No presentation for this one, but council is discussing if they will formally oppose or support any ballot measures.
Yates brought this one up. He has remained opposed to Bedrooms Are For People, so we'll see what happens.
Or maybe not: I'm not particularly advocating for council to take a position on the petition measures, Yates says. But he thinks council should formally support the measures IT put on the ballot.
Wallach Sigh-O-Meter: 1
Agrees that council should support its own measures.
"We did it," he says. "We ought to be standing behind it."
Brockett asks for a straw poll on positions for 300 and 302 (Occupancy limits and the CU South annexation terms)
Council seems to be OK with that.
Weaver: We generally only support things that have a preponderance; that is, "really strong support on council."
Unlikely to reach consensus on Bedrooms Are For People, but they might on the CU South one, Friend says, since 8 of 9 members have supported the No on 302 one.
Nagle: If we vote on 302, and obviously I'll be voting no, the news goes out that council supports this except for one member? I'm not really comfortable saying council supports this when I v strongly do not.
Weaver: I'm most interested in supporting the 5 we put out ourselves. I'm happy to go with the will of council on the rest; if we have a super-majority, that's fairly typical we'd say council agrees on something. But I don't feel strongly about it.
Yates and Joseph might recuse themselves from that; city attorney Sandra Llanes looking into it before next week, which is I guess when they are actually voting.
Well-researched pros and cons lists for these topics.
I have been working on election stories since MARCH ya'll. Even longer on the Bedrooms stuff.
Wallach: I think citizen initiatives "should sink or swim on their own."
That is, without a council recommendation.
Wallach: I'm not supportive of 302, "but that's not the point."
Young concurs.
Friend: "I would say 302 is qualitatively different, bc it's an action council took, and it would tie our hands on a health and safety issue."
Only Friend and Brockett want council to take positions on one or more of the citizen ballot measures, so that won't happen.
B-Cycle and Lime providing shared 100 e-bikes and 200 scooters, respectively
Plus 100 standard B-Cycle bikes - will be replaced with e-bikes “over the next several months”
Began on Aug. 18
One-year license to operate, with option to extend an additional 4 years
As of Sept. 14
Number of trips since August 18: 48,000 (city-wide)
Average trips per bicycle per day: 7 (< 300 functional bikes currently operating)
Number of reported crashes: 0 (to police and/or staff)
Another Tuesday, another city council meeting, another epic tweet thread for ya, #Boulder.
Tonight's a study session. Lots of updates.
- municipal court
- e-scooters
And a couple discussions:
- Will this CC ever go back to in-person meetings? Or leave that to new members?
- Will council officially support or oppose any citizen ballot measures this election?
So as far as study sessions go, pretty interesting.