Secondary analysis:
Years after the Government of India launched investigations into Bill and Melinda Gates' vaccination programs, it is discovered that reduction of the 💉 (including in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar) directly correlated to reduction of the virus and paralysis (VAE).👇🏼
Pulse Immunization refers to periodically vaccinating all children under the age of five.
" 2005 there was a sharp increase in the *national* NPAFP rate, which coincided with a high-potency monovalent vaccine."
Patents, SAIC (boss), ARMY, DARPA;
FAUCI, NANOBOTS, BIOWARFARE, FLU SHOT (bizarre convos involving Fauci, O'Neill, Chandler, Tether & Marshall: "about use of nanobots and biowarfare, then he offers us a flu shot!" 👇🏼