Here’s an interesting ventilator waveform; can anyone explain what’s going on during this inspiratory hold maneuver?
Another clue:
Y’all nailed it! This is a large bronchopleural fistula (BPF) causing air leak.
See how airway pressure drops with inspiration hold?
The ventilator measures exhaled (or “returned”) volumes and is alarming “Low MV” b/c most of the air is going out the chest tubes not the ETT 1/
But why couldn’t this be from a cuff leak around the ETT?
Well it could be, except that ETT cuff leaks tend to be faster (“a quick puff of air escaping from the trachea”) instead a steady continuous leak out of the small airways/alveoli like we see here.
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To the ivermectin die hards asking "What about Uttar Pradesh?!?" Perhaps you can answer the question "Why *ONLY* Uttar Pradesh?"
You realize that IVM was tried and failed in Peru, Brazil, & elsewhere. Why have the benefits of IVM *never* been seen in RCTs or other countries?
Alternatively, perhaps the "Uttar Pradesh Miracle" has to do with proven interventions: lockdown, curfew, mask mandate, testing/quarantine, & vaccines.
There's also major under-reporting in UP. (Unless you think IVM has decreased deaths from car accidents & cancer too). 2/
To those saying UP "was only 5% vaccinated" when cases started to drop, realize that vaccinating frontline people can/does reduce transmission & vaccinating high risk people reduces mortality.
If you are looking for why cases REMAIN low, UP is >50% partially vaxxed right now
Today I woke up early and decided to do an experiment. What followed was interesting & more than a little messy (🤷 that’s science!)
A short 🧵 on ☕️ science 1/
First some background:
Supposedly black coffee ☕️ cools faster for two reasons: 1. Black coffee radiates more heat because black objects have greater emissivity (due to Stefan Boltzmann) 2. Milk 🥛 increases viscosity & decrease evaporative cooling
Should be easy to test?
I made coffee & (tried to) warm the 🥛 to the same temperature as the ☕️.
I aliquoted the coffee and combined w/ or w/o 50 ml milk, bringing to the same volume (250ml).
Then I tried to pour both simultaneously into identical cups but managed to make a big mess. 🙊 3/
Fun fact: if you make two cups of coffee, one with milk and one black, which will cool faster?
Counterintuitively, the black coffee cools off FASTER.
(Yes adding cold milk 🥛 to hot coffee ☕️ does cool it off somewhat but the question is about the RATE of cooling. Also the ☕️ will reach room temperature first.)
But WHY is this?
Buckle up for some cool morning physics!
There are two reasons: 1. Dark objects radiate heat faster (this has to do with the Stefan Boltzmann law & black body radiation) 2. Viscosity slows down evaporation (milk/cream thickens the coffee; evaporation is an important mechanism of cooling)
When asked if people should get the flu shot this fall, Paul Marik says “truth be told in the last few years, the risk of being hospitalized after the vaccine was the same as placebo. In recent years the flu vaccine has been completely ineffective...” 1/2
Marik goes on “and indeed I’m not an anti-vaxxer. The risk of Guillian-Barre Syndrome exceeded the risk of being hospitalized … for influenza. So you know what? People need to decide for themselves.”
Yikes! Next these lunatics will be railing against tetanus vaccines.
For those wondering what Cochrane *actually* says on this subject:
In a population of healthy adults, influenza vaccination reduce influenza & influenza like illness. They may reduce hospitalizations.
For those over 65 yo or with comorbidities the benefits are likely larger.
Time for part 4️⃣ of my comparative physiology series:
Case 1
You are called about an elevated blood alcohol level in an inpatient.
"That’s impossible," the tech says, "he’s been admitted to the ICU for a month!"
It’s totally normal, you say, because the sample came from a __
Answer: 🐠
Under anoxic conditions vertebrates produce lactate. This accumulates causing acidosis.
Goldfish & carp are unique b/c they can convert lactate to ethanol, which diffuses out of their gills into the water. They can survive w/o O2 for months!… 2/
Other answers
Bats & primates are good ethanol metabolizers by necessity due to a diet that includes fermented fruit.
The Pen Tailed Shrew is an especially fast ethanol metabolizer: adjusted for size, it consumes the equivalent of 9 beers/day! 3/