updated shot once every 4-6 years. (i know people who never get TDAP booster ever)
There is a black swan event no one is discussing yet.
Extrapolating from the Israeli data, Joe Biden's covid antibody level is likely to dip below protection threshold pretty soon.
He got his first shot on Dec 21st. He is 78 years old (diminishing B cell and T cell activity)
If they don't monitor his antibody titer level (cdc said no), and if they are not being proactive in administrating him with a booster shot soon, his risk of getting sick with covid will be growing exponentially in a month or two.
A worse scenario would be both the Potus and vpotus getting sick with delta variant in the fall around the debt ceiling/ government shutdown deadline on Sept 30th...
I hope we have not run out of REGN cocktail by then.
1/ Paycheck Protection Grants - stuff you wish you don't know.
Right now, treasury is giving out $3-4Bn a day(!) in SBA PPP grants, free money for "small" business.
"" used, because Mnuchin allowed some mega churches to be paid via SBA. payment amount has grown since....
2/ so not sure who qualifies as small business any more.
so much free money is given out right now that Fiscal year to date SBA spending is the 2nd *largest expenditure* category (only behind social security).
3/ since "small" business is getting 33% more free payroll money from SBA than unemployment benefits being sent out, it is should be easy for small business to pay people a little more than unemployment?