Asking @namalrajapaksa whether he chartered aircraft from @flysrilankan is pertinent, relevant and NECESSARY, considering past history. @TimesOnlineLK investigated the abuse of the national airline during the presidency of his father and found that...(1)
...@PresRajapaksa spent more than Rs. 785 million within three years to charter @flysrilankan aircraft for his visits abroad. Documents showed that the airbuses would often remain idle in various airports until Mr Rajapaksa finished his tours. (2)
@flysrilankan billed his office a total of Rs 785,079,185 for 90 aircraft movements in 2012, 2013 and 2014. This figure doesn't reflect other multiple costs such as crew accommodation. Those expenses were often met by Sri Lanka’s diplomatic missions abroad. (3)
We got the information through #RTI. We found that he usually flew on one of two Airbus A340s owned by @flysrilankan, registration numbers 4R-ADG(a 243-seater) and 4R-ADE (a 299-seater). These long-haul aircraft were the company's largest. (4)
The respective airbus would be unavailable to other paying passengers whenever Mr. Rajapaksa hired it. This could mean several days. The costliest excursion recorded within the three years—in terms of aircraft usage alone—were Mr Rajapaksa’s trips in June 2012 (5) Lisbon in Portugal, Havana in Cuba, Rio de Janeiro in Brazil and Johannesburg in South Africa. The expenses are estimated at Rs. 98,270,460 or nearly Rs. 100 million. The plane left for Lisbon on June 15. It later dropped Mr Rajapaksa in Havana and returned to Colombo. (6)
It then departed from Colombo to Rio de Janeiro, where the former President was attending the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development – and to where he most likely took a commercial flight; ferried him to Johannesburg and came back to Colombo by June 24. (7)
That same month, Mr Rajapaksa also chartered flights to Bangkok and London. Five months later, SriLankan Airlines hired out the 4R-ADG for another elaborate journey. It flew Mr Rajapaksa to Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan, on November 19. (8)
After two days on the ground, the plane took him to Dubai. From there, the former President boarded a commercial flight for a private visit to Baltimore in the United States. The aircraft returned from Dubai to Colombo on November 22. It went back to Dubai on November 27...(9) pick up Mr Rajapaksa, who was en route from Baltimore, and deposited him in Colombo on the same day. Here is the full story, based on documentary evidence:…#SriLanka
Don't let this happen again. Not by any party, any politician, any ruler. (END)
One of the stories we at @TimesOnlineLK did today is of interest to every user of a mobile phone service. My tweets can be long threads but bear with me. I do it because you people don't read articles 🙄 (I'm on to you) #SriLanka
You know all this value added services you seem to have subscribed to? Some willingly, some unknowingly and most by-now-forgotten but still being added to your bill without actually showing up on it? The @TRCSL has now clamped down after being swamped with customer complaints.
Now, mobile companies MUST introduce a PRACTICAL mechanism for unsubscribing from value-added services (VAS). No service can be promoted as being free if it involves any charges whatsoever to the consumer, even at a later date.
This long thread is about Imaad Zuberi who in June this year went to jail in the US for defrauding #SriLanka out of nearly US$6mn. The money was disbursed through @CBSL in 2014. Those that paid were never held accountable. And it’s not just US$6mn we’re talking about.
@TimesOnlineLK first reported in a July 2014 political column that Zuberi was introduced to UPFA leaders by Saleem H Mandviwalla, a one-time Chairman of Pakistan's Board of Investment, friend of President Rajapaksa and Namal Rajapaksa MP.…
On July 20, @TimesOnlineLK political column revealed that Vass Gunawardena was doing back-channel diplomacy to cushion possible adverse fallout from an international investigation into alleged war crimes. Again, Zuberi was key.…
@WHOSriLanka had been convening an independent expert panel--which included members attached to the WHO--to assess #COVID19 in Sri Lanka. They produced reports which were easy to understand, scientific and provided a snapshot into the prevailing situation around the time. (1)
At least two reports were published online. I am among the professional journalists (also my colleague at @TimesOnlineLK) who took extracts from the report while identifying CORRECTLY that it was an independent panel convened by @WHOSriLanka (2)
The reports did specify that lockdowns would save lives. This was the opinion of the experts in the panel. The media duly reported it, ALONG with other facts contained therein. (3)