Wind and solar photovoltaics (PV) will be the main sources of electricity by 2050, accounting for almost 70% of global electricity generation, according to the @IEA Net Zero 2050 scenario.
Wind and PV are variable: they only produce when the resource is available.
Solar always produces more in summer than in winter and only by day peaking at noon.
Wind is more location-specific, e.g. it produces more in winter in Germany and in summer in California.
Given VRE variability and virtually zero variable cost, wholesale electricity prices decline as VRE penetration increases:
a) reducing residual demand,
or equivalently,
b) shifting supply to the right
This is the merit-order effect.
The merit-order effect can also be represented with price duration curves, which show the prices for all hours of the year in descending order. As VRE penetration increases, the price duration curve shifts downwards.
Because prices decline when VRE are generating, their market values decline (absolute cannibalization effect). It can also be seen with the VRE generation-weighted price duration curve, i.e. the value of VRE generation for all hours of the year in descending order.
If VRE market values decline more than average wholesale electricity prices, then we also have a relative cannibalization effect.
Variability causes integration costs to the electricity system, as @FalkoUeckerdt et al. show here:
↑ VRE penetration → residual load curve shifts down, especially on the right-hand side.
Correspondingly, wholesale electricity prices decline due to the merit-order effect.
↑ VRE penetration → both the optimal amount of storage use (orange) and renewable curtailment (blue) increase more than proportionally on the right-hand side of the residual load-duration curve
The drivers for storage use change as VRE ↑:
- First, storage is driven by taking up surplus energy (right-hand side)
- At high VRE penetration, peak residual load supply drives storage use (left-hand side), and the relevance of long-duration storage increases.
↑ VRE penetration →
→ ↑VRE LCOE due to higher curtailment
→ ↓VRE market values due to merit-order and cannibalization effects
- The difference between both is the necessary VRE subsidy.
- Complements, because increasing penetration of one increases the value of the other,
- Substitutes, because VRE overcapacity and curtailment can reduce storage needs.
Our joint work benefited from support by @FWF_at via the Schrödinger Fellowship “Cannibalization”, and by @BMBF_Bund & @BMWi_Bund via the research projects FFF & #MODEZEEN