The brilliant @NoorBinLadin has become concerned about CBDC's (Central Bank Digital Currencies). Ive done various threads on them before. But pay attention, they're wildly dangerous. We've got until roughly 2030 to stop this. If not, here's what you'll get 👇
The Federal Reserve no longer backs or pegs our currency to gold & now wants to eliminate cash (paper fiat currency) & replace cash with digital wallets filled with Fedcoin for every citizen.
A solely-digital currency may be the worst idea ever:
-Central Banking is already debt-based & bankrupt, a central banking digital currency only gives the usurious, obsolete Fed more power, not less.
-Business comes to a standstill in any power outages, natural or purposeful.
-CBDC is even less valuable than fiat paper
-A strong currency has many interconvertible forms (paper, metal, digital, check, money order…)
-Every transaction can be monitored and/or taxed
-Govt can easily add to or delete from any acct
-The government will have absolute power over all commerce, thus all persons.
-Globalists will eventually create a global Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) under the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), essentially gaining power & surveillance over the entire planet through currency issuance and financial transactions. We likely wont live that long.
-Bitcoin will be regarded as an unsafe asset by Central banks and lenders, and those found using such will not be given CBDC loans, family wont be eligible for UBI payments, CBDC in any acct may be stripped, housing refused, etc. Only CBDC transactions will be allowed under law.
-The CBDC can and will, for a time, be region specific in an effort to keep populations within a defined region. You wont be allowed to trade your regionally issued CBDC (USR-1) for another regions CBDC (USR-2) so you wont be able to travel there because you'd be broke.
-The Fed will try to achieve all of this by establishing digital wallets for each US citizen, persuading citizens to use the digital wallet by filling it with Fedcoin funny money.
-As a response to Covid-19, govts continue lockdowns which destroy small & midsized businesses.
-The destitute masses will be forced (or happy) to use this new digital currency proposed by the Fed and early adopters rewarded.
-The new Stimulus funds can now be reallocated, disbursed & presented to the unaware public as ‘Community QE.’
-Once again, a great crisis is brought about and a ‘solution’ is presented which further restricts personal freedoms & privacies by relinquishing ALL control of commerce to one nameless, faceless, digital authority.
-You'll own nothing and you'll be happy!
• • •
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This Facebook whistleblower nonsense is likely an intel op or set-up.
Facebook's "Whistleblower" Frances Haugen's lawyer is Andrew P. Bakaj.
Andrew P. Bakaj is a Washington, DC attorney and former intelligence officer with the Central Intelligence Agency.
He was the principal attorney representing the whistleblower who filed the initial complaint that led to the launch of multiple investigations by the US Congress into the Trump–Ukraine scandal,...…
...the impeachment inquiry into President Trump, and, ultimately, the first Impeachment of Trump.
Globalists. Money Printing. Two-Party System. Outright Corruption. What is causing the biggest problems within our country right now?
Scale. Scale is causing some of the biggest conflicts in our country right now. The regime is too large. It has gotten out of scale for anything that could even REMOTELY be called self-government.
Human Scale is concept we fail to address, and required if we are to have self-government. The Greek Parthenon was built to Human Scale. It is based upon the size of the average Greek male of the time. This is part of what makes it so appealing to humans. The scale is correct.
Off-Guardian made a crib sheet for you when discussing Covid. Providing a condensed version. Full article below.…
Part I: “Covid deaths” & mortality 1. The survival rate of “Covid” is over 99%. Government medical experts went out of their way to underline, from the beginning of the pandemic, that the vast majority of the population are not in any danger from Covid...
2. There has been NO unusual excess mortality. The press called 2020 the UK’s “deadliest year since WW2”, but its misleading because it ignores the massive increase in the population since that time. A more reasonable statistical measure is Age-Standardized Mortality Rate (ASMR)
Short thread.
There is a relationship between the opioid crisis and available organs for transplantation. As overdoses increase, organ supply increases in a significant way.
The opioid crisis appears to have contributed to a decrease in the number of persons on the waiting list for all organs. Rule outs and Disqualification criteria for organs have been changed during this timeframe as well.
Since fewer organs are now disqualified because of quality that is deemed to be unsuitable for transplantation, more transplantations are occurring.